Chapter 870 Looks soft and weak

The woman's slender body, under the projection of the golden sunlight, looks soft and weak.

Leng Zimu's eyes glowed, he stood on tiptoe, poked his head out, and kept staring at the figure.

At this moment, inside the Iron Art Gate, Nalan Jun was about to walk outside with flamboyant steps.

Zhang Bo followed behind, his wrinkled face was obviously full of melancholy and worry.

Seeing that Nalan Jun might fall down again at any time, Uncle Zhang didn't dare to take it lightly.

Zhang Bo wanted to find someone to drive Nalan Jun back, but Nalan Jun refused.

The weather was very hot, walking under the sun, Nalan Jun's dark peach blossom eyes were sad.

Just walking like this, she walked out the door, but she felt inexplicably as if something was staring at her.

In the next second, she turned around, looked up, passed the window on the floor, and landed directly on a window on the third floor.

On the window sill there, a small head was lying there, staring at her.

Despite the distance and height, Leng Zimu did not expect that the woman would suddenly turn around and catch him in her eyes.

His fleshy little face froze for a moment, then he pursed his mouth, raised his hand, and grabbed the curtain.

A clatter.

The curtains are drawn.

He fell down on the wooden floor, with his small hands on his hips, panting.

Maybe it was because he was found out and he felt ashamed!
Seeing that the curtains were drawn and the little guy's face could no longer be seen, Nalan Jun felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

Next time, she doesn't know when she will see him!
Uncle Zhang felt strange, seeing that Nalan Jun had been staring at a certain window, so he glanced along and found that it was a certain window on the third floor.

There, it corresponds to the young master's room!

However, the curtains were drawn, so nothing could be seen at all.

Nalan Jun looked at it for a long time, and then he looked away reluctantly.She held her clothes tightly with her small hands, and didn't take a step, as if she didn't want to leave.

After a while, her lips parted slightly, her voice was dry and hoarse, and she said with a hint of sadness, "Uncle Zhang, please take good care of Mumu."

Zhang Bo paused, and quickly responded: "Miss Nalan, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of the young master."

"Thank you." Nalan Jun thanked him, then turned around and walked outside the Iron Art Gate step by step.

Her body was too slender, and under the projection of the light, she appeared thin.

Looking at Nalan Jun's leaving figure, Zhang Bo's eyes were stained with pity.

My wife must be feeling bad!
On a window sill on the third floor, a small head poked out from under the curtain.

Leng Zimu's amber eyes stared at the fading figure outside the Iron Art Gate, and then frowned slightly.

Seeing that figure leave, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

the other side.

Leng's Group.

conference room.

The whole atmosphere is terrifying and suffocating.

In front of the table, the senior executives even became cautious about breathing.

One of the senior executives was standing in front of the projector and reporting the idea of ​​the new project plan.

On the main seat, Leng Qirui crossed his hands on the table, with a clear breath, not angry and majestic.

He was wearing a high-tailored suit, and the dark and cold color brought out the indifference and arrogance that a superior should have.

In the lower position, Cai Xi was typing on the notebook with both hands, sitting and taking notes seriously.

Leng Qirui's amber eyes stared at the data on the big screen, but what flashed through his mind was the WeChat message from Uncle Zhang that he just received in the office.

Among today's interviewees is Nalan Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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