The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 844 Destroyed Her Enthusiasm

Chapter 844 Destroyed Her Enthusiasm

For this reason, she herself did not know.

Falling in love seems to be very tiring!
Because of her last relationship, she was physically and mentally exhausted until now.

Her ex-boyfriend Liang Feimo was really doomed for her.

Even after being separated for so many years, he still succeeded in influencing her, so that when she thought of falling in love, she would inexplicably think of the relationship when she was with him.

She has always been enthusiastic, and what she pursues is romantic love, but that relationship made her deeply feel the torment.

Liang Feimo was cold and paralyzed, and had no sense of humor at all. Apart from closing the door and doing what he should do, Liang Feimo didn't care about her at all at other times.

Sometimes she would question, does he have any feelings for her at all?
Did you really like her?
Or is it just because he is old and needs it, that's why he reluctantly agrees to be with her when she pesters him?
After the separation, this doubt has been hovering in her heart. Occasionally, she will try to find out the answer when she dreams back at midnight.

Summarizing Liang Feimo's coldness towards each other, she thinks that Liang Feimo doesn't like her much, even if he does, he just likes her body.

Since she found the answer, she didn't bother with this question too much.

Maybe it's because she got used to the days after separation, all in all, she already regarded him as a passer-by in her life.

It's just that, when she hears news about him occasionally, there will still be some waves in her heart.

She has always been wanton and free and easy, and she is loyal to love, but it is a pity that she meets an unlucky person.

Back then, if it wasn't for her physical illness, she probably wouldn't have thought of breaking up with him.

He didn't seem to take it seriously when he proposed to break up!

Maybe, he thought she was just talking casually, but she was serious. After breaking up, she immediately booked a plane ticket to T country.

During that time in country T, her mobile phone was turned off for a long time, just because she didn't want to be disturbed. After all, her body needed medical treatment.

She didn't turn on her phone until her health improved day by day and the test reports became more normal each time.

After the mobile phone was turned on, countless calls and text messages came one after another. Even her brother, who was usually indifferent to her, called her a few times in a humane manner, but there was only one person who never sent her a single message. And that person was Liang Feimo.

It was also at that time that she realized how ridiculous she was!
She admitted that she liked him very much back then, to the point where she couldn't help herself.

When they were together, she kept trying to improve, but he was indifferent. Gradually, she felt physically and mentally exhausted.

He was just a rock that couldn't be warmed up, and since that was the case, she didn't want to continue anymore.

Breaking up is her final decision.

Thinking about it now, all her firsts were given to him, but he didn't cherish them too much.

His coldness dampened her enthusiasm.

Forget it, everything is right to be fed to the dog!

Late at night, time passed quietly.

It was rare for Rao Shixin to recall that relationship back then, and his always charming eyes also added a certain kind of sadness.

She glanced at the cabinet next to her, and then stretched out her hand to open the drawer, and what caught her eyes was a brown paper bag.

In the next second, she reached for the brown paper bag, opened it, and took out the pathology report inside.

If she hadn't gone abroad back then, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to get her life back!

No one knew that she had fallen ill.

  Ahhh!What disease did Rao Shixin suffer from back then?Also, guess when Liang Feimo will find out that Rao Shixin left because of illness.After reading it, remember to vote, monthly pass, monthly pass, and important things to say three times. If you don’t have a monthly pass, you can also recommend a ticket.

  small theater--

  Liang Feimo: Do ​​you think I'm cold?What if I want to change it?

  Rao Shixin:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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