The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 961 Boundless Loneliness and Despair

Chapter 961 Boundless Loneliness and Despair

There is another message on the mobile phone WeChat.

Zhang Yichi: Honey, why didn't you reply to the message?
Lou Shuyu glanced at it, and saw that it was Zhang Yichi's message, and disgust appeared in his brows and eyes.

She typed the reply.

Lou Shuyu: It's nothing, I just answered a phone call.

Zhang Yichi: Baby, this time you were able to successfully enter the production team of Zhaoyang Tianxia, ​​shouldn't you thank me well?
Lou Shuyu: I should thank you. I will treat you to dinner another day.

Zhang Yichi: Another day is not as good as today, baby, I will wait for you in Room 6024 of XX Hotel, see you soon.Love.jpg
Seeing this piece of news, Lou Shuyu clenched his phone tightly, already knowing what Zhang Yichi wanted to do in his mind.

Ever since Zhang Yichi took those videos and threatened her, she had no choice but to become Zhang Yichi's puppet!
Every time Zhang Yichi wanted to meet her, she knew that something would be wrong.

After staying in the room for a while, her whole mind was thinking about how to find an excuse to be able to refuse, but at this moment, the news came again.

Zhang Yichi: Honey, be good. I booked the presidential suite specially for you. You can’t waste my good intentions. Otherwise, if I’m unhappy, I might do something that I don’t even know about. .

This is clearly a threat.

Lou Shuyu hated it so much that he almost crushed the phone while holding it in his hand.

She knew that she couldn't escape tonight. She had no choice but to go to the hotel as promised.

It's just that before going to the hotel, she still needs to cover up. After all, if she stays in the hotel all night and doesn't come back, what if Lin Cheng becomes suspicious?
It wasn't long before she and Lin Cheng got the certificate, and she naturally hoped that this marriage could last forever. She loved Lin Cheng so much, so she worked hard to manage their marriage.

It's already 10:30 in the evening.

Lin Cheng hasn't come back yet, too many things have happened in the company recently, and Lin's family is in a dangerous moment.

She knew that Lin Cheng was under a lot of pressure, so she also tried her best to calm Lin Cheng's emotions, but every time Lin Cheng seemed tired, and fell asleep when he came back, she didn't even want to say a few words to Lin Cheng. difficult.

Tonight was the same as usual, at this point in time, she still couldn't see Lin Cheng's figure.After thinking about it, she opened the phone's address book, found a certain phone number, and dialed it.

At this time, Lin's.

Inside the office.

The lights were bright, and the room was filled with smog.

Behind the desk, Lin Cheng leaned back against the chair, holding a cigarette in his hand, and was puffing.

The ashtray on the table was full of cigarette butts, decadent and despondent, haunting the entire space.

Lin Cheng's hair was a little disheveled, and the collar of the shirt he was wearing was also wrinkled, and there were even obvious signs of yellowing on the hem.

He looked tired, with blue shadows under his eyes, and he was not at all energetic.

He was alone in the huge room, the desktop was messy, documents were scattered, and the computer screen showed Lin's stock market trend for the past two days.

The night outside the window was eerie, and cars were coming and going on the overpass in the distance.

The brilliance in the distance is very psychedelic, but in the room, the boundless loneliness and despair are scattered like a huge net.

Lin Cheng's eyes were gloomy, and his beard was not dealt with. He looked as if he had aged several years.

In this silent and suffocating space, the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang, and the ear-piercing ringtone stimulated people's brain nerves as if they were dying.

Seeing the incoming call from the mobile phone, Lin Cheng frowned slightly, took a puff of cigarette, and then reached out to pick up the mobile phone. After seeing the name on the caller ID on the screen, there was no wave in his eyes.

I saw him mechanically touch the button with his finger, and then put the phone to his ear, "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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