Chapter 949 Acting very well
on the road.

A Volvo is driving in it.

Bright street lights spilled into the car through the windows.

Lou Jianian sat in the passenger seat, admiring the scenery outside the car window.

The evening breeze was cool and comfortable, making her drowsy all over her head.

At this moment, the car slowed down slowly and stopped.

She froze for a moment, looked up, only to realize that she had encountered a green light.

In the driver's seat, Rao Shichen's handsome face appeared bewildering and exquisite under the fluorescent projection.He stretched out his slender hands, rubbed her head, and then asked in a low voice, "Are you sleepy?"

Feeling the touch from the warm palm, Lou Jianian glanced at the man beside him with his dark eyes.

From this angle, she clearly saw the man's deep eyebrows and eyes full of tenderness.It is especially gentle in this night.

She couldn't help stretching out her little hand, grabbed the palm of the man's head that fell on her head, and then took the man's hand off, then interlocked her fingers, and responded with a low eyebrow, "I'm a little sleepy."

Rao Shichen's good-looking face glowed with pampering, "I'll be home in half an hour. If you're sleepy, lean on the seat and sleep for a while."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian nodded with a smile, "En."

Rao Shichen's long and narrow phoenix eyes flickered slightly, and there was a stream of light stirring them.The night was quiet, the evening breeze was cool, and the girl's lowered eyebrows made his chest beat faster for a moment.

In the next second, he pulled the girl's body with his palm, and followed her face closely, staring at the girl's lips with burning phoenix eyes.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became ambiguous.

Lou Jianian twitched her eyelashes a few times, her eyes narrowed slightly, but she acted very well-behaved.

However, it was her cuteness that made Rao Shichen feel even hotter.

He simply held her face, his thin lips were about to fall.


At this moment, the car behind protested.

Lou Jianian froze for a moment, frowned slightly, and glanced forward.

However, it was precisely because she glanced ahead and tilted her small face that the position where the man's thin lips fell happened to be her cheek.

Rao Shichen frowned slightly.

Lou Jianian lifted his small hand, gently pushed him away, and reminded, "It's time to drive."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen glanced at the traffic light, pursed his thin lips, and could only suppress the dryness in his heart, let go of Lou Jianian with his palm, and then started the car.

With the car all the way open.

Lou Jianian leaned back on the seat, intending to close her eyes and take a nap first.

At this moment, a WeChat message came to her mobile phone.

She took out her phone and looked, and found that it was from Jing Chen.

Jing Chen: Rao Shixin is really Rao Shichen's younger sister?

Seeing the message, Lou Jianian typed a reply.

Lou Jianian: Well, didn't I tell you this afternoon?
Jing Chen: Rao Shixin is your sister-in-law. I've worked so hard to examine your sister-in-law, shouldn't you treat me to a meal?

Lou Jianian: You choose a time and hotel location, just send it to me.

Jing Chen: Then you pay the bill?
Lou Jianian: Yes.

Jing Chen: I suddenly remembered something, I am losing weight recently.

Lou Jianian: Are you sure?
Jing Chen: For the sake of my weight loss journey, I think it’s better to forget about inviting me to dinner.

Lou Jianian: That's fine.

Jing Chen: But, you who should thank me should still be grateful, right?We can switch to other things for eating.

Lou Jianian: So?
Jing Chen: The old man has been forcing me again recently, asking me to go on a blind date, please persuade me, let the old man stop thinking about things all day long.

Lou Jianian:
Jing Chen: If you don’t answer, I’ll assume you agree.

Lou Jianian: All right.

At this point, the chat ends.

(End of this chapter)

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