Chapter 972
Xia Xi almost had brain congestion.

Because of the call she received last night, she didn't sleep well the whole night, and there are still dark circles under her eyes, but today she suddenly remembered that the woman was Rao Shixin.

She was so angry that she lost her ability to judge.

Rao Shixin, a vixen, could it be that he was really with Brother Feimo last night?
Do not!
She didn't see it with her own eyes, so she didn't believe it!

"Sister Xia, I've arrived at the set." At this moment, the assistant reminded me.

Xia Xi came to her senses, glanced away, and saw that the cars had all arrived at the entrance of the crew, thought for a while, and said, "Drive, go to the hospital!"

Boren Hospital.

The golden sunlight renders the whole earth.

A low-key luxury car stopped at the door.

The door opened, and the man got out of the car with slender legs.

The black high-quality suit and the high-quality fabric set off the man's dignity like jade. His jade-colored skin, his facial features are deep and three-dimensional, and he is so handsome.

After getting out of the car, the man went around to the other side, held the handle of the car with his hand, and opened the door.

As the car door opened, the girl got out of the car with her fair legs.The long black hair is rolled up, the girl is wearing a white skirt, with light makeup on her face, her soft figure, pure and beautiful, radiates radiance under the light.

Rao Shichen's long and narrow eyes flashed light, and his gaze fell on Lou Jianian, pride appeared on his handsome face.

Pedestrians passing by cast their eyes one after another.

Rao Shichen raised his palm, and wrapped around Lou Jianian's waist forcefully, swearing something to the people around him with his actions.

next second, he

Walk into the hospital lobby with Lou Jianian.

Go all the way down the lobby to the elevator.

Until entering the elevator, Lou Jianian glanced at the palm clasping her waist, and then said: "There is no one here."

The implication is that you can let go!
Rao Shichen disagreed, "So what? You are my wife."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows and asked, "So?"

"So I hug when I want to."

Lou Jianian laughed.

Just right, the elevator doors opened.

The two walked out of the elevator and soon came to Rao Shixin's ward.

Rao Shixin was eating breakfast in the ward, and Yang Hui and Xiao Zhang had already left.

Originally, Rao Shixin was hospitalized, and Xiao Zhang was supposed to stay and take care of him, but Yang Hui took Xiao Zhang away in a daze.

Rao Shixin knew very well what Yang Hui had in mind, but he didn't want to expose it.

From Rao Shixin's point of view, she will stay in the hospital until today anyway, and after the brain examination in the afternoon, she will ask to be discharged from the hospital.

She didn't want to stay in the hospital all the time, otherwise, if she stayed for a long time, she would get sick even if she wasn't sick.

Just being in Liang Feimo's ward is enough to make her nervous!
Thinking of this, she glanced at the man standing by the window talking on the phone.

It's just haunting.

When Yang Hui and Xiao Zhang came, Liang Feimo left the ward.

At first, she thought that Liang Feimo would never come back, but she didn't expect that he not only came back, but also brought a breakfast.

Because of this breakfast, Yang Hui and Xiao Zhang successfully deepened the misunderstanding, thinking that she and Liang Feimo had that kind of relationship!


Just when she was thinking deeply, she suddenly found two extra figures at the door of the ward with a glance.

"Little sister-in-law!" Rao Shixin was overjoyed, and quickly put down the small spoon in his hand, and got off the bed.

At the door of the ward, Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows and smiled, seeing that Rao Shixin had gotten out of bed, so he hurried forward.

She had only just approached, and her body was already hugged.

Rao Shixin hugged Lou Jianian very excitedly, "Ah! Sister-in-law, you came to see me."

Rao Shichen, who was ignored, frowned when he saw his wife being hugged.

Seeing Rao Shixin hugging other women, Liang Feimo's expression darkened.

  Ahhhhh!Ask for tickets, vote for those who have monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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