The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2061 Her medicine is correct

Chapter 2061 Her medicine is correct
Zhen Xiuxi was a little excited.

For many years, he has never felt any sensation in his legs, but now, he can feel itching.

He was a little overwhelmed!

I'm also afraid that this perception is just an illusion.

Although his leg felt itchy, he didn't scratch it because he wanted to feel it.

At this moment, the bathroom door was opened, and Ming Shina, who had just brushed her teeth and washed her face, came out.

When Ming Shina stepped out of the bathroom, she raised her eyes and saw Zhen Xiuxi who had woken up on the bed and was sitting, and her eyes seemed to be staring at her legs.

Seeing this scene, she felt a little strange, so she stepped up to the bed and asked him, "What's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?" While speaking, she put her hand on Zhen Xiuxi's forehead to see Do you have a fever.

However, the temperature is normal and there is nothing wrong with it.

Zhen Xiuxi raised her hand and held Ming Shina's wrist, very excited: "My leg"

"Huh? What's wrong with your leg?" Ming Shina was a little worried: "Is it because Jia Nian's medicine is not suitable, Xiu Xi, if it is really wrong, stop it, I know you love Jia Nian, but your physical problems, It's not a joke."

"No, Jia Nian's medicine is for my leg." Zhen Xiuxi was incoherent: "Shi Na, hurry up, call Jia Nian over!"

Ming Shina was very nervous: "I, Xiuxi, what happened to your leg?"

"My legs seem to feel a little bit, but I don't know if this is an illusion, so..."

"What? Feel it?" Ming Shina was delighted.

"Yes, a mosquito bit me just now, I have a wonderful, different feeling, you"

"I'm going to call Jianian over, you wait for me!"

Soon, Ming Shina left, and when she came back again, Lou Jianian also appeared.

Lou Jianian, who was sleeping in the room, immediately came to Zhen Xiuxi's room after hearing Ming Shina say that Zhen Xiuxi's legs felt.

This time, she checked Zhen Xiuxi's legs, and verified Zhen Xiuxi's various reactions using medicine.

In the end, she came to a result, that is, Zhen Xiuxi felt sensation in her legs.Of course, this also proved that her medicine was correct.

Ming Shina wept with joy.She always thought that she hoped that Zhen Xiuxi's legs would get better.

For her, Zhen Xiuxi is a very good man, but because of her disabled legs, she needs to rely on a wheelchair to travel, and she is heartbroken.

Now, when she knew that Zhen Xiuxi might recover, she was so happy that she couldn't stop crying.

Of course, the same goes for Zhen Xiuxi.For many years, he thought that it was impossible for his legs to get better in this life, but he did not expect that after taking Lou Jianian's traditional Chinese medicine, he had already begun to respond. Does this mean that as long as he continues to take the medicine, then he may be able to recover in the future? Get out of the wheelchair.

"Jianian, thank you, uncle!" Speaking of which, this niece is simply his lucky star.

Ming Shina hugged Lou Jianian, thanking her constantly.She thought that the most correct thing she had done in her life was to go back to China.

"Uncle, aunt, you don't need to thank you. In fact, I just tried these medicines with my arms. I didn't expect it to work. I'm also very happy. It seems that God doesn't want uncle to be a wheelchair." The restless heart finally settled down.

In fact, she had never tried traditional Chinese medicine to treat spinal cord injury, so she didn't know if it would work. Now, seeing that Zhen Xiuxi's legs improved, she finally felt confident.

(End of this chapter)

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