The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2050 Zhen Langde is extremely excited

nursing home.

In the room, Zhen Langde sat on the bed, his old face was full of melancholy.

Just now, he was dreaming again.In the dream, he saw his daughter being burned in the fire, and she kept stretching out her little hand and calling for help, and when he was about to rush into the fire, he woke up.

The fire that year left a lot of regrets in his heart.He thought that if he hadn't been to Huaguo, maybe that accident would not have happened. In this way, his precious daughter would not be lost, so that her life and death are still unknown.

Thinking of these, he was heartbroken.

The weather outside the window was good. In the past, every morning, Zhen Langde would get out of bed habitually and walk a little, and come to the window to enjoy the scenery. However, today, it was probably because of his dream that he was in no mood, even breakfast No interest.

Just when the old man fell into negative energy, Zhen Xiuxi happened to come.

Zhen Xiuxi wheeled his wheelchair and came to him, and said with a smile, "Dad, good morning, how did you sleep last night?"

Zhen Langde sighed lightly: "Xiu Xi, I dreamed about your sister again."

Hearing this, Zhen Xiuxi was stunned for a moment, and then comforted: "It's all over, Dad, don't worry about it, there are some things, maybe you can let go of them, and your life will be easier."

Zhen Langde: "But, you haven't been able to find your sister until now. I don't even know if she's dead or alive. Xiuxi, I'm getting old, so I don't know if I can survive until I see Meixi."

Hearing this, Zhen Xiuxi hesitated for a moment before saying, "Dad, actually I came to see you early in the morning, and I wanted to tell you something about Meixi."

"What? Meixi?" Zhen Langde was very excited: "Is there any news about her? Xiuxi, tell me quickly."

"Dad, don't get excited, or your blood pressure will get high later, so you relax first, so I can tell you." Zhen Xiuxi was afraid that after telling the truth to the old man, the old man would not be able to accept it, but no matter what, the truth will come to the old man Everyone will know.

"I just want to know the news about Meixi." Zhen Langde obviously couldn't calm down at all.

Zhen Xiuxi considered that he would bring Lou Jianian to see the old man in the afternoon, after much deliberation, he decided that it would be better to tell the old man first.So, I heard him say: "Dad, Shi Na went to Huaguo before, where she found Mei Xi's daughter."

"What did you say? Meixi has a daughter?" Zhen Langde sat up straight for a moment, his eyes were also tinged with light.

"That's right, Meixi is married and has a child, and now Meixi's daughter has grown up, she is very beautiful, she is a very polite and kind girl."

Zhen Langde: "So, you have already seen that child?"

Zhen Xiuxi: "Shi Na brought her back. I have seen her. The child is 23 years old, married and pregnant now. Dad, you are going to be a grandfather."

"The child is married and pregnant?" Zhen Langde was obviously very surprised by the news, but of course, he was more excited.

"I've seen it, it's true." Zhen Xiuxi was also very happy when he mentioned this.

"Quick, take me to see that child now!" Zhen Langde wanted to get out of bed after finishing speaking.

Zhen Xiuxi stopped him and said, "Dad, that child is resting. See you in the afternoon. The child just arrived last night. It is said that he still has insomnia."

Hearing this, Zhen Langde reluctantly agreed.But, thinking of something, he asked, "What about Meixi?"

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