Chapter 951
At this time, outside the ward, Wen Zhan brought a suit.

Perhaps it was because he didn't look carefully at the situation when he came in. When he came in, he said respectfully: "Mr. Liang, the clothes are here."

On the hospital bed, the girl seemed to be disturbed by the sound, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her lips were murmuring something.

After Liang Feimo comforted her, the girl changed her position and fell asleep again.

Seeing the girl fall back into sleep, Liang Feimo shot cold eyes at Wen Xie.

Only now did Wen Xi realize that he almost woke up Mr. Liang's sweetheart.

He was so frightened that his legs went limp, he hurriedly stepped forward, bowed silently and respectfully picked up the whole suit in his hand.

Liang Feimo's face was cold, and he glanced at the suit presented in front of him, and then reached out to take the suit over.

Then, he lowered his voice and ordered coldly: "Get out!"

Wen salamander paused, then nodded, and walked cautiously, leaving the ward.

After the door closed, Liang Feimo glanced at the girl who was still sleeping deeply on the hospital bed.

From just now until now, the girl looks very tired.

Liang Feimo's mind flashed the image of girls filming in heavy clothes when they were on the set in the afternoon.

He frowned slightly, and there was a hint of pity in his dark eyes, so he lifted his palm, and it fell on the girl's soft face, and his fingertips slowly slid across.

In the quiet ward, his always cold heart seemed to soften. He leaned over and pressed a kiss between the girl's eyebrows, then the tip of her nose, and finally...
Outside the corridor, Mrs. Liang just came out of Mr. Liang's ward.

Because she knew that Rao Shixin was still in the hospital, she hadn't left since the afternoon. Apart from accompanying Mr. Liang, she also wanted to know more about Rao Shixin's situation.

No, after coaxing the old man to sleep in Mr. Liang's ward, she left the ward and planned to take a look downstairs, the ward where Rao Shixin was.

Of course, she wanted to see what was going on in the ward for a surprise inspection, so she walked all the way along the corridor to the ward number, and when she raised her hand to hold the doorknob, she deliberately relaxed her movements.

She quietly turned the doorknob, and then secretly opened a crack.

As she opened the door, her gaze swept across the ward.With just one glance, she saw the man in front of the hospital bed bending over, doing something to the girl on the hospital bed.

Since the man's back was facing her, she couldn't see it clearly, but she could still recognize it at a glance. This man was her cold-faced and ruthless son who didn't know how to please girls.

It's no wonder why she decided that her son didn't please girls. After all, she had never seen her son think about love and marriage. Before that, she had always been worried about him, but now.

Look what her son did!

It's just a trough!
Is this really her son?

Did she read it right?
In the ward, Liang Feimo kissed seriously, and did not notice Mrs. Liang who was peeking outside the door.

His dark eyes were full of light, looking at the girl in front of him, his face was only affectionate.

The girl slept deeply and didn't know that she was kissed just now.

At the door, Mrs. Liang raised her hand to cover her mouth, for fear that she would accidentally make a sound and affect the two people in the ward.

The naive Mrs. Liang didn't know that the girl on the hospital bed was actually asleep.She thought the two were interacting.

At this moment, she only had surprises exploding in her heart!

She quietly closed the door.

Standing on the corridor, she danced happily.

Hehehe, the son has finally wavered in Shi Xin's mind, and it seems that the day when Shi Xin becomes her daughter-in-law is not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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