The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 851 That Taste Makes You Mouth

Chapter 851 That Taste Makes You Mouth

A gentle smile appeared on Xiao Ke's face, "We are in the crew, and we will see each other every day in the future."

"Yes, that's right." Yang Hui nodded, looking like a nympho.

After close contact, she felt that Xiao Ke was even better looking than on the camera, and his figure was also great!
Xiao Ke smiled even wider, and at the same time looked at Rao Shixin.His slender eyes glanced up and down at Rao Shixin through the lenses, and there was inexplicable heat in his chest.

"Shi Xin, good morning."

Different from Yang Hui's excitement, Rao Shixin smiled politely on his beautiful face, "Good morning, Xiao Ke."

Xiao Ke raised his hand and pushed his glasses, "I didn't expect that today, we will arrive at the crew at the same spot. I don't know if this is a coincidence?"

"Actually, I went to bed late in the morning." Rao Shixin blinked, "It's a bit embarrassing to say, I've been nagged to death by Sister Yang, by the way, I wonder if Director Shen is urging people now? Sister Yang, Let's go in quickly."

"Ah? This..." Yang Hui was suddenly a little confused.

She kept urging her in the morning, but the little ancestor had a willful face and was dawdling. Just now when he got out of the car, the little ancestor was also lazy, but now, her male god Xiao Yingdi came, and the little ancestor was anxious to ask for it. gone.

Too unkind!
Yang Hui was a little reluctant to leave, after all Xiao Ke was still here.

She still wants to see Xiao Ke a few more times!
Rao Shixin glanced at his watch, "It's really late, Sister Yang, didn't you say that Director Shen would curse when he gets up? Hurry up and go."

Yang Hui: "."

When did she say that?

Rao Shixin urged Yang Hui, and pushed Xiao Zhang, who also looked obsessed, towards the threshold of the steps.

Behind him, the smile on Xiao Kerunya's face paused, and wrinkles appeared on his brows.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Rao Shixin seems to be avoiding her on purpose?
what happened?

"Brother Xiao, Sister Shi Xin didn't give you face too much. She just dragged her manager and assistant along and left without saying that she was waiting for you. She was not polite at all," the assistant complained.

Xiao Ke's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly glanced at the assistant, "Shut up!"

At this time, the assistant realized that he seemed to be dissatisfied with Xiao Ke, so he quickly shut his mouth and dared not speak.

Xiao Ke's voice sank a little, and he said, "In front of me, no one can speak ill of her, is that clear?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Xiao, I see."

Xiao Ke withdrew his gaze, put one hand in his trouser pocket, closed his eyes, and when he raised his eyes again, his face regained its warmth, and then he stepped up the steps.

Behind him, the assistant followed closely with two backpacks.In fact, Haozai, the assistant who has been with Xiao Ke for several years, was puzzled and surprised!

In Haozai's impression, Xiao Ke would never get angry because of any female star.

It seems that this black and red artist Rao Shixin has a special status in Xiao Ke's heart!
In the crew, Shen Qinghuan was all smiles.

Rao Shixin thought he was late today, and Shen Qinghuan must have said a few words, but the result was unexpected.

It was already 09:30, and Shen Qinghuan was still leisurely eating snacks and drinking tea, and even invited her to come with him.

Rao Shixin thought it was too strange.Of course, it also includes Yang Hui.

The dim sum on the table is made by the famous Zuixinlou nearby, and the taste is simply mouth-watering.

Because Rao Shixin was in a hurry to go out in the morning, he didn't have time to eat anything.Now, seeing that Shen Qinghuan invited her to taste dim sum, she naturally had no intention of refusing.

Just like that, she pulled out the chair, sat in front of the table, twirled the dessert and put it in her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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