Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1028 The Broker

Chapter 1028 The Broker

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan's expression was a little astonished, "Do you need to take off so many clothes to sleep?"

But even though he was questioning, Luo Quan's eyes were still very honest, and he glanced at Ye Zhining who had almost stripped himself into a white sheep without blinking.

She has seen a lot of beautiful women, but she has never seen a beauty of Ye Zhining's level a few times, let alone such a cool dress.

The bellyband is a traditional costume in ancient China, but few people wear it in modern times, and it is usually only used for fun.

When Luo Quan also saw Ye Zhining for the first time, he thought that Ye Zhining had some special hobbies, but later he realized that she is not from the earth, and it is normal for her underwear to be retro.

As for Ye Zhining's apron, one thing to say is that the workmanship is quite exquisite. A majestic five-clawed golden dragon is embroidered with gold thread on the light blue background, showing the imperial arrogance.

It's hard to imagine an item that can be both sexy and domineering at the same time, but Ye Zhining's apron has achieved this.

It was at this time that Luo Quan finally realized that Ye Zhining was not an idle person, she had a good figure enough to make a five-clawed golden dragon stand out on her chest, and she really underestimated her before.

Originally, he was worried that the two of them would sleep in the same bed, and Ye Zhining would conspire against him, but now it seems that it is not a bad thing.

She doesn't care how other people sleep, but it's hard to talk about being so unrestrained in her own bed.

Because the virtual world and the real world are inherently separate and cannot be completely confused.

"Like those swimsuit photos you took on the beach?" Ye Zhining suddenly smiled expectantly, "Then I'm really looking forward to you wearing them again. Some things are completely different from looking at photos and witnessing with your own eyes."

Of course, Ye Zhining's unrestrained spirit doesn't mean that she also came with her. Taking off her coat and sweater, Luo Quan revealed the purple long johns inside, which were as tight as night clothes.

This is probably the feeling of two people sleeping together, but it's a pity that Luo Quan wrapped himself up too tightly. If he could hold himself in his arms and then clamp his legs firmly, that would be a beautiful thing.

As for taking off her bellyband before going to bed, that was her habit when she was a child, but she didn't change it when she grew up.

It's still the same sentence, they are all girls, let alone a piece of underwear left, even if they really take off their clothes, it's no big deal.

"That's how I'm used to it. If my concubine doesn't like it, I can change it." Ye Zhining smiled slightly, and didn't care too much.

What's more, the huge bedroom was empty, and she didn't like living in it, it didn't feel human at all, compared to the Imperial Study Room, it was a little better, although it wasn't as spacious as the bedroom, but it was crowded and lively.

Luo Quan felt that it was really a good idea to let Ye Zhining become an artist.

As Ye Zhining spoke, she stretched out her hand from her quilt, like a spirit snake, wanting to burrow into Luo Quan's quilt: "I don't know why, but I always feel relaxed when I face my concubine." , happy, those things that would never be said to outsiders are also spoken naturally."

With such a mentality, there will be nothing on the Internet that can break her defenses.

"It's necessary to take it off, but it doesn't mean that only underwear is left?" Luo Quan heard that many people like to sleep naked, and some experts say that it is good for the body.

At the beginning, I was really angry when I saw those netizens editing their own comments, but there was really nothing I could do to deal with it. After all, there were so many people who commented and liked it, I couldn’t deal with all of them.

Fortunately, she wrapped herself into a spring roll with a quilt in advance, and Ye Zhining couldn't get in after groping around, so she gave up and took it back into her quilt.

"There's nothing wrong with that. Anyway, I need an identity to walk in this world. If I'm a manager, then I can justifiably eat and live with you, Aifei?"

"It turns out that your father also liked to run around the world, and he was merciful everywhere."

A broker is very good, you don't need to master any professional skills, just follow yourself.

Fortunately, the father took his mother and a large group of mothers and concubines to travel around the Xinghai, otherwise it would be really annoying to see him having fun in the harem every day. "

It is also for this reason that she has not slept for a long time.

So Ye Zhining could only endure it, and then he often read similar comments, and gradually got used to it.

Luo Quan asked puzzledly: "Didn't you already see all of them just now, why do you need a swimsuit?"

