The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 848 This is really a miracle!

Chapter 848 This is really a miracle!

With one hand in his trouser pocket, Leng Qirui raised his eyes slightly, "Go in and look in the mirror to see how ridiculous you are."

After finishing speaking, the phone rang harshly.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from the company, so he touched the button and put the mobile phone to his ear, "What's the matter?"

During the phone call, he didn't know what the other party said, he frowned slightly, and responded solemnly: "Understood, I'll go over now."

After hanging up the phone, he threw the phone into his pocket, glanced mockingly at the angry little guy in front of him, then turned and left.

Seeing this situation, Uncle Zhang couldn't react for a while.

Are you leaving now, sir?

Until Leng Qirui's figure disappeared, Leng Zimu still maintained his original posture.

He was trembling with anger, his little hands clenched tightly, looking like he was about to explode at any moment.

Zhang Bo was worried about what would happen next.

The young master can't do something radical just because he was hit, right?
An anxious look appeared between Uncle Zhang's eyebrows, "Young Master, Mr. He" just opened his mouth, and he received an angry look all of a sudden.

At this time, Leng Zimu's cheeks were puffed up, and he looked at Uncle Zhang with displeasure.

Uncle Zhang was a little panicked, "Young master, what's the matter?"

"I want to eat!"

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, "Young master, you... do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat!"

Uncle Zhang was overjoyed, "I'll let the kitchen prepare it right now, young master, please wait for a while."

After speaking, Uncle Zhang hurried to Zhang Luo.

It's a miracle!

The young master has always been reluctant to speak, let alone eat.

Every time he wants to coax the young master to eat, Uncle Zhang feels that one head is two big.

In the end, I didn't expect that today, the young master is willing to eat by himself!

It wasn't until this moment that Uncle Zhang realized belatedly that the old man had deliberately used the provocative method just now, in order to stimulate the young master!
I have to say, sir, this trick is very effective, and it will work immediately!
The dark blue Continental car drove out of Leng's mansion.

In the back seat of the car, Leng Qirui leaned against the seat, holding the phone in his hand.

The sunlight cast into the compartment through the car window, coating his handsome face with a light golden halo.

His slender hand swiped open the screen, clicked on WeChat, and then began to tap the screen.

In the kitchen, Zhang Bo excitedly asked the servants to prepare breakfast.

It's rare for the young master to take the initiative to eat, he must make the cook a nutritious meal.

While Zhang Bo was busy commanding, a message came from his mobile phone.

He clicked to open it, only to find that it was sent by Mr.

Leng Qirui: How about that little guy?
Seeing the message, Zhang Bo quickly replied.

In the car, Leng Qirui closed his eyes and raised his hand to rub his forehead. He didn't open his eyes until the phone vibrated, indicating that there was news. Then he opened his eyes and opened them.

Zhang Bo: The young master took the initiative to ask for a meal, sir, you were really wise just now!
Seeing this reply, a gleam of light appeared on the corners of Leng Qirui's eyes and brows, and his thin lips seemed to curve slightly.

In the next second, he still typed and sent a message to Uncle Zhang.

Leng Qirui: Watch him finish his meal.

Zhang Bo: Don't worry, sir, I know how to do it.

When the news came to this, Leng Qirui didn't reply any more, just turned off the phone screen, closed his eyes and took a rest.

The car drove along the Leng's house all the way to the road until it arrived at the Leng's Group.

After getting off the car, Leng Qirui walked into the company with long legs.

Wherever they passed by, the employees respectfully called Mr. Leng.

(End of this chapter)

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