The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 846 Leng Qirui's face turned cold once

Chapter 846 Leng Qirui's face turned cold

On the wall, a clock ticks slowly.

After a while, after Leng Qirui put down the newspaper, he commanded Uncle Zhang in a cold voice, "Go up and see if that little guy is up or not."

Hearing this, Zhang Bo immediately nodded, "Yes, sir, I'll go and have a look."

Leng Qirui took care of the little guy last night.It wasn't until the middle of the night that the little guy's fever subsided and he returned to his normal body temperature before he returned to the bedroom.

He lay down and slept for two hours, and then it was dawn.

After getting up in the morning, he still went to the children's room first, checked the little guy's temperature, it was still normal, and then left with confidence.

It's just that the little guy has been sleeping since he had a fever last night until just now, and hasn't woken up yet.

Uncle Zhang went upstairs and came to the third floor. He just walked to the children's room, raised his hand to hold the doorknob, and opened the door.

At this moment, several large robots surrounded the door. Seeing this, Zhang Bo was stunned for a moment, and could only probe into the room.

"Young master, are you up?"

In the children's room, on the soft sofa, a small soft figure was sitting there cross-legged.

The sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows came in, and the little guy was pink and jade-carved, with milky white skin, a round face, and a pair of round amber eyes.

Holding the touch screen remote control in both hands, he is controlling the robots at the door.

"Go, go." The cold and mechanical voice came from a robot, not a little guy.

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang looked puzzled, and said, "Young master, it was my master who asked me to come up."

"Go, drive."

Uncle Zhang looked at the robots who were about as tall as a human body in front of him, and felt helpless for a while.

Leng Zimu, the young master of the Leng family, is obviously a four-year-old child, but he has an IQ like Einstein!

Leng Zimu has been interested in this mechanized robot since he was a child.

Because he likes to play with robots, Leng Qirui bought robots from every country to use as toys for Leng Zimu.

As a result, Leng Zimu played around and studied the structure of the robot.

At first, Leng Zimu disassembled and reassembled the robot, but now, Leng Zimu has developed the latest robot by himself.

This wave of operations shocked everyone in the Leng family.

Uncle Zhang said kindly: "Young master, you had a fever last night, how do you feel today?"

"No, it's off, you, it's a matter." The robot stepped forward mechanically, making Uncle Zhang have to step back.

Zhang Bo was at a loss as he was approached by several large robots in front of him.He could only retreat to the door.

"Master, would you like something to eat?"

Hearing this, Leng Zimu frowned, and manipulated the touch remote control with his soft little hands, asking the robot to close the door.

Until the door was mercilessly slammed shut, there was the sound of a lock being locked inside.

Uncle Zhang stood outside the door, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, there was the sound of steady footsteps not far from the corridor, and Leng Qirui came up.

I saw him stepping to the door, seeing Uncle Zhang's embarrassed expression, he already knew what was going on in his heart.

He said to the little guy inside the door in a deep voice: "Leng Zimu, open the door."

Inside, there was no sound.

His brows furrowed, and he immediately raised his hand to grab the doorknob and open the door.

At this time, Uncle Zhang reminded: "Sir, the young master has locked the door."

Leng Qirui's face turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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