Chapter 997

The corners of Ke Zhishi's lips curled up slightly, as if a sneer flashed past, "Lou Zhishi, it's useless for you to object, all the sensible people present agree."

Hearing this, Li Xiangyun's expression turned ugly.She clenched her small hands tightly, and her eyes swept over the sensible people present, "President Lou works day and night for the development of the company. Even if there is no credit, there is hard work. The company has not reached the point of no return. What's wrong? Are you going to kick Mr. Lou out of the position of president?"

The sensible people present looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Lou Shuyu also said, "I hope all sensible people can think twice."

On the side, Lou Tianyou also followed suit, "That's right, when my dad was working hard for the company, you guys didn't talk nonsense at all, but now the company is just in trouble, and you are planning to get my dad out of the position of president." Now, do you still have a conscience?"

As soon as these words came out, the sensible people frowned deeply, as if they were a little displeased.

Director Ke raised his hand and knocked on the table, saying: "That's wrong, young master, is it just something wrong with the company now? Now it's entering a dangerous moment, and a person who is not careful can face the possibility of bankruptcy at any time. "

"You..." Lou Tianyou wanted to say something else, but at this moment, Lin Cheng raised his hand and held Lou Tianyou down, followed by his eyes on Ke Shunshi, smiled warmly, and said, "Ke Shunshi, since you know Now is the time when the company is facing danger, so why change the president at this time? Instead of wasting time on these things, it would be better for everyone to work together and think about how to overcome this difficulty together, wouldn't it be better?"

Lin Cheng's words were to the point, and both Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu had to be satisfied with Lin Cheng's words.

On the screen, Lou Guangzong's eyes flickered slightly, and then he followed Lin Cheng's words and said: "I think so too, everyone, now the company is in a dangerous moment, what we need to do is to work together to tide over the difficulties, after all we and Companies are communities."

All the sensible people present were in hesitation.

Ke Zhishi's eyes flashed sharply, and he smiled coldly, "Mr. Lou, if it weren't for your lack of ability, I don't think our company would be like this now. I think that changing the president candidate is just for the sake of the company's future. What's more, Mr. Lou, you are injured, and you don't know how long you need to rest, I think the candidate for president must be replaced."

Hearing this, Lou Guangzong's body collapsed, and even his hands hidden under the table were clenched into fists.

Today, Ke Shushou made up his mind to confront him!

Li Xiangyun can't wait to rush up and strangle Ke Shushi to death!

This Ke is sensible, and he made it clear that he wanted to kick Lou Guangzong from the position of president.

Lou Shuyu was also unhappy.

Ganqing Ke is sensible and must make trouble!
Ke Zhishi raised his eyebrows slightly, "I think, for the replacement of the president, let's obey the majority with the minority. Lou Zhishi, Lou Boss, and other sensible people here agree. Even if you two don't agree, I'm afraid I will useless."

Li Xiangyun stared at Ke Sensei with a gloomy expression.

On the screen, Lou Guangzong frowned deeply, feeling restless inside.

Ke Shunshi: "That's good, everyone can actively propose a replacement for the president."

The sensible people here looked at each other, and soon, one of them raised his hand and said, "I think Ke is sensible."

Another Sensible also raised his hand, "I also recommend Ke Sensible."

Behind, several sensible people followed suit and raised their hands.

Ke Sensei looked smug.

(End of this chapter)

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