Chapter 836

Leng Qirui's body paused slightly, and a certain girl in a bright yellow top in the private room tonight flashed through his mind.

Throughout the night, the girl's face was as calm as waves, and she didn't look at him directly, as if he was a stranger.

The pictures in the private room repeatedly appeared in front of my eyes.

In the next second, coldness appeared in his eyes, and he let go of the little guy's hand, then put down the temperature gun, got up, and walked away.

Looking at the situation outside the door, Uncle Zhang felt anxious, "Sir, where are you going?"

"Look at him." Leng Qirui's face was tinged with coldness that was visible to the naked eye.

After leaving this sentence, he walked away directly.

Until his figure disappeared.

Zhang Bo's expression was very complicated.He turned around in place a few times, and he knew in his heart why the warm scene just now changed suddenly.

Now, as long as the wife is mentioned, the husband will look indifferent and displeased!
However, my husband never thought that the young master is only four years old, and this age is the time when he needs his mother the most, especially when the young master is sick.

Uncle Zhang was so worried that he had no choice but to walk into the room and guard the children's bed.

He looked at the little figure sleeping in a daze on the bed, and his eyes were stained with distress.

Poor young master.

On the other side, Leng Qirui left the children's room and returned directly to his bedroom.

After closing the bedroom, his air pressure was very low.

I saw his hands clenched into fists, and his amber eyes were stained with some kind of scarlet.

In the next second, he walked towards the sandbag, picked up the special gloves and put them on, and then punched the sandbag.

One punch after another, the shots are fierce and powerful!
An hour later, Leng Qirui's handsome face was covered with a fine layer of sweat.

In the warm yellow bedroom, black, white and gray tones add a sense of oppression to the whole space.

After smashing the sandbags, he took off his gloves and threw them on the ground, then walked to the bar, opened the door of the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of wine, and poured it directly with his head raised.

The loose hair on his full forehead, the sexy Adam's apple slides up and down with the movement of drinking, his slender body looks very masculine under the halo

After finishing a bottle of wine, he raised his hand to wipe off the wine on the corner of his lips, and then put down the bottle. Then, he crossed his hands and pinched the hem of his clothes, and lifted the clothes up to take them off.

After taking off his shirt, his muscular body was immediately exposed to the air.

An attractive physique with obvious chest and abdominal muscles.

Taking off his shirt, he walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

As the door was closed, the sound of rushing water soon came from inside.

On the other side, just after the party at the Regal Bar, Rao Shichen drove Lou Jianian back.

Gu Ze has his own car.Before leaving, he grabbed Qiu, who was trying to escape, and gently threw him into the car, and then drove back to the apartment.

Rao Shixin also came here by car, and he wanted to drop Nalan Jun off on his way back, after all, it was not very convenient for Nalan Jun to be alone.

On the road, the luxurious but low-key Volvo is particularly dazzling among the vehicles.

Rao Shichen was controlling the steering wheel with both hands, his handsome face was deep and delicate.

In the passenger seat, Lou Jianian was admiring the scenery outside the car window.

The windows were lowered a little, the wind was blowing, and she had some wine tonight.

Although it is fruit wine, it is somehow overpowering.

She leaned comfortably on the back of the chair, and a look of tiredness floated on her brows.

I am very happy tonight, probably because Rao Yanzhong and Chen Yuhui are finally together.

  Guess whether Mu Mu is a warm man or a cold man?

  Leng Zimu: It's finally my time to play.

(End of this chapter)

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