Chapter 2103 She's Pregnant!

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the silvery moonlight shone on the floor.

On the big bed, Leng Qirui opened his eyes, looking at the woman who was sleeping soundly in his arms.

At this moment, the beating of his chest was very stable, and there seemed to be some kind of satisfaction deep in his heart.

And the woman sleeping in his arms is falling into a sweet dream.Under the faint light, there was a faint curve on the corners of her lips, and there was tenderness and crimson between her brows and eyes.

He just looked at it like this, and his eyes gradually became affectionate.

Then, he couldn't help falling on his thin lips, and pressed a kiss on Nalan Jun's face, then hugged Nalan Jun, and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Nalan was woken up by the sunlight outside the window.

The bright light makes people lose their desire to sleep.

She checked the time and found that it was already seven o'clock.

I woke up late today, but fortunately, she is making breakfast faster and faster now, so it doesn't matter if she sleeps late and wakes up occasionally.

Seeing that the weather was fine, she thought about the breakfast she was going to make in her mind, and then she lifted the quilt and got up.

However, as soon as she got up, she felt a stomachache, followed by a feeling of nausea. The next second, she couldn't help but ran to the bathroom.

She ate too little last night, there was nothing in her stomach, she just kept retching.

After much difficulty, she felt a little more comfortable in her stomach after she recovered.

So, she turned on the faucet, scooped up a handful of water and washed her face. After washing her face, she found a tall figure suddenly appeared outside the door of the bathroom.

Outside the bathroom door, I saw Leng Qirui, who was still sleeping on the big bed, woke up at some point, and just stood outside the door and kept staring at her.

Nalan Jun was a little confused: "What's wrong? You keep looking at me like this?"

Leng Qirui shifted his gaze to her stomach, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you pregnant?"

As soon as these words came out, Nalan was stunned.It took her a long time to realize, and then she remembered that her menstruation seemed to be delayed.

Before that, all her thoughts were on Leng Zimu, so much so that she ignored whether she had visited on time for her menstrual affairs.

And after the retching just now and the postponement of menstruation, she is very sure that she is pregnant!

Leng Qirui could easily guess from her complicated expression that she was already pregnant.

"Since you're pregnant, let's get the certificate, Nalan Jun, be my wife."

Nalan Jun frowned slightly, not knowing what to do for a while.

During this period of time, she admitted that she was too indulgent, staying with Leng Qirui every day, she seemed to have forgotten some things that should be paid attention to.

Of course, it is useless for her to regret it now, after all, she is already pregnant.

Although various signs indicated that Nalan was pregnant, Leng Qirui was still worried. In order to make sure, Leng Qirui called a doctor to examine her.

After examination, the doctor determined that Nalan was pregnant.

Leng Zimu was very happy when she found out that Nalan Jun was pregnant.

All along, he wanted a little sister, but now, he took Nalan Jun's hand and told Na Lanjun to rest well and not work.

Therefore, because Nalan was pregnant, Leng Qirui and Leng Zimu asked him to rest more and not do any housework, and the task of making breakfast before was also handed over to the servants.

Nalan Jun has nothing to do except eat and drink every day.

(End of this chapter)

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