The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 861 A sense of powerlessness also arises in my heart

Chapter 861 A sense of powerlessness also arises in my heart
Rao Shixin sneered, "Are you stupid? Of course my surname is Rao. To be honest, talking to a white lotus like you will lower my IQ."

After finishing speaking, she raised her eyebrows slightly and gave the other party a middle finger.

Lou Shuyu paused.However, at this moment, Rao Shixin turned away in disdain.

Seeing Rao Xin turn away from that cold and arrogant figure like this, Lou Shuyu felt very unwilling!

From her point of view, Rao Shixin is just an artist who finally became popular by constantly being searched in this circle.

Moreover, Rao Shixin obviously has no status in the Rao family. If he had status, how could there be so many black fans?
She knows that there will be a lot of black-box operations in this circle. Generally, people with backgrounds will spend money to buy popularity until they make themselves famous.

As for Rao Shixin, if it wasn't for his mediocre background, he wouldn't have so many black fans now.

Who would spend money to buy black fans to blacken themselves?

After thinking of these things, Lou Shuyu felt a lot more balanced in his heart.From a singer to an actor, this is her only chance to start over.

She must succeed!

Just when she secretly swore in her heart, suddenly, a message came from her mobile phone.

She took it out and took a look, only to find that it was a WeChat message from Zhang Yichi.

Zhang Yichi: Honey, how about joining the crew today?
After seeing the news, she just typed, and replied two words perfunctorily - very good.

After a while, the other party came again.

Zhang Yichi: How about celebrating together tonight?
This sentence implies some other meaning.

Lou Shuyu's expression turned cold after reading it.

She knew in her heart that the so-called celebration was just an excuse.

Thinking of what Zhang Yichi did to her last time, she wished she could cut Zhang Yichi into pieces.

However, Zhang Yichi held those videos of hers in his hand. If she didn't agree to Zhang Yichi's celebration tonight, Zhang Yichi might be dissatisfied and send those videos to Lin Cheng.

Thinking of this, she had no choice but to reply to the message and agreed to celebrate with Zhang Yichi tonight.

After replying, she opened Lin Cheng's WeChat again, and then sent a message to Lin Cheng.

Lou Shuyu: Ah Cheng, I joined the crew and met many seniors I like, I am so happy.

After sending the message, she waited for a long time, but she never waited for Lin Cheng to send the message.

At this time, the Lin Group.

meeting room.

On the long main conference table, all the high-level executives were frowning.

In the main seat, Lin Cheng was wearing a black suit, with his hands on the table.

After a period of recuperation, his body has obviously improved a lot, but he still needs to take medicine frequently and go to the hospital for reexamination.

The doctor told him not to drink too much alcohol, and he hasn't touched a drop of alcohol since then.

Although his condition is recovering well now, the condition of the company cannot be ignored.

Stocks are down, negative headlines continue to come in, funds are running short, and now we're entering a particularly difficult place.

Lin Cheng's face was quite haggard, and now his normally warm face was filled with some kind of melancholy.

There was a wrinkle between his brows, and he stared at the company's loss data during this period on the big screen, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Just then, a message came from his cell phone.

He glanced at it and saw that it was from Lou Shuyu, so he picked up the phone and turned it off.

In the next second, he glanced at the high-level people present, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Speak, while I'm here, you can speak out your thoughts."

(End of this chapter)

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