The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 890 This place is perfect for ghost movies!

Chapter 890 This place is perfect for ghost movies!

Lou Jianian's expression became more vigilant.The door of the old house is open, has anyone been there?

She stepped lightly, crossed the threshold and stepped into the door. Looking around, it was a small yard, but there seemed to be an unpleasant familiar smell in the air.

Behind him, Jing Chen followed in, looking around, his legs trembling inexplicably.

From the time he entered the alley just now, he found that there were no people living in the rows of low and old houses here.

Because it is empty all year round, weeds are overgrown outside the door of many houses, and there is a disgusting smell mixed with the humidity.

This is a great place for ghost movies!

Jing Chen licked his lips, walked to Lou Jianian's side, was about to speak, but Lou Jianian suddenly raised his index finger to his lips, signaling him not to speak.

"?" Jing Chen didn't quite understand, but he still kept his mouth shut obediently.

Lou Jianian pointed to the inner hall covered by the curtain, and said to go in and have a look.

Jing Chen nodded.

The two of them did not make a sound, looked alert, walked lightly, walked to the inner hall, and then opened the curtain.

Looking around, the scene inside the two people's eyes flashed with surprise in an instant!
Lou Jianian stepped forward quickly and checked the people on the rocking chair.

The old man had stopped breathing, and although his body temperature was lower than that of normal people, judging from various signs, the old man should have died not long ago.

Jing Chen glanced at the pool of blood on the ground, and then took a closer look at the old man's neck.

But after a few glances, he immediately knew how the old man was killed.

Lou Jianian clenched her fists tightly, a look of unwillingness appeared in her eyes.

I'm late!
Soon, she glanced at the closed door next to the wooden table, and her eyes flashed coldly.

Inside, someone!
Lou Jianian pursed her lips and stepped forward.

At this time, through a wooden door, Rao Shichen's phoenix eyes passed through the gap, and his gaze swept to the situation outside.

Under the fluorescent lamp in the inner hall, the girl's figure is slender and soft, her small face is extremely cold.

Rao Shichen's eyes flashed a certain light.

In the next second, he raised his hand and pulled the latch of the wooden door open.

Brush and pull!

Behind him, Xu Chi's eyes widened.

Mr. Rao, what are you doing?
Through the wooden door, Lou Jianian moved his ears and heard the sound, so he made a fist with his small hands, ready to attack at any time.

Jing Chen also noticed something, and his brows became alert.

There are people hiding here!
Following the sound from the wooden door just now, there was no further movement.

Lou Jianian was a little impatient, "Come out!"

Through the wooden door, Rao Shichen's eyes were colored with playfulness.

Xu Chi paused, surprise flashed across his eyes.

Is this the young lady's voice?

He was very happy, and just about to make a sound, a pair of eyes suddenly shot at him.

Suddenly, he had no choice but to shut up!
Lou Jianian saw that the people inside the wooden door refused to show up, so he simply used his internal force, raised his hand, and the door opened with a creak.

As the door opened, there was still no one inside. She tapped her toes, jumped into the door, and stood in the center with a light figure.

There was coldness in her brows and eyes, her ears moved sensitively, and she turned around in the next second, her eyes fell on the person standing behind the wooden door.

Beside the wooden door, a man in a well-knit suit stood there dignifiedly and gracefully. His face was exquisite and beautiful, but his long and narrow phoenix eyes were tinged with some kind of light.

Lou Jianian was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into surprise, "Why are you?"

"Who else could it be if it's not me?" Rao Shichen's magnetic and pleasant voice was clearly tinged with coolness, "Is this the dinner you're talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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