The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 913 Some kind of amazement flashed in the eyes

Chapter 913 Some kind of amazement flashed in the eyes

Soon, a smile appeared on his round face, "That's true, that's right, it's filming, today is Rao Shixin and Xiao Ke's scene, Mr. Liang, speaking of these two, they are a perfect match .”

Because Liang Feimo is the biggest investor in this drama, he spared no effort to bring out the biggest highlight in the drama, namely Rao Shixin and Xiao Ke, two handsome men and beautiful women.

No matter what, he must let Liang Feimo know that the money invested will never be wasted. Of course, this also highlights his vision invisibly.

Just as he was trying his best to praise Rao Shixin and Xiao Ke's looks, he didn't expect a breath of cold death to blow over his face.

Cooled down?
Shen Qinghuan suddenly felt a little cold around him.

The golden sun was hanging above his head, and Liang Feimo's paralyzed face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

With one hand in his trouser pocket, his slender body gave the illusion of being king, cold and ruthless.

Next to him, Wen salamander raised his hand to wipe away his cold sweat.

This director Shen is also true, which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted?
Just over an hour ago, Ms. Rao deliberately went to Liang's to pay liquidated damages and completely removed her status as the spokesperson for Liang's jewelry.

You know, because of Ms. Rao's operation, the entire senior management of the company suffered inexplicably.

Mr. Liang is already cold enough on weekdays, but today he seems to be the king of Hades.

Mr. Liang was not satisfied with the business plan and was torn up, and Mr. Liang deducted half a year's bonus for a decimal point error in data entry. Things like this scared the senior management enough!
Shen Qinghuan felt that he had said something wrong?

It was at this moment, belatedly, that he finally discovered that the chill came from Mr. Liang.

After thinking about it, he felt that maybe he didn't greet well enough. How could he be talking nonsense here under the sun?

"Mr. Liang, it's rare for you to come here once. How about having a cup of tea in the advanced crew? Oh yes, it happens to be filming inside. Mr. Liang, you can take a look at the acting skills of our crew's actors."

Liang Feimo's extremely cold face moved slightly, his sword eyebrows raised slightly, his dark eyes glanced at Shen Qinghuan, and he said coldly: "Then what are you doing here?"

"?" Shen Qinghuan was a little confused.

Wen Xie coughed lightly, and helped to remind: "Mr. Liang asked you to lead the way."

"Ah?" Shen Qinghuan widened his eyes, smiled and made a please gesture, and said, "I'm neglecting you, Mr. Liang is going this way."

Liang Feimo took a long leg and stepped up the steps.

At this moment, Shen Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly followed the lead.

Wen Salamander also let out a sigh of relief, and followed closely behind.

Under the leadership of Shen Qinghuan, Liang Feimo stepped over the threshold, stepped into the vestibule, walked around the corridor, looked up, and saw that in the garden not far away, the lighting photographers, including the studio staff, were all busy.

"Mr. Liang, look, that's the crew over there, and today's filming happened to be the most exciting scene." Shen Qinghuan introduced dog-leggedly, and raised his finger to Rao Shixin and Xiao Ke.

Liang Feimo's sharp eyes swept across the set, and then his eyes fell on a girl in a gorgeous dress with a gold hairpin in her hair.

The girl had delicate makeup on her face, her eyes were outlined with eyeliner, and the light pink eye shadow made her skin fairer and smoother.

From this angle, the girl is graceful and graceful, with a slender body, agile and sweet.

Some kind of amazement flashed across Liang Feimo's eyes.

However, when he caught sight of the tall and slender man in brocade clothes standing beside the girl, his eyes narrowed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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