The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 808 My brother agreed so readily?

Chapter 808 My brother agreed so readily?
At this time, in the private room of Emperor Zun Bar, Gu Ze held the mobile phone in his hand and put it next to his ear, and sipped the wine with the other hand.

Under the dazzling halo, his evil eyes swept across Liang Feimo who had been sitting in the corner paralyzed since he came in, and then twitched the corners of his mouth.

Every time I see this guy, he looks cold and dead, which is boring.

Rao Shichen raised the corners of his long and narrow eyes slightly, glanced at Lou Jianian beside him, and then said to the person on the phone, "I'll be there in 15 minutes."

Gu Ze was taken aback for a moment, looking at the hung up phone, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his lips.

In the next second, he lifted his eyes and couldn't help but said, "Liang Feimo, as soon as you come, you just sit there drinking alone and don't talk. It's so boring. If you're lonely, why don't I find you a woman?" ?”

As soon as these words fell, a gloomy pupil shot at him.

His back stiffened, and then he laughed dryly, "I'm just joking, don't take it seriously."

Liang Feimo withdrew his gaze, staring at the wine in his hands with dark eyes, took a sip, and continued to face cold.

Gu Ze: "."

the other side.

Inside the elevator.

Rao Shichen put away his mobile phone, glanced at the girl beside him, raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "I'll take you to a place later."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian's mind flashed back to what he said at noon that he would go to see his pig and dog friends at night.

At that time, she thought it was a joke, could it be true?

"Brother, where are you taking my little sister-in-law?" Rao Shixin leaned his head over and smiled, "By the way, take me."

A look of disgust appeared in Rao Shichen's eyes, "Go back to your kennel."


Rao Shixin felt dissatisfied when he thought of the apartment where his clothes were thrown everywhere was described as a doghouse.

If you don't take her with you, she will go with you.

Anyway, she might be busy next time, and she won't have much time to see my sister-in-law.

Taking advantage of some time tonight, she also wants to have a good chat with her sister-in-law.

Thinking about it this way, Rao Shixin raised his arm and took Lou Jianian's hand, "Sister-in-law, I'm so bored by myself tonight, can you ask my brother to bring me along?"

Lou Jianian was taken aback, "This"

Actually, to be honest, she didn't even know where Rao Shichen was taking her, so she couldn't agree at all, but looking at Rao Shixin's blinking eyes, she couldn't say no to it.

At this moment, Rao Shichen glanced at Rao Shixin, "Are you sure you want to be with us?"

Rao Shixin nodded, "Sure, very sure."

"In that case, let's take you with me."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was a little surprised.

My brother agreed so readily?
Will there be fraud?
"Brother, can I ask first, where are you taking my little sister-in-law?" In order to prevent being tricked by her own brother, she has already learned how to behave, so ask clearly before talking.

"A bar." Rao Shichen looked natural, but when he said this, his eyes flashed.


Some doubts appeared between Lou Jianian's thin brows.

At this time, Rao Shixin's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "Fuck! I like bars and the like, I'm going!"

A strange smile appeared on Rao Shichen's handsome face.

Just then, with a ding, the elevator doors parted.

The three of them stepped out of the elevator together.

Rao Shichen led Lou Jianian towards his car.

The two got into the car together.

As for Rao Shixin, he couldn't wait to get into the fiery red Bugatti he drove over just now.

Rao Shichen put on the safety belt for Lou Jianian, and then started the car.

Inside the fiery red Bugatti sports car, Rao Shixin stepped on the accelerator and followed the Volvo.

  Rao Yanzhong: Whoever wants this stinky girl, take it away quickly!
  Rao Shichen: We can give the man one billion as a bride price.

  Liang Feimo: Five billion for you, I want it!
  Rao Shixin:? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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