Chapter 947 She hesitated

Rao Shixin, who was hanging the water, saw the two men so stubborn, and suddenly regretted what he said about being thirsty.

Right now, two men are holding water glasses and handing them to her lips, which one should she drink first.

She hesitated a bit.

Wen Xie suddenly felt that this question was a bit difficult!
Fortunately, when the atmosphere was tense, the cell phone in Xiao Ke's pocket suddenly rang.

A life-threatening bell pierced through the entire ward.

Xiao Ke frowned, but in the end he still freed his other hand to reach into his pocket and took out the phone.

When he saw the incoming call, he was taken aback for a moment, then pressed the answer button and brought the phone to his ear.

The person on the other side of the phone didn't know what he said, and after a while he heard his brows darken, and said, "I see, I'll go back now."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

On the hospital bed, Rao Shixin's charming eyes flickered, and he asked, "What's wrong? Xiao Ke."

Xiao Ke said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Shi Xin, I have something urgent to leave now."


When Rao Shixin heard that he was leaving, his eyes lightened slightly, so he raised his eyebrows and said: "If you have something to do, go back first, I can do it by myself."

On the side, Liang Feimo's expression turned ugly.

Xiao Ke nodded, "Then I'll go first, you have to take care of yourself."

"Don't worry, there are medical staff here, I'll be fine." Rao Shixin looked relaxed and casual.

The corner of Xiao Ke's lips pursed, "Well, then I'll go first." Then, he put down the water glass, and then glanced at Rao Shixin again.

At this moment, Rao Shixin waved his hand.

There was still a smile on Xiao Ke's gentle face before he left.However, before leaving, he still did not forget to look at Liang Feimo.

Although there is still Liang Feimo in this ward, he is still relatively at ease.Because he believed that Rao Shixin didn't have any thoughts about Liang Feimo.

After careful observation by the crew in the afternoon, he decided that it was only Liang Feimo who had thoughts about Rao Shixin.The so-called can't clap one hand.

This is why, he has no sense of crisis at all.

After a quick calculation in his mind, he left the ward completely.

Rao Shixin heaved a sigh of relief.

Since Xiao Ke's figure disappeared, Liang Feimo didn't even lose a corner of his eye to Xiao Ke.

Wen Xi, who was standing behind him, was overjoyed.

Because he knew that as long as actor Xiao left, Mr. Liang would be the only one left to take care of Miss Rao in the ward.

Wen Salamander is still very discerning.

At this time, he knew that he should not stay in the ward anymore, so he said respectfully, "Sorry, Mr. Liang, I want to go to the bathroom."

Liang Feimo responded coldly, "Yes."

After getting the consent, Wen Salamander left.

Of course, saying that he was going to the bathroom was just an excuse, he just wanted to create a chance for the two of them in the ward to get along alone.

After leaving the ward, he hurried to find a restaurant outside the hospital to settle the dinner first.

He is really hungry!
At this moment, the atmosphere in the ward suddenly became delicate.

Rao Shixin was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes flicked around, and he didn't know where to look.

Beside the bed, Liang Feimo still maintained his original posture.I saw him holding a water glass, his face paralyzed, and he said, "Drink water."

Rao Shixin glanced at the cup in front of him again, licked his lips, after thinking about it, he still bit the straw and drank the water.

She didn't know why she obediently drank the water.

(End of this chapter)

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