Chapter 980 This is so cool!
After her words fell, Liang Feimo said expressionlessly, "Do you have to slap me?"

"Yes." Rao Shixin lifted his chin lightly.

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, "Then I know." As he spoke, his eyes swept towards Xia Xi, "You do it yourself, or I do it."

"?" Xia Xi was confused, feeling a little confused, "Brother Fei Mo, what are you talking about?"

Liang Feimo's face turned cold, "How many times do I need to say it?"

"Brother Feimo, I..." Xia Xi was a little panicked.

The plot arrangement should not be like this!

Liang Feimo's brows were stained with impatience, "Since you don't know how to choose, then I will help you choose, and slap yourself twice."

As he said that, he glanced at Rao Shixin again, "Don't let go, don't you feel sore?"

Rao Shixin: "."

Rub, make wool!
To be honest, like Xia Xi, Rao Shixin was completely confused by Liang Feimo's operation.

Liang Feimo's dark eyes shot at Xia Xi sharply, "Two minutes, if you don't want to be slapped, get out of the set."

What?Get out of the crew?

Xia Xi's face turned pale!

This time, Rao Shixin has fully reacted.

She rolled her eyes, and immediately let go of Xia Xi's back collar, and put her arms around her chest, looking like she was watching a show.

Today's two slaps, to be honest, she didn't want to do it herself. Of course, the biggest reason for not wanting to do it was that she didn't want to get her hands dirty.

But now, Liang Feimo proposed to let Xia Xi beat herself, which is so f*cking cool!
Rao Shixin felt that all the fire in his chest was extinguished at once, replaced by only excitement.

Xia Xi's whole body is not well, she hit herself, and it was still in front of Rao Shixin, what an embarrassment.

Of course, she was very reluctant, but Liang Feimo stared at her sharply and coldly, which made her want to do it.

She raised her hand, closed her eyes, and slapped herself twice on the face.

She still controls her strength very well. After all, her face is very important, and she still has scenes to shoot in the morning, so she must protect her face.

After the two slaps, she opened her eyes, not daring to look directly at Liang Feimo, looking aggrieved.

This time, it was really wronged.

"Brother Feimo, I'm done, can I go?" She was about to cry.

Rao Shixin felt a little bored.

These two slaps did not have any strength at all. If she was asked to do it, she would not be merciful. However, there is nothing like Xia Xi slapping herself to relieve anger.

Liang Feimo didn't reward Xia Xi from the corner of his eye, but just looked at Rao Shixin and said, "Satisfied?"

Hearing this, Rao Shixin paused, then raised his eyebrows slightly, and coughed lightly, "It's okay."

Xia Xi felt her face burning hot.

It wasn't because of the pain from the beating just now, but because the face was gone.

This time, she beat herself in front of Rao Shixin, and she will become Rao Shixin's shame and joke in the future.

Liang Feimo glanced coldly at Xia Xi, "Get out!"

Hearing this, Xia Xi left in despair.

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, in a great mood.

She was already very annoyed that she was going to have a brain examination in the afternoon, but she didn't expect Xia Xi to find fault.

I have to say, it was really exciting just now.

Although I don't know what Liang Feimo was up to today, he suddenly helped her teach Xia Xi together, but this idea of ​​letting Xia Xi slap herself is simply not a good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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