And from the color to the style, they are all soiled to the extreme.

The emperor can make the final decision only after combining the opinions of many parties. "

"Speaking like I'm a rambunctious bad woman."

But Ye Zhining was very calm: "I know what Aifei means, people on the Internet dare to say anything just because they don't have to be responsible for what they say.

"Then Your Majesty, you must have performed very well before, right, the kind that the ruling and opposition parties are full of praise for?"

But some experts say that sleeping naked is unhygienic and has an impact on your health.

"Since you made the request, Your Majesty, I have no reason to refuse. However, netizens on the Internet know that some people may make insulting remarks. At that time, you must not take it seriously and just pretend that you didn't see it."

Ye Zhining chuckled: "And I did a search just now, Aifei, you haven't hired an agent yet, there just happens to be such a vacancy, isn't it reasonable to hire one now?

"I told you so much, Aifei, before I knew it. It's been a long time since I have spoken the truth to anyone."

"Aifei's inner dress is really ugly. In Huanyu, only elderly aunts or old ladies would wear it like this."

Ye Zhining turned her head to look at Luo Quan's sweet sleeping face, and felt the urge to reach out while she was sleeping, but finally gave up.

In fact, Ye Zhining has not slept for a long time, not because she is busy with government affairs and has no time to sleep. Although she is busy as the emperor, she has a lot of ministers to deal with various internal affairs, and she only needs to grasp the general direction.

Netizens are very aggressive, and Empress Ye probably hasn't been said harsh words since she was a child, let alone scolded.

In fact, Ye Zhining often searches for herself on the Internet in her spare time.

Ye Zhining spoke suddenly, and Luo Quan was taken aback: "Your Majesty has a body of ten thousand gold, how can you be my manager?"

If Xu Yanqing knew that Empress Sheng Tang had been fooled into becoming an artist by herself, she didn't know how she would be frightened.

Ye Zhining nodded lightly: "The succession to the throne is the foundation of a country, and the emperor has never been able to decide on it alone. The opinions of ministers must be listened to, including the direction of the people, which is also an important criterion for judging.

When Luo Quan woke up the next day, he found that there seemed to be a fleshy thing in his arms. After pinching it twice, it felt quite soft.

At that time, if he is scolded for being impatient, it is not impossible for Longyan to directly kill this group of people in a rage.

Ye Zhining explained with a smile: "Concealing and revealing is the highest level of sexiness. Being too straightforward may not necessarily have a good effect."

"But don't men like women who are dignified at the front and profligate at the back?"

Just when Luo Quan was about to yell molestation, Ye Zhining spoke first: "My concubine, before you yell molestation, I suggest you observe it first."

Hearing Ye Zhining's words, Luo Quan was thoughtful: "It sounds like these ministers have a lot of say over the throne."

Luo Quan himself tried it a few times, and felt that it was no different from sleeping in clothes, and he was even a little unaccustomed to it, so he didn't stick to it.

Besides, I don't know how to film or sing, so you can't let me debut as an artist in your company, right? "

Lying beside Luo Quan, Ye Zhining suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of solidity.

After the last sentence of the chat, the room became silent, and it was time to sleep.

At the same time, she also understood a truth, no matter how loud these people yell online, they still have to be respectful when they meet her in real life.

In order to avoid this situation, Luo Quan could only inoculate Ye Zhining to let her know what kind of situation she might encounter as the manager.

After Ye Zhining heard Luo Quan's question, he said with a normal expression: "Don't you take off your clothes when you sleep?"

Ye Zhining originally thought that Luo Quan would be so young and would dress very stylishly and boldly, but he didn't expect that he would look so tormented.

"Is Aifei's father like this too?" Ye Zhining asked curiously.

"Six or seven days. There are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with in the court every day. If I don't go to court for more than seven days, those ministers should be anxious."

Before, I had to go to court almost every day, but today I suddenly did not go to court early, which will definitely arouse their discussions and inquiries...

Originally, her plan was to come here and chat with Luo Quan for a few days before going back, but she changed her mind temporarily and wanted to stay for a while, but it was limited to about seven days, and if it was longer, the ministers below would be in a hurry.

