Chapter 963 A raging rage ignited
During this period of time, she was under a lot of pressure. Netizens scolded her, Lin Cheng treated her indifferently, and Zhang Yichi threatened her with videos all the time. Now even Ge Wenqin can show her face.

She didn't know how she became what she is today. She had hatred in her heart, but she had nowhere to vent it. For a moment, she really wanted to strangle Ge Wenqin to death.

Of course, this idea just flashed through my mind.

After all, she got rid of this thought, took a deep breath and said, "Mom, I'm going to the set, you should go to bed early."

This time, Ge Yanqin just watched TV and didn't respond.

Facing Ge Yanqin's ignorance, she gritted her teeth, turned and left.

After coming out of the hall and walking all the way to the garage, she suddenly stopped and slammed the bag in her hand against the car.

The bag landed on the hood of the car and then to the ground.

The light from the roof of the garage cast down, and Lou Shuyu, who was standing in front of the car, had a gloomy look on his face.

She swore that she would get it back one day for the treatment she had suffered during this period!
Whoever made her suffer, she made him die.

Zhang Yichi, Ge Yanqin, they all deserve to die!

Of course, the most damned person is Lou Jianian.

If it wasn't for Lou Jianian, she wouldn't be like this!

Under the fluorescent light, I saw fierce anger ignited in her dark pupils.

In the hall, at the door, Ge Wenqin silently watched the behavior of the girl in front of the garage, and could not help but think deeply.

After a while, she withdrew her gaze, turned around and returned to sitting on the sofa, and then fell into worry.


Lou Shuyu picked up the bag with a gloomy expression, sat in the car, and started the car.

As the car drove away from the mansion, it arrived at the hotel all the way.

The luxurious hotel gate, gilded design, carpeted floor, one can tell it is a top-notch place.

Lou Shuyu stopped the car, opened the door to get off, threw the key to the parking boy, and walked into the lobby.

Walking along the lobby to the elevator, she came all the way to the sixth floor of the hotel, the Presidential Suite No. 6024.

Standing in front of the door, she looked at the doorknob with a resistant expression.

Zhang Yichi acts like a pervert every time, he won’t give up until he kills her. To be honest, she is very unwilling, but those videos are in Zhang Yichi’s hands. She is disobedient. Discredited.

This situation is very bad, there is something in Zhang Yichi's hands, she has to obey any order of Zhang Yichi, so far, all she can do is wait for Zhang Yichi to get tired of her, the only way she can escape.

Just when she was standing at the door and thinking deeply, the door was suddenly opened from the inside.

She didn't expect that the door would suddenly open, and when she looked up, she found the man inside the door with a wicked face, wearing a white bathrobe and holding a cigar in his hand.

"Honey, you're here." Zhang Yichi seemed to have expected that Lou Shuyu was already standing at the door, and when he opened the door, his expression was not surprised.

Lou Shuyu's eyes flickered slightly, feeling that this nickname was too disgusting, he subconsciously shook his body, and then forced a smile, "I just arrived."

"It's okay, I know." Zhang Yichi stepped aside and made an inviting gesture.

Lou Shuyu pursed his lips, knowing in his heart that as long as he stepped into this room, what would happen next would be unavoidable damage.

The scar Zhang Yichi left on her last time took her a long time to get rid of it with ointment and medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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