The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2054 There are obvious regrets in the words of the chapter

After eating, Zhen Langde went back to the bedroom to rest.

Because of poor health, the old man has been recuperating in the room and rarely steps out of the room.However, this time, in order to see his granddaughter, the old man insisted on leaving the room and eating in the restaurant.

Of course, the reason why the old man planned to eat in the restaurant was mainly to welcome the arrival of his granddaughter.

It has never been like today. The old man feels in a particularly good mood, and his body seems to have become stronger.In the past, as long as he left the room and took a short walk outside the corridor, he would soon feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

However, today, he not only stepped out of the room, but also enjoyed lunch in the restaurant.

I can't remember how long it has been since I sat at the dining table to eat, and the old man feels nostalgic for the atmosphere during lunch.

It would be great if it could always be like this in the days to come.

Lou Jianian helped the old man to sit on the sofa, and then poured a glass of water for the old man.

Holding the water glass, the old man asked with a smile, "Son, how do you feel after arriving in Languo?"

"It feels good. I like the climate of Languo very much." Lou Jianian felt very comfortable with the geographical climate and environment here from the moment he got off the plane.

When the old man heard this, he was even happier: "That's great, will you live here from now on?"

"This..." Lou Jianian was taken aback, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Ming Shina saw Lou Jianian's concerns, so she helped her and said, "Dad, Jianian just arrived, how can she answer your question? Besides, Jianian is married now."

"So what if you're married?" The old man frowned: "The princess of our Zhen family shouldn't be living outside. By the way, grandpa will hold a coronation ceremony for you another day. In this way, the whole country will know that you are our Lan country." princess."

Lou Jianian shook his head: "Grandpa, I don't think I need those coronation ceremonies. I am already very happy to meet Grandpa and uncle when I come back this trip. Speaking of which, if it wasn't for my aunt, I would just I'm afraid I will never know that my mother is from Languo."

"Then you now know that your mother is the princess of the Lan Kingdom. If your mother is still alive, then your mother can inherit the throne of grandpa. It's a pity." There is obviously regret in the old man's words.

Lou Jianian comforted: "Grandpa, it's okay, don't you still have uncle? Uncle is the most qualified to inherit your throne."

After these words fell, Zhen Xiuxi said: "Jianian, I'm afraid it's not suitable for uncle. Before, uncle was worried that your grandfather's position would be taken away by others. Now that you have appeared, it's really great. Your grandfather's position Leave it to you, uncle has no opinion."

Lou Jianian: "."

She never imagined that this trip to Lan country was to let her inherit the throne?
Ming Shina knew that Lou Jianian was not willing, but seeing that there was no more suitable person to inherit the throne.So, she could only keep silent.

It was precisely because she didn't help to speak that Lou Jianian realized that he seemed to shoulder a heavy responsibility!

Lou Jianian chatted with the old man, and she didn't leave until the old man was a little tired and needed to rest.

In the evening, she deliberately found Ming Shina to have a conversation.

In the garden, there are two cups of coffee on the stone table, and the mellow smell lingers around.

After Lou Jianian took a sip of coffee, she said, "Auntie, I think you should know what I am looking for you for. In fact, I think I am really not suitable for the succession of the throne."

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