The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 925 Seems to have a lot of emotions

Chapter 925 Seems to have a lot of emotions
Dean Xue saw that the persuasion was fruitless, so he could only look at Wen Xi with a look of pleading for help.

Wen Xie thought for a while, and said: "Mr. Liang, Ms. Rao needs a good examination now, why don't you sit outside for a while, I'm afraid the doctors won't be able to do a good job if you're here."

With these words, I immediately received thankful glances from Dean Xue and the medical staff.

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, and after a while, finally moved his body slightly, let go of Rao Shixin's little hand, glanced at the medical staff present, and said coldly, "Check carefully."

The eyes of the medical staff brightened and they nodded quickly.

Liang Feimo glanced at the unconscious Rao Shixin again, and then left.

At this time, Wen Zhan waved to the medical staff, "Quickly check Miss Rao." After speaking, he walked away.

The medical staff breathed a sigh of relief, so they immediately checked Rao Shixin in various aspects, including blood pressure, heart rate and so on.

Outside, in the corridor, Liang Feimo did not leave, but stood in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside the window with a pair of dark eyes.

He put one hand in his trouser pocket, his face was deep, as if he had many emotions.

Wen Salamander watched from the side, and suddenly didn't know what to do.

From the time he drove all the way to the hospital, during the whole process, he fully witnessed how nervous Miss Rao was always.

In fact, Mr. Liang cares about Ms. Rao very much, but Ms. Rao doesn't know it!

The afternoon sun came in through the window and fell on Liang Feimo.

The dark and dull suit was rendered with a faint halo of light. He stood there, his back still looked cold, but it vaguely added a certain loneliness.

Wen Salamander frowned, and his expression suddenly became a little more distressed.

All along, he thought that Liang was always a crazy working robot, ruthless and nothing but work, but today he seemed to see another side of Mr. Liang that no one knew.

Mr. Liang hides Ms. Rao in his heart, and no one knows this secret.

Perhaps thinking of this, Wen Xie suddenly sighed.

At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from not far away, with a sense of urgency in the calmness.

Wen Salamander swept his eyes, only to realize that the person who came was Xiao Ke.

On the corridor, I saw Xiao Ke's handsome face stained with worry.

There was fine sweat on his face, as if he had just escaped from the besieged fans.

After appearing from the corner, he hurried to the door of the examination room. His slender eyes glanced at Liang Feimo standing by the window with a complicated expression, and then his gaze fell on Wen Xi: "Inside what's the situation?"

Wen Xi didn't expect Xiao Ke to ask such a question suddenly, and after a moment of stunned, he said, "Actor Xiao, it's like this, the medical staff are checking Miss Rao inside, and the check is not finished yet."

Hearing this, Xiao Ke's brow furrowed, his eyes glanced at the closed door of the examination room, then he clenched his hands into fists, stepped back, sat down on the bench beside him, and waited silently. .

Beside the window, Liang Feimo looked cold and paralyzed, without emotion, and his body remained motionless, even though Xiao Ke appeared.

The two men just waited outside the examination room.

the other side.

Ya'an Company.

A black car parked in the underground parking lot.

The car door opened, and Lou Jianian stepped out of the car.After closing the car door, she took the exclusive elevator directly to the president's floor.


As the elevator doors parted, she stepped out of the car with her calf, and walked to the president's office.

(End of this chapter)

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