Chapter 864
at the same time.

Lou Jianian was holding the phone, staring at the photo in WeChat, some kind of thought appeared in her dark almond eyes.

She knew that Lou Shuyu was planning to switch to the actor's profession. After all, there was such a big scandal before, and he might not have a future as a singer.

Of course, Lou Shuyu may have other plans, for example, she wants to get involved in the show business circle, and then she will successfully clean herself up.

It's a pity, she made a mistake, how can acting and singing be the same?
Acting requires the actors to have their own talent, or they have to work hard enough. After all, acting requires all the expressions and movements in place, but singing only needs to move the mouth.

No matter what, if you want to be an actor, it is absolutely impossible to be successful in a short period of time.

After thinking deeply for a while, Lou Jianian tapped his finger, opened the screen of the phone, and then made a call.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Hey, Boss, I've been waiting for your call." Yang Zhaolin's joyful voice came through the phone.

At this moment, Yang Zhaolin was stroking cats in the office, and by the way, studying the promotional arrangements for Bei Xiao's new song and so on.

Bei Xiao's new song has already been produced, but it has not been released yet.

Regarding the new song "Light of Hope", Yang Zhaolin listens to it almost every day, it's so good that it can make people's ears pregnant.

It's a pity that the boss insisted on suppressing such a beautiful song and refused to release it online. He was so anxious that he was dying, so he waited for his call every day, but unexpectedly, the boss suddenly called.

"Old Yang, listen, arrange for Bei Xiao's new song to be released at noon today." Lou Jianian's calm and soft voice rang from the phone.

When Yang Zhaolin found out, he was instantly overwhelmed with surprise, "Boss, did I hear correctly? Have you agreed to release a new song for Bei Xiao?"

"Yes, just today, at 12:[-] noon, no need to notify in advance, go online directly."

"But, this... at least it's better to make a prediction in advance now, anyway, isn't there still more than two hours before 12 o'clock at noon?"

"No!" Lou Jianian rubbed his phone with his fingertips, looked at the dazzling sunlight outside the balcony not far away, and then his eyes were deep, "Be caught off guard and surprise netizens, understand?"

Yang Zhaolin was taken aback for a moment, and soon realized, "I'll go, understand, understand!"

"Now that I understand, I'll hang up."

Lou Jianian hung up the phone, followed by pushing the medical trolley into the infirmary.

the other side.

The cold mansion.

The time is already 09:30 in the morning.

In front of the wrought iron gate, slender and slender girls are all dressed up and waiting in line for interviews.

The sun is hot and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

Nalan Jun lined up with a number and was waiting for an interview.

The huge mansion appeared in front of us, luxurious and precious, just like many years ago, except for some more protective measures on the wrought iron gate, and camphor trees planted on both sides of the gate, other things, almost no changes.

It has been four years since she left here, and many memories have been sealed in the depths of her memory along with her departure.But today, when she stood in front of the house again, many pictures from the past flooded in like a tide.

The glaring light from the top made her steps weak and her head became a little heavy. Scenes from the past flashed before her eyes like fast-moving movies.

She felt a little pain in her head, and her heart seemed to be pricked a few times, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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