
Chapter 459: Reduced to Beggar

Chapter 459: Reduced to Beggar

Seven days later

Am I going to die of old age in this dark, damp cell?

Master, nanny, come and save me!

Just when Zhu Susu thought she would die of old age here, a beam of light came in.

Zhu Susu raised her eyes and saw that the cell door was opened.

There was a figure standing at the door.

Then you hear a sound, you can go.


I can get out of here!

Yes, the prince found out clearly that you are not a spy sent by another country, so he asked us to let you go.

I am truly free!

This ups and downs made Zhu Susu unable to relax for a while.

You are still the first person who can escape from this prison alive!

When Zhu Susu walked out of the prison in a daze, Ku Ling let out an incredible sigh.

Ariel, the leader of the guard, followed the path of the carriage and found the owner of the wooden box.

After finding the owner of the wooden box, I realized that I had made a big mistake.

The owner of the wooden box is a trader.

The owner of the wooden box knew that he wanted to do business in Jin, so he naturally had to have good relations with local officials. The pearls and jade in the wooden box are to be presented to a local official.

The owner of the wooden box was also puzzled. The pearls and emeralds he sent out were also delivered to the Sixth Prince's Mansion with a person in them?

In fact, the royal family did not make money in the name of a certain minister.

After finding out that Zhu Susu was not a spy sent there, the Sixth Prince let Zhu Susu go.

When Zhu Susu walked out of the Prince's Mansion, she didn't feel much happiness. Because she knew that she was free in the Jin Kingdom, but she was penniless, unfamiliar with the place, and had no one to go to.


There are few pedestrians on the street, but there are many beggars, all resting at the corner of the street. There are only one or two vehicles occasionally, many shops are empty, and only a few shops are open sporadically on the whole street, giving people a cold and depressed feeling.

Zhu Susu looked sad and walked aimlessly on the street.

Zhu Susu passed by a steamed bun shop, and the fragrant steamed buns made her stomach growl.

"Uncle, I haven't eaten for three days. Can you give me a bun?"

Driven by hunger, Zhu Su mustered up the courage and shamelessly begged the bun boss for a bun to eat.

The bun shop owner looked at Zhu Susu with disgust and waved his hand to drive him away.

"Go away, you filthy beggars, and don't interfere with my business."


When Zhu Susu heard the other party saying that she was a beggar, she was stunned for a moment.

Zhu Susu looked at herself. She was wearing plain clothes and hadn't washed herself in more than ten days. It was normal for someone to mistake her for a beggar.

Zhu Susu was about to tell the bun shop owner that she was not a beggar, when she was scolded by him:

Why doesn't the stinky beggar leave?

If you don't leave, I'll hit you with a stick!

Sure enough, the bun boss picked up the wooden stick he put aside and drove Zhu Susu away.

Although the bun shop owner had a bad attitude, Zhu Susu still apologized to the bun shop owner.

Zhu Susu swallowed her saliva to relieve her hunger and continued walking forward.


Really fragrant!

When we came to a small stall selling big cakes, the aroma of crispy cakes filled our nostrils.

Zhu Susu couldn't help but take a sip.

Just take a deep breath, and it will be as dreamy as taking a bite; you can feel the crispy texture of the cake and the superb craftsmanship of the cake; the taste buds of the cake are like elves jumping on the tip of the tongue, making you salivate; after finishing, the light salty taste The fragrance is still unforgettable.

Zhu Susu was already hungry, but now she felt even more hungry!

Little beggar, go away.

After just one puff, he was driven away.

Zhu Susu didn't understand how the people of Jin could be so inhumane; she didn't understand how the rich Jin could be like this.

no way!

Zhu Susu continued to walk forward.

However, she was so hungry that she couldn't walk after just a few steps.

Zhu Susu stood hesitantly for a while at the door of a noodle shop.

"Shopkeeper, are you hiring here? I can work."

Zhu Susu decided to change the question this time.

The noodle shop owner looked at Zhu Susu and hurriedly waved his hand and replied, "No need, no need."

"Shopkeeper, I don't need any help, just give me food to eat, that's all."

"Come on, come on, I don't want beggars here." "I'm not a beggar. I'm from Buyi, and I came to Jin to visit my relatives."

"No matter who you are, I'm just not hiring here."

After being rejected, Zhu Susu looked at the countertop and had no time to clean up the leftover noodle soup.

Zhu Susu looked at the noodle shop owner with pleading eyes. "I haven't eaten for three days. Can the shopkeeper give me the bowl of leftover noodle soup?"


The noodle shop owner reluctantly expressed his difficulties.

"Girl, it's not that I don't want to help you. It's just that if I help you, countless beggars will come to me for food. Then, how can I do business? I only run a small business, and I don't have many customers on weekdays. The business can only be maintained. I also want to be a Bodhisattva and have that ability!"

"Indeed. Beggars can be seen everywhere on the street. I just don't understand why there are so many beggars?"

Zhu Susu asked the noodle shop owner in confusion.

The noodle shop owner revealed the reason why there are so many beggars.

“With years of war and loss of land, how can there be no more beggars?”

Due to his own difficulties, the noodle shop owner sent Zhu Susu away.

Zhu Susu knew the noodle shop owner's difficulties and left with understanding.

The noodle shop owner thought for a while, picked up the leftover bowl of noodle soup, and caught up with Zhu Susu.

"Take this bowl of noodle soup!"

The noodle shop owner gave the noodle soup to Zhu Susu.

Zhu Susu took the noodle soup and burst into tears.

Zhu Susu was about to say thank you when the noodle shop owner turned back.

"There's no need to return the bowl, and there's no need to thank me. Leave Jin quickly!"

The noodle shop owner was afraid of being seen by the beggars on the street, so he quickly returned to the shop.

Good Samaritans, give us some too!

The beggars on the street noticed the noodle shop owner's good deed, and they flocked to the noodle shop one by one.

Some beggars also noticed the noodle soup in Zhu Susu's hand.

"Hey, new little beggar, bring over the noodles in your hand."

The beggar ordered Zhu Susu to serve the noodle soup in a boss tone.

With great difficulty, he begged for a bowl of leftover noodle soup, but Zhu Susu naturally refused to give it.

Zhu Susu was afraid that the beggars would snatch the noodle soup away from her, so she picked up the noodle soup and ran away.

As he ran, the noodle soup spilled out.

Zhu Susu could only hide in a hidden place, picked up the noodle soup, and drank it.

Although it was just a bowl of leftover noodle soup, it was a delicious meal despite the embarrassment of being hungry.

Zhu Susu drank a bowl of noodle soup, and her hunger was immediately relieved.

New little beggar, how dare you run away!

See how I deal with you.

The bowl in Zhu Susu's hand was snatched away by the beggar who caught up with him.


Two more!

When the beggar saw that there were still two ounces of flour left at the bottom of the bowl, he was ecstatic and grabbed it with his hands to eat.

I want!

I also want!

This beggar was so hungry that he even tried to lick the soup on the edge of the bowl. During the scramble, a fight broke out.

Can they eat people?

Seeing the ferocious eyes of these beggars, Zhu Susu was so frightened that she was afraid to run away.

After Zhu Susu escaped, she didn't know where she was going?

It's night, where do I want to spend the night?

When Zhu Susu spent the night somewhere, she saw a dilapidated house not far away, and there was still light in the dilapidated house.

Where there is light, there is a home.

Someone is there!

Zhu Susu's face immediately lit up with joy.

Zhu Susu stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was a kind-looking lady.

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