The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 858 What excuse can she find to avoid it?

Chapter 858 What excuse can she find to escape?
Rao Shixin paused.

She doesn't know, what is Xiao Ke going to do?
It wasn't until Xiao Ke stood up, bent over, and picked up the script on the ground that she realized that the script in her hand had fallen to the ground.

After Xiao Ke picked up the script, he walked up to her, and then handed the script in his hand to her, "Your script has been dropped."

Rao Shixin raised his hand to take the script, then licked his lips, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, but..." The corners of Xiao Ke's lips curled up, "Your dance just now was pretty good."

Rao Shixin: "..."

What excuse can she find to avoid it?
Too shameful!

Xiao Ke's smiling eyes showed lines of laughter, but Rao Shixin just wanted to turn back time.

Just now, she should calm down.

What dance, what waist twist?
She is a goddess, not a douchebag. Although she has no idea about Xiao Ke, it doesn't mean that she doesn't mind doing embarrassing things in front of Xiao Ke.

No matter what, Xiao Ke is always a senior, and he is also a film star, a figure she admires in the showbiz, so how can she do something that ruins her image?
Don't say it, I'm afraid this pair of lines can't be right anymore, she thinks it's better for her to find an excuse to slip out.

Just when she was thinking this way in her mind, there happened to be a roar outside, and it was Shen Qinghuan who was calling for everyone to come over.

Hearing this voice, her eyes lit up, then she raised her finger and pointed outside, and said, "Then what... Director Shen is calling for someone, I'll go over."

After all, she turned around and left quickly.

However, before she left, she could still feel the smiling gaze behind her.

She had no choice but to walk faster.

Xiao Ke kept staring at Rao Shixin.Until Rao Shixin's body disappeared.

He was still holding the script in his hand, his eyes flickered, and some kind of emotion was surging.

"Shi Xin..." He rubbed the corner of the script with his fingers, and his voice added a touch of determination.

At this time, Rao Shixin came out of the tent, and with a glance, he saw Shen Qinghuan directing something.

She walked towards Shen Qinghuan, "Director Shen, what are you doing?"

Shen Qinghuan's eyes swept over, and a smile appeared on his chubby face, "Shi Xin, you've finished your makeup, hurry up, sit down, we're going to have a new actor today."

When Rao Shixin heard this, his eyes lit up, "New actor? Who is it?"

As she said that, she looked around, and then, she saw a girl standing over there.

The girl had golden-brown hair, and a smile was stained on her face, which had obviously been subjected to a scalpel. Her eyes swept away, and then her eyes collided with Rao Shixin's. The next second, the girl's smile froze.

Rao Shixin's eyes widened, "Fuck! White lotus!"

As soon as she said this, the girl paused, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.

Rao Shixin gritted his teeth: "Director Shen, are you going to tell me that this is the so-called new actor you're looking for?"

Shen Qinghuan raised his hand, rubbed his head, and smiled: "That's right, this is the actor in our crew, who will play Concubine Li next, come on, you guys get to know each other first, Shuyu, you and Shi Xin should study hard."

A smile appeared on Lou Shuyu's face, "Sister Shi Xin, I've heard of your name for a long time. When I saw you today, I didn't expect you to be more beautiful in real life than what I saw!"

Hearing this, Rao Shixin chuckled, "I remember you played the role of a white lotus before, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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