The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2083 Thinking about it is really tiring!

The first rays of sunlight in the morning cast into the kitchen.

Nalan Jun was wearing an apron and was busy making breakfast.

In order for Leng Zimu to eat nutritious and delicious food after waking up, she deliberately set the alarm clock at six o'clock last night.

However, despite setting the alarm clock, she still overslept.

Fortunately, it was only about half an hour, otherwise she wouldn't be able to make breakfast for the little guy earlier.

After all, it's all about blaming a certain man.

Since staying with him in the castle of country S for a while, she has somehow slept with him.

Thinking about it is really tiring!

Every night, she has to be tortured before she can go to sleep.Sometimes she couldn't figure it out, how could Leng Qirui's physical strength be so good?

She always wakes up with a backache in the morning, but he is full of energy. It is obvious that he is the one who puts in more energy, but in the end it is she who is so exhausted.

In fact, she is very worried, if this continues for a long time, will she be able to sleep well.

Thinking of this, she decided to move out of the master bedroom and sleep alone from tonight.

I don't know what happened, but after returning from country S, Leng Qirui ordered the servant to move all her things into the master bedroom, forcing her to sleep in the master bedroom.

Of course, she can also choose to refuse, but once she does, she may not be able to obtain the qualification to cook breakfast for the little guy, so she can only compromise.

She also tried to get the little guy to communicate with Leng Qirui, for example, she used the excuse that she couldn't sleep in the same bedroom with Leng Qirui because she wanted to sleep with the little guy at night, but to her surprise, the little guy didn't Need her to sleep with at night.

This really made her feel incredible.

The little guy agreed to let her sleep in the same bedroom with Leng Qirui, and she didn't know how Leng Qirui managed to persuade the little guy, but seeing that the little guy was also very persistent, she could only be forced to agree.

It's just that the end result of being forced to agree is that she can't sleep well at night.

Leng Qirui seemed to have endless physical strength every night, unless she begged for mercy, Leng Qirui would not let her go.

In order to sleep well in the days to come, she vowed to definitely communicate with Leng Qirui tonight.

After making such a decision in her heart, she continued to make breakfast with her heart.

Breakfast is Leng Zimu's favorite sushi, sandwiches, milk porridge, etc.
Just as breakfast was finished and put on the table, Leng Zimu appeared.

"Junjun, good morning." The little guy who just woke up has already changed into clothes, blue overalls and yellow clothes, looking very cute.

When Nalan Jun saw Leng Zimu, a loving smile immediately appeared on his face: "Good morning, Mu Mu." As she spoke, she raised her hand to touch the little guy's head, and kissed him by the way.

After being touched on the head and kissed, the little guy's fleshy face became a little more shy.

At this time, Leng Qirui happened to come to the restaurant, so he saw Nalan Jun kissing and touching Leng Zimu, very intimate.

In an instant, his face darkened.

The person who was still lingering with him last night disappeared when he woke up in the morning, so forget it, and kissed and touched other men in front of him early in the morning. Although this man is his son, he is still no.

"Leng Zimu!"

Suddenly being called, Leng Zimu paused, followed his gaze to the visitor, and then frowned: "What are you doing?"

Leng Qirui glanced at Nalan Jun, and then said to the little guy: "You are already four years old, I think it's time for you to go to school!"

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