Lou Jianian turned around and hugged Rao Shichen.

During this time, she couldn't be with him, and she missed him very much.

Right now, she was also very happy to finally be able to see him and touch him with her own eyes.

"After coming to Lan Country, I found out that my mother is the princess of Lan Country. Do you know, Rao Shichen? My grandfather is the king of Lan Country."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen was silent for a moment, then frowned: "So, I married a princess?"

Lou Jianian thought it was a little funny: "Yes, as long as you know."

"That's a perfect match. I'm the prince and you are the princess."

Hearing Rao Shichen's joke, Lou Jianian suddenly relaxed.

In fact, this time, after coming to Languo, she discovered that her mother had been in danger since she was a child. Maybe the car accident that year was also related to Languo?After all, as far as she knew, there were people in Languo coveting the throne.

If it is calculated according to Lan Guo's heirs in line, then if grandpa abdicates, then uncle and her mother are the most qualified to inherit.

So, as long as the uncle and her mother lose their qualifications, isn't the person who is at the back and most qualified to inherit is the biggest suspect?
Thinking about it carefully, when she was in Huaguo, people often wanted to kill her. Maybe the person behind the scenes who wanted to touch her was the one who wanted to get the throne.

After thinking about all this, her eyes flashed deep.

Maybe it was because she kept silent, but Rao Shichen finally sensed something was wrong, and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen to Lan Guo?"

After being asked, she told Rao Shichen everything, including how her mother lost contact with her family due to a fire in Huaguo and lost her memory, and how her uncle's legs were injured.

After Rao Shichen finished listening, he frowned frequently: "In this way, isn't it very dangerous for you to stay in Huaguo?"

"Shouldn't you be concerned about how to help me find out the suspect behind the scenes?" Lou Jianian felt that the man's focus seemed wrong.

"If I hadn't come, you didn't intend to tell me this?" Rao Shichen was obviously dissatisfied.

Lou Jianian was stunned: "No, I just think that you are so busy with work, and I know how to do it anyway, so I won't be in any danger. Besides, I'm the princess of Languo, didn't you see When I go out, will a group of bodyguards guard it?"

Hearing this, Rao Shichen was barely speechless.

However, because he knew that Lan Guo would be in danger at any time, he decided that Lou Jianian could not stay here for too long. Although she was very skilled, she was pregnant after all.

Lou Jianian couldn't see the man's worries and worries.In fact, she was also eager to go back to China as soon as possible, but she couldn't leave until the matters here were dealt with.

Unless, she can expose that disliked person in a short time!
Thinking of this, her eyes flashed, as if she had a good plan.

Rao Shichen saw the sharp light shining in her eyes, so he guessed that she was most likely to have some plans, and asked, "Did you think of any good ideas?"

"I think there is a good way..." Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his lips, and said, "We can let the suspect behind the scenes expose himself."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Let's do this first." Lou Jianian stood on tiptoe and whispered the plan into Rao Shichen's ear.

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