The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2099 Nalan Jun is very anxious

outside the villa.

Leng Qirui grabbed Nalanjun and tried his best to control Nalanjun.

From now until now, Nalan Jun always wants to rush in.You know, no one knows what the situation inside is like now, so you can't act rashly.

Of course, there is no movement, which also means that there is nothing going on inside at the moment.

The fact that Zhong Ruohan's car is here is enough to prove that Zhong Ruohan is inside now.

Since Zhong Ruohan will show up, Leng Zimu is absolutely safe.

The police also made the decision to encircle after some discussions.Of course, this decision was also approved by Leng Qirui.

You know, the person caught inside is Leng Qirui's son.

Nalan Jun looked anxious and kept looking into the villa.She would love to see the little one.

Just after the police finished yelling inside, they saw a broken window, and suddenly, a small body was grabbed by someone and appeared in everyone's sight.

Everyone was shocked!
Leng Zimu was tied up, and Zhong Ruohan was holding him behind him. There were no safety measures for the windows.

In other words, as long as Zhong Ruohan is cruel and pushes Leng Zimu down, then Leng Zimu's life will be over directly, after all, the distance is three floors high.

Seeing how dangerous Leng Zimu was, Nalan Jun was so frightened that tears immediately fell down: "Mu Mu!"

Leng Qirui's face was very cold, and his eyes were fixed on Zhong Ruohan.

At this moment, he had the urge to kill.

The policemen saw that the situation was a little dangerous, so they didn't dare to act rashly. They could only try to persuade Zhong Ruohan: "This beautiful lady, you are the eldest lady of the Zhong Group, right? Please don't be impulsive. If there is anything, we can sit down and slow down." Slow down."

Zhong Ruohan gritted his teeth, looked at the police officers with guns all around, and said angrily: "If you don't want this guy to die, you put down all the guns for me!"

Hearing this, the policemen looked at each other, and in the end they could only temporarily put down the guns in their hands.In order to let Zhong Ruohan put down his guard, the policemen raised their hands deliberately.

At this moment, Nalan Jun grabbed the loudspeaker and begged: "Miss Zhong, I beg you to release Mu Mu. If you really want a hostage, I will be your hostage!"

"Shut up!" Zhong Ruohan shouted angrily, "What are you, you want to negotiate with me!"

Nalan Jun was very anxious.

"Do you want me to let Mu Mu go? Okay, you come up alone now, don't bring anything, otherwise, I'll throw this guy away!" Zhong Ruohan said, and deliberately pushed Leng Zimu out slightly pushed.

Nalan Jun was terrified: "Don't hurt Mumu, I will do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt Mumu."

"Very good, then come up now, remember, don't play tricks, or today next year will be the little guy's memorial day, the third floor here is so high, if you throw it down, this little guy will have to see the king of Hades!"

Leng Qirui disagreed with Nalan Jun going up, but Na Lanjun insisted on going up.

In her opinion, even if it is death, she must absolutely guarantee the safety of the little guy's life.

Originally, she was ashamed of the little guy, if something happened to the little guy again, then it would be meaningless for her to live.

So, she walked into the abandoned villa by herself.

Zhong Ruohan's men checked the surroundings to make sure that no one was following them, and then let her in.

Soon, she came to the third floor.

Seeing Leng Zimu's face swollen and embarrassed, her heart ached terribly: "Mu Mu!"

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