The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 801 Is this really my grandfather and brother?

Chapter 801 Is this really my grandfather and brother?
Inside the apartment.

Rao Yanzhong had a serious face, and walked back and forth in the living room with his hands behind his back.

His expression was too serious, as if his heart was heavy.

From the moment they entered the living room, Rao Shichen, Lou Jianian, including Rao Shixin all watched the old man walking back and forth intently, but they couldn't wait for the old man to speak.

There are two cups of tea steaming on the table.

Obviously, this is just soaked not long ago.

Since there is still time to make tea, does that mean nothing particularly bad happened?

When Rao Shichen, Lou Jianian and the others observed this, the worries in their hearts immediately dissipated, which is why the three of them calmly waited for the old man to announce the matter from the moment they entered the apartment.

However, after waiting for so long, the old man still couldn't speak, so someone began to lose his balance, and that person was Rao Shixin.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, "Grandpa, have you walked enough? It would be really interesting if you called us just to let us watch you pacing back and forth."

After finishing speaking, she was stared at by the old man.

Then, the old man responded with dissatisfaction.

"What's the matter? I asked you to come here, do you have any objections? I'm your grandfather, you girl, you were a little padded jacket when you were young, but now you've grown up and started to leak air, you still dare to dislike me and call you, don't you?"

Rao Shixin: "."

"You are so busy with work, when did you come to see me? Speaking of which, you didn't come to visit me very much when I was in the hospital, you only cared about going abroad to participate in some fashion show, why the hell do I have such a windy padded jacket like you ?”

Rao Shixin: "!!!"

"If you think it's boring to come here, then you can go back now. Anyway, you have grown up, and I can't care about you anymore. I'm a bad old man. It's useless when I'm old. It's okay to be disgusted by you. I deserve it."

"Stop, stop!" Seeing the old man's plan to return to Barbara, Rao Shixin immediately begged for mercy, "Can't you make a mistake?"

Rao Yanzhong hummed twice from his nostrils.

Rao Shixin raised his hand and picked out his ears, feeling that he shouldn't have come here.

Look at the snarky kung fu of the old man, are you sure he is a bad old man in his 70s?
Just when she was complaining secretly in her heart, she suddenly felt a certain eye from her side.

She raised her eyes and saw a sneer on the corner of her brother's lips, and there seemed to be two words written in his eyes - deserve it!
Maybe it was because she understood the meaning conveyed by her brother's eyes, she just felt aggrieved.

Is this really my grandfather and brother?
She suspected that she might have been adopted!
Lou Jianian saw that the old man hadn't announced what was going on from just now until now, so he couldn't help feeling a little curious in his heart.

"Grandpa, you suddenly called us to come over, did something happen? Also, where is grandma?"

Since entering the apartment just now, Lou Jianian has not noticed Chen Yuhui's figure.

"Yes, where is my sister-in-law's grandmother?" Rao Shixin was puzzled.

If it wasn't for my sister-in-law's reminder, she wouldn't have noticed that grandma didn't seem to be in the apartment?
When she realized this, her eyes widened suddenly, and a bad thought flashed through her mind.

"Could it be that grandma has gone back?"

Rao Shixin's thought was actually the same as what Lou Jianian and Rao Shichen thought.

However, she was more straightforward and said it directly!
(End of this chapter)

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