The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 941 So she can only eat soup and porridge?

Chapter 941 So she can only eat soup and porridge?

The atmosphere in the entire ward was tense for a moment.

Liang Feimo and Xiao Ke looked at each other coldly, with hostility burning in each other's eyes.

Sitting on the bed, Rao Shixin rolled his eyes, and raised his hand to cover his stomach in the next second, "Oh."

As she made this sound, the two men who were still hostile turned their gazes towards her instantly, stepped forward while being concerned, and asked, "What's the matter?"

These unanimous words made the two men frown deeply, but at this juncture, the two of them cared more about Rao Shixin.

Rao Shixin licked his lips, rubbed his stomach with his small hands, and said, "I'm so hungry."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo and Xiao Ke paused.

Soon, Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows, and said in a warm voice: "Sorry, I almost forgot that you were hungry, I'll get you a food box."

Rao Shixin raised his eyes, the corners of his lips slightly raised, "Yes."

On the side, Liang Feimo's brows furrowed deeper, and at the same time, a coldness appeared in his dark eyes.

Xiao Ke turned around and walked to the table, took the food box and walked to the bedside.

He pushed the mobile table at the end of the bed over, and put the food box on the table, "I don't know what you like to eat, so I decided to buy some snacks."

With that said, he opened the food box.

Rao Shixin looked at the dazzling array of dim sum on the table, his eyes lit up, "These dim sum look so delicate."

"The dim sum in this shop is very famous, you should try it." Xiao Ke took out the chopsticks and handed them to Rao Shixin while speaking with a smile in his eyes.

Rao Shixin took the chopsticks, "Thank you."

At this time, Liang Feimo's face was cold, and his whole body exuded an aura like a beast.In the next second, he suddenly reached out and took away Rao Shixin's chopsticks.

Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment before realizing it.She raised her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Mr. Liang, what are you doing?"

Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows slightly, and was also very dissatisfied with Liang Feimo's behavior, but his expression was still gentle.

At this moment, eager footsteps came from the door of the ward, followed by a person, Wen Xi.

I saw Wen Salamander appearing with a big bag.He had just arrived at the door of the ward, and when he looked up, he was surprised to find something.

"Miss Rao, you're awake."

Hearing the voice, Rao Shixin glanced at the door, "Secretary Wen."

Liang Feimo's dark eyes followed to look at the source of the voice, until he realized that it was Wen Zhan, so he asked in a toneless tone, "Did you buy anything?"

At this moment, Wen Zhan who was standing at the door nodded immediately, "I bought it back." While speaking, he stepped into the ward, carried the bag to the bed, but found that the small table on the bed was full of be careful.

Liang Feimo glanced at the bag of things, and said coldly, "Take it out."

Hearing this, Wen Xi was taken aback for a moment, then realized, and quickly took out the contents of the bag.

It turned out that the bag contained food boxes.

Rao Shixin looked at the food box in front of him, so he frowned slightly, "This is?"

Hearing this, Wen Xi quickly explained: "Miss Rao, it's like this, the doctor said that you'd better eat some soup and porridge after waking up, so I bought you some soup and porridge."

Rao Shixin paused.So she can only eat soup and porridge?
So, Liang Feimo took her chopsticks for this reason?

Xiao Ke frowned, and glanced at Liang Feimo.

If he guessed correctly, Liang Feimo must have ordered the secretary to buy these soups and porridges.

(End of this chapter)

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