The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 855 Handsome man and beautiful woman, perfect match!

Chapter 855 Handsome man and beautiful woman, perfect match!
After a few seconds of silence, Xiao Ke said, "Since this is the case, then I understand."

"Huh?" Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows.

The corners of Xiao Ke's lips curled up, "Just because you don't want to fall in love now, doesn't mean you don't want to in the future."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin paused, scratched at the script with his fingernails, and his lips groaned, "I can't say for sure about what will happen in the future."

"You can't stay alone forever. Besides, Shi Xin, you've been avoiding me since morning, haven't you?" Xiao Ke exposed Rao Shixin very bluntly.

Rao Shixin's eyes flickered, and suddenly she didn't dare to look directly at Xiao Ke.

That's right, after last night, she was indeed avoiding him deliberately, for no reason, just because she learned that he was very likely to want to date her.

"Why do you hide from me? Is it because you are worried that I have thoughts about you?" Xiao Ke's voice was warm and gentle, as if he was talking about the weather.

A hint of embarrassment appeared on Rao Shixin's beautiful face.

She really didn't expect that a man as gentle as Xiao Ke would speak straight to the point, which made her very embarrassed.

"I'm not worried about anything, Xiao Ke, you think too much."

There seemed to be a trace of helplessness between Xiao Ke's brows, and then he opened his mouth and said——

"Shi Xin, you look cute when you lie, but I don't want to see you lie. In the next time, we will meet each other on the set. Are you sure you want to keep hiding from me? Or do you decide to face me now? , express your thoughts at once?"

Rao Shixin: "."

Can you be more direct?
She really wanted to find a hole to get in!
Xiao Ke stared straight at Rao Shixin with his slender eyes, but there was an inexplicable illusion of coercion.Anyway, Rao Shixin thinks so.

After these two days of contact, she has always thought that Xiao Ke is a very easy-going and gentle man, but now, she seems to have discovered that this man actually has a strong side in his bones.

It was probably because Xiao Ke had been staring at her like this, and she felt her scalp tingling. There was nothing she could do about it, so she decided to open the skylight and speak up. After all, what Xiao Ke said just now was right.

In the next time, she will meet him every day in the crew, and it is impossible to avoid him every day.

"Well, Xiao Ke, you're right. I'm really worried. You know, Sister Yang said you asked her for my WeChat account in the middle of the night, so I was thinking, you can't be real. Because it is convenient to contact, you add me on WeChat, right?"

In addition to WeChat, isn't there a phone?
Besides, for the convenience of contact, there is no need to add WeChat in the middle of the night.

She is a woman, so she naturally understands why a man does this.

She was unlikely to believe it before, but after Yang Hui's repeated reminders, she also noticed that this man might really have some meaning for her.

Although she didn't want to admit it, this man was indeed handsome, and his figure, including his conversation and quality, made her feel that he was in line with the standard of her dating partner.

However, when thinking of falling in love, a man with a cold face and paralyzed face would always inexplicably flash through her mind.

It's weird!
At this time, outside the tent, Yang Hui repeatedly wanted to poke his head in and eavesdrop, to see what Xiao Ke and Rao Shixin were talking about inside.

Yang Hui wouldn't believe that Xiao Ke was looking for Rao Shixin just for the sake of his lines!
After being in the entertainment industry for so long, how could she not even have this bit of vision!

Xiao Ke was interested in Rao Shixin both openly and secretly!
In her heart, she hoped that the two could become a couple!

Handsome men and beautiful women, perfect match!
(End of this chapter)

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