"I used to be very carefree, but now it's much better. I love my mother wholeheartedly." Luo Quan thought for a while, and then added: "Now he can be called a good father and husband."

So she is far from being as busy as the so-called daily affairs in the public imagination, and usually has a lot of free time to do what she wants to do.

In this situation, it should be Ye Zhining who should be called indecent.

Ye Zhining is different from her father, she is more responsible, she can't let go of her own job, and then go to an alien planet to play with peace of mind.

At the same time, she also noticed the dishonest hands of the empress.

"Oh, why did I run away and you came under the blanket." Luo Quan quickly retreated from Ye Zhining's blanket, "I usually don't kick the blanket when I sleep, it's really strange."

Ye Zhining suddenly looked at the ceiling with a dazed expression: "Like my father's favored concubines, they look completely different on the bed and off the bed, but it is because of this ability that they are so favored.

"So that's how it is." Luo Quan really didn't expect such a situation. If Ye Zhining had a younger brother, maybe he wouldn't be an empress.

As for sleeping, with her current cultivation base, she no longer needs to sleep.

But just like what she said just now, it is better not to do this work with a body of ten thousand gold.

"You asked me?" Ye Zhining thought it was really funny, "Last night, who told me not to change my mind like a chaste and strong woman, I almost believed her appearance like a jade, but kicked off the quilt within a few hours of sleep Zhuanzhen came under the covers, and still hugged me up and down. Now that I wake up, I won’t admit it, right?
Anyway, I am also a big girl of Huang Hua, how can I marry you like this in the future? "

"Forget it, Your Majesty will follow your own habits, I don't care." Luo Quan waved his hand, and did not forcefully ask an empress to make any changes.

"My concubine, why don't I be your manager in the future?"

It's not that I haven't experienced it before, those netizens in Huanyu either scold me or YY me, nothing more than these two, it's not like I don't usually go online. "

"That's not true." Ye Zhining smiled slightly, "Because my father and emperor only have me as a daughter, and the mother and concubine are not up to date, and they messed with him all day long and couldn't give me a younger brother or sister.

"I call it practical." Luo Quan doesn't think that a set of thermal clothes will make his appearance decline. "You have to wear this kind of clothes to be warm in winter. As for fashion and sexiness, that's something you have to consider in summer."

The similar behavior of the two fathers immediately made Luo Quan feel empathy for Ye Zhining.

"Then you are quite happy." Ye Zhining slightly raised the corner of his mouth, "My father was never a good father, a good husband, or even a good emperor.

Seeing Ye Zhining's unequivocal words, Luo Quan was slightly relieved, and then asked, "Speaking of which, how long is Your Majesty going to stay here this time?"

Luo Quan looked down and blushed immediately.

No, could it be that Empress Ye has attacked herself!
Luo Quan's eyes widened in fright, and his eyes met Ye Zhining who was waking up faintly.

In the absence of a choice, and the fact that my father intends to abdicate, I can only inherit the throne. "

But thinking that Ye Zhining was sleeping next to him last night, Luo Quan, who was in a daze, was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"It would be great if that's the case."

"Probably because I'm too friendly, I'm naturally likable." Luo Quan thought of the incredible charm in the system panel, and thought this might be the reason.

Luo Quan felt that this matter must be made clear to Ye Zhining in advance.

It turned out that I didn't know when I kicked the quilt under the bed, maybe because I felt cold, so I got into Ye Zhining's bed again, and hugged her tightly like an octopus.

It's better to enjoy this hard-won moment of peace with peace of mind. You may have to receive inquiries from ministers early tomorrow morning.

This is also the reason why the ministers did not object to letting me inherit the throne. Rather than waiting for my father to give birth to a prince, they hope to quickly change to a reliable emperor, even if it is a female emperor. "

"This was an accident, I promise it will never happen again in the future!" Luo Quan raised three fingers and vowed.

"It's useless, I declare that you have committed the crime of deceiving the emperor, you must become my queen, no appeal is allowed!"

As the emperor, Ye Zhining finally started the autocratic behavior of feudalism.

Luo Quan stared at her dumbfounded and was deprived of political rights for life.

(End of this chapter)

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