The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 866 Nalan is unwilling to let him call his wife

Chapter 866 Nalan is unwilling to let him call his wife

After saying good morning, the robot crouched down again, spreading its limbs, in a reptile-like pose.

Leng Zimu had a smile on his face, then sat on the robot, and then manipulated the screen.

Soon, the robot began to climb up, from the room to the corridor, the stairs, and then to the hall on the first floor.

Leng Zimu played for a while, then got off the robot, and then controlled the robot.

Following his control, the robot began to stand up, walked to the coffee table, and started making tea.

Leng Zimu jumped onto the sofa and sat cross-legged, waiting for the robot to pour tea.

On the other side, the guest room.

On the bed, the girl's slender eyelashes moved, and her closed eyes opened accordingly.

The goal is white ceilings, crystal chandeliers, soft big beds, curtains, sofas, etc.

Nalan Jun's eyelashes flickered, and it took him a while to remember that he was waiting for the interview and then fainted.

However, this place seems a bit familiar?
She sat up with her arms propped up, feeling a little pain in her head.At this moment, footsteps came from outside the gate, followed by a figure.

When she raised her gaze to the door, the eyes of the person who happened to come in also fell on the big bed.

Just as the four eyes met inadvertently, each other was surprised!
Nalan Jun's eyes flickered slightly, he did not expect that the person who came in would be, "Uncle Zhang?"

"Ma'am!" Zhang Bo's slightly aged voice was full of excitement.

He really didn't expect that there would be a wife among today's interviewees.

Nalan Jun pursed his lips, feeling a little complicated.Since Zhang Bo can be seen here, it means that the room she is lying in now is one of the rooms in the Leng family mansion.

No wonder she felt familiar!

Uncle Zhang came to the bed with a tray in his hand, and asked with concern, "Madam, how are you feeling?"

"Uncle Zhang, don't call me that." Nalan Jun smiled politely, "I'm not a wife, I'm just here for an interview."

Hearing this, Zhang Bo paused, not knowing how to respond for a moment.

He smacked his lips a few times, and finally it turned into a sigh.

After a while, he remembered the soup on the tray in his hand, so he said: "Madam, this is a bowl of heat-relieving soup that I asked the cook to make, drink it quickly."

Nalan Jun glanced at the golden glazed bowl on Zhang Bo's tray. The soup in the bowl looked bright in color and contained a light and pleasant smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

She hesitated for a while, but in the end she reached out to take the glazed bowl, and then drank the hot summer soup.

After finishing drinking, she put down the bowl and said, "Thank you."

Uncle Zhang was taken aback, and quickly responded: "No, Madam, I"

"Uncle Zhang, my name is Nalan Jun. I'm not a wife, so don't call me that."

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang was a little embarrassed for a while.

He has been calling his wife for several years, but suddenly he was asked to change his words, he felt not used to it.

Nalan Jun felt that he was no longer uncomfortable, so he raised his hand to remove the thin quilt, got up and got out of bed, and put on his shoes.

Uncle Zhang saw that she was about to leave the big bed, so he said, "Miss Tai Nalan, where are you going?"

Because Nalan didn't want him to call his wife, he had no choice but to change his name.

After Nalan put on his shoes, he raised his eyebrows and said, "I still have to go to the interview. By the way, the interview should not be over yet, right?"

"This..." Uncle Zhang frowned slightly, "Miss Nalan, are you really planning to enter Leng's family as a servant?"

(End of this chapter)

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