The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 920 Still Can't Ignore That Feeling

Chapter 920 Still Can't Ignore That Feeling

Rao Shixin's eyes flashed, and he saw Shen Qinghuan's summoning hand. He hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still took steps and stepped forward bravely.

When she walked up, Xiao Ke turned sideways, but he happened to be fighting side by side with her.

I have to say that the picture of these two standing together is really eye-catching.

Liang Feimo's dark eyes swept over Rao Shixin, and the balls of his fingers hanging by his side couldn't help but twitched.

At this moment, his face was heavy, as if he was holding back some emotion.

Shen Qinghuan quickly said with a smile: "Shi Xin is playing the role of Princess Qingluo, and Xiao Ke is the son-in-law. These two are the most interesting couple in the play. I'm sure, waiting for this play After the broadcast, Shi Xin and Xiao Ke will definitely become an on-screen couple."

As his words fell, a gust of cold frost hit.

How can the weather change?

Liang Feimo released the cold air all over his body, and added more coldness in the bottom of his eyes, "Screen couple?"

Hearing this, Shen Qinghuan was stunned.

Xiao Ke's eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly responded with a smile, "Director Shen is right, Mr. Liang can rest assured that Shi Xin and I will do our best to play the role well, so as to satisfy the audience, and we will definitely let Mr. Liang invest the money Not in vain."

Beside, Rao Shixin raised her eyebrows slightly, always feeling strange?
What Xiao Ke said seems to have a lot of meaning?
Xia Xi listened, gritted her silver teeth secretly.As soon as the role of Princess Qingluo was mentioned, she felt unwilling.

Originally, she should be the one playing the role of Princess Qingluo now. Xiao Ke's role as son-in-law just happened to be able to give her popularity.

She was itching with anger!

Rao Shixin's eyes rolled around, and his eyes just inadvertently collided with Xia Xi's forehead.

At that moment, she seemed to see jealousy in Xia Xi's eyes.



Is Xia Xi jealous of her playing the role of Princess Qingluo?
Oh, by the way, Liang Feimo is here. Originally, as the largest investor, he has the most weight to speak, but Liang Feimo didn't even ask her to give the role of Princess Qingluo to Xia Xi?

She hadn't forgotten that when she hadn't promised to take over Princess Qingluo before, Xia Xi was eager to get her.

Thinking of this, some thoughts inexplicably flashed through her mind, and a light appeared in her eyes.

"Mr. Liang has 120 hearts. With my acting skills, I will definitely play the role of Princess Qingluo to the extreme. Mr. Liang has invested so much money. As actors, all we can do is to perform the role well."

To be honest, if she really wanted to play acting, she didn't think she would lose to Xia Xi.

Liang Feimo is sensible on this point. Knowing how hot Xia Xi is, the role of Concubine Qin is suitable for her.

"Oh, by the way, I still want to say." Rao Shixin looked at Liang Feimo with a smile in his eyes, and then stepped forward, "The check I gave to Mr. Liang in the afternoon should have the correct number of words, right? ?”

These words undoubtedly stunned everyone present!

In the afternoon, did the two meet?

Liang Feimo's dark pupils were sharpened, his eyes were fixed on the smiling girl in front of him, and the palms beside him were slowly clenched.

Under the stares of everyone, Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows and insisted on waiting for Liang Feimo to answer.

However, one second, two seconds, before Liang Feimo could answer, she suddenly felt dizzy, and her eyes were spinning again.

She shook her head, but still couldn't ignore the feeling.

The next second, when she closed her eyes, she was about to fall down.

However, before she fell down, she finally saw Liang Feimo's dark pupils shrunk clearly, his slender body leaped over, and a pair of arms directly embraced her body.

Just like that, she passed out completely!
(End of this chapter)

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