Chapter 908
At this moment, Rao Shixin realized that he had lost his mind just now, so he took Yang Hui's hand away, and his voice returned to normal, "I'm going to ask Shen Qinghuan what he thinks, but I actually came to Xia Xi Act as Concubine Qin."

After all, she stepped up and walked outside.

Behind him, Yang Hui originally wanted to catch up, but after thinking about it, he simply gave up.

It is already a certainty that Xia Xi will play the role of Concubine Qin. Even if she goes to find Shen Qinghuan, the result is still the same.

Anyway, she doesn't want to care about this little ancestor for the time being.

Rao Shixin had just stepped out of the tent, but before he found Shen Qinghuan, he ran into Xia Xi instead.

The afternoon sun was strong.

Under the sun, Rao Shixin raised his eyes slightly, looked at Xia Xi who was not far away from him, and instantly lifted his chin slightly, adding a cold beauty to his face.

When Xia Xi's eyes touched Rao Shixin, there was an obvious hint of hostility.However, there was a fake smile on her face.

She has been trying her best to win the role of Princess Qingluo in "The World of Zhaoyang", but in the end she was cut off halfway by Rao Shixin, and she was unwilling to do so.

Fortunately, Shen Qinghuan later arranged for her the role of Concubine Qin, but even so, she still felt very unconvinced.

Why did Rao Shixin take her role away?
The two just stared at each other, and after a while, Shen Qinghuan appeared.

"Hey, what are you two doing? Playing 123 wooden figures?"

Hearing this, Rao Shixin's eyes twitched, and his eyes closed, he was too lazy to look at Xia Xi's disgusting face, and turned his eyes to Shen Qinghuan, and said, "Director Shen, have you had bad eyes recently? ?”

"Where, my eyes are fine." Shen Qinghuan blinked deliberately, "It's bright!"

Seeing Shen Qinghuan coming, Xia Xi said with a smile all over her face, "Director Shen, you are really humorous."

Shen Qinghuan raised his hand and touched his bald head, looked at Rao Shixin and then at Xia Xi, "Hey, why do you look like sisters?"

Xia Xi paused with a smile.

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was almost nauseated, "Stop, Director Shen, what do you think?"

"Of course I have a good eye, otherwise I would have chosen you to play the role of Princess Qingluo?" Shen Qinghuan chuckled, "Shi Xin, go and rest, the filming has to start in 10 minutes."

Rao Shixin folded her arms around her chest, pursed her lips, and didn't want to talk anymore.

At this time, Xia Xi's eyes flickered slightly, and said: "Director Shen's vision is naturally unique, otherwise, how could Director Shen have produced so many good works and won so many awards."

"That's not true." Shen Qinghuan smiled.

Rao Shixin felt relieved.

It seems that Bitch Xia won the role of Concubine Qin by flattering her!
Xia Xi raised her eyebrows, and her face was obviously a little more flattering, "By the way, Director Shen, in order to promote the crew, I have already announced on Weibo that I will play the role of Concubine Qin."

"Yo, Xia Xi, you are so good at it."

Rao Shixin chuckled, "As far as I know, Xia Xi seems to have 100 million followers on Weibo."

Xia Xi: "!!!"

Shen Qinghuan was surprised, without thinking about it, he said at once: "Ah! Only 100 million?"

Xia Xi's expression was a little embarrassed by this invisible magic knife.

Rao Shixin clicked his tongue twice, "I think it's time for me to post my crew photos on Weibo, so that my 5000 million fans on Weibo can take a good look."

Regardless of whether she is a black fan or a hardcore fan, she has 5000 million followers on Weibo so far!
Shen Qinghuan's eyes lit up, "That's kind, Shi Xin, I'll post it tonight, and I'll support it with both hands and feet!"


  Rao Shixin: Fight with me to see who is better than whom?

  Liang Feimo: You said it as if you beat me in the bathroom last night.

  Rao Shixin: Get out.

  Liang Feimo: I am the biggest investor in the crew, who would dare to let me go?

  Rao Shixin: I just got rid of the identity of Liang's spokesperson, but I didn't expect to jump into the trap of the biggest investor in a blink of an eye.

  Liang Feimo: Hurry up and call Dad!

  Rao Shixin: Want to kneel on the keyboard?

  Liang Feimo: Everything my wife says is right.

(End of this chapter)

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