Chapter 806
Whether life is long or short, it is a rare thing to meet someone who loves to the core.

Love should ignore the worldly vision, no matter what, as long as we are together, happiness will be fine!
Lou Jianian thought deeply, and couldn't help but glance at the man standing beside him.

The man was wearing a light blue shirt without a suit, no tie, the neckline was turned up, and the top button was undone, revealing a sexy and prominent Adam's apple.

Looking down, the high-quality cloth wrapped his hard chest and abdominal muscles, his cuffs were loosely rolled up, and his whole body exuded dignity.

Every time she looks at a man like this, she will subconsciously think of the elegant and elegant princes and sons in ancient times.

Mo Shangren Yuru, the son is unparalleled in the world!
This sentence fits the description of a man very well.

Lou Jianian watched as many thoughts flashed through the man's mind.Suddenly, the man's gaze turned, and his long and narrow eyes looked directly at her.

From just now until now, Rao Shichen has been feeling that the girl beside him is staring at him with burning eyes.

His eyes suddenly caught the girl's dark and moist pupils, and when he noticed that the girl was slightly stunned, his thin lips curled up.

Lou Jianian did not expect the man to turn his gaze suddenly.She licked her lips before looking away.

However, her little hand was held by the man's palm at this moment, and then, her palm was gently scratched by the warm fingertips.

She paused, and felt a kind of hotness in the palm of her hand spreading rapidly, reaching the depths of her heart.

At such times, she could only pretend to be calm.

Rao Shichen's eyes were darkened, and the corners of his lips became more and more curved.

The small interaction between the two was not discovered by others.

Rao Shixin was still flirting with Chen Yuhui, but as for Rao Yanzhong, he had a face of forbearance.He forced himself to hold back, and told himself not to be impulsive.

After all, this is a little padded jacket, even if it is airtight, it is still his own, he must show a look of pampering!

Because Chen Yuhui liked Rao Shixin, Rao Yanzhong didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction when facing Rao Shixin, for fear that Chen Yuhui would be unhappy.

However, seeing Rao Shixin occupying Chen Yuhui endlessly, Rao Yanzhong always felt that this scene was a bit dazzling.

He clenched his fist, put it on his lips and coughed heavily, and then said: "Because it's getting late, you young ones have to work tomorrow, so go back and rest early."

Upon hearing this, Rao Shixin rolled his eyes and glanced at the time.

08: 30!
It's still early.

Rao Shichen understood what Rao Yanzhong said, and then nodded, "Grandpa said, if this is the case, then Niannian and I will go back first."

Hearing this, Rao Yanzhong was very pleased.

The brat finally has some humanity!
In fact, Lou Jianian also saw Rao Yanzhong's desire for a two-person world, so he didn't plan to stay and be a light bulb.

Only Rao Shixin's mind is too straight, "No matter how busy you are at work, there will always be times when you can't finish it, I think."

Before she could say anything, she was suddenly interrupted by her brother.

"No, work is very busy, you should go back."

Rao Shixin was a little dissatisfied, "But I really"

"The company has a morning meeting tomorrow. Since you are not busy recently, you just come to the company to help me."

Rao Shixin: "!!!"


Rao Shichen: "How?"

After quick thinking, Rao Shixin went online immediately in order not to be caught going to the company.

(End of this chapter)

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