In the WeChat video, Lou Jianian saw An Luomei's newborn baby.

Although the baby looks wrinkled, but the small one gave her a kind of maternal love.

Soon, she will be a mother too.Thinking of it, she actually felt a little excited.

Because An Luomei gave birth to a second child, Fu Shiruo was overjoyed.Now, her throne can be regarded as being inherited by someone.

Speaking of the throne, when Fu Siruo knew that Lou Jianian was the princess of Lan Kingdom, he was obviously surprised.Of course, she felt more fortunate.

Unexpectedly, the grandson married Princess Lan. Wouldn't this make the two countries even closer.

Fu was surprised.It is inconceivable that Lou Jianian is the lost princess of Lan Kingdom.

Before, he thought that Lou Jianian's background was a bit complicated, but he never expected that Lou Jianian would have such a prominent status.

At this moment, he finally affirmed that it was a lucky thing for Rao Shichen to marry Lou Jianian.

Lou Jianian chatted with An Luomei for a few words before ending the video. After all, An Luomei had just given birth, so she definitely needed a good rest.

Putting down the phone, she touched her swollen belly, thinking that in a few months, she would also have a baby, so there was more tenderness and love between her eyebrows.

the other side.

After Zhen Langke learned that because of Lou Jianian's injury, Zhen Langde felt unwell due to guilt and even fainted, so he immediately decided to visit Zhen Langde.

So, the next day, he showed up with a lot of supplements.

Zhen Langde's situation is indeed a bit bad.He is old and can't be stimulated. He was in good health before, but unfortunately when he heard that Lou Jianian was injured, his blood pressure soared, followed by dizziness, and passed out just like that.

You know, Lou Jianian is the granddaughter that he left behind and never knew existed. For him who lost his daughter, it is rare for him to find his granddaughter. Naturally, it hurts him terribly from the bottom of his heart.

When he learned that Lou Jianian had almost lost his life, he was frightened to death. Fortunately, Lou Jianian was only injured, but even so, it still made him unacceptable and felt very sad.

It's just such a granddaughter, if something goes wrong, he must be unbearable.

No, because he was too worried and excited, he fainted.The body that had been well-raised before was knocked back in one fell swoop.

So, when Zhen Langke appeared, what he saw was lying on the hospital bed, not in a good condition.

"Brother, I heard that you have been sick again recently? Are you better now?" Zhen Langke frowned, but he was sneering in his heart.

Zhen Langde sighed: "It's really old and useless, I think it's time to give up the throne, Lang Ke, what do you think?"

"This..." Zhen Langke rolled his eyes: "Brother, I can't make up my mind about the throne, you can figure it out yourself."

Zhen Langde: "I want to give the throne to Xiuxi, but it's a pity that Xiuxi has two legs. Langke, I need your help, so I can only turn to you."

"Oh? Brother, how do you want me to help?"

"If I pass the throne to Xiu Xi, I'm afraid that the princes of the royal family will definitely oppose it. Now you are the oldest and most qualified to speak. I want you to help Xiu Xi to sit on the throne."

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