Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1049 Full of Welfare

Since the birth of the Zombie IP, it has become very popular all over the world.

No one knows why such a hideous and terrifying monster is so attractive.

It may be the tense atmosphere of people struggling to survive after the end of the world, or it may be the exhilaration of beauties and handsome guys killing zombies.

In short, these are the two themes of zombie films, and Luo Quan clearly showed them to his peers through movies and TV series.

However, there are very few people who can understand the essence. There are many movies and TV shows related to zombies, but not many of them are good-looking.

Fans looked back and found that Luoquan's "Resident Evil Universe" is the most classic, and it can only be said that it is worthy of being a pioneering work.

The only pity is that there is no news about "Resident Evil 3" that everyone has been thinking about for so long.

However, another derivative TV series "The Walking Dead" is broadcasting like a raging fire.

The two works are based on the same world view. The theme of Resident Evil is watching beauties vs. zombies, and the other is survival in the apocalypse, with different focuses.

But because of the length of the film, many settings that were not mentioned in the movie are also completed in the TV series, and the production team is very sophisticated, so the evaluation of the TV series is even higher than that of the movie.

Moreover, the second part of the TV series also has cameos from movie characters, so the evaluation of "The Walking Dead" is quite high both among passers-by and fans.

It may be an exaggeration to say that it is a popular drama at the national level, but at least on Netflix, "The Walking Dead" 1 and 2 can't find rivals.

Fans of Huaxia have actually been thinking about it for a long time, but they are struggling with the review, and they also know that it is difficult for a website to introduce it.

But I didn't expect Luoquan to announce this heavyweight news just after acquiring Station B, which also made many people start to dream.

At present, "The Walking Dead" has been introduced, which proves that Luo Quan has a connection with Netflix, so can other popular dramas of Netflix also be introduced?

If it can be done, this may contain a huge business opportunity.

There is no need to say more about how many domestic TV dramas are now, there are only a few that can be watched throughout the year.

The rest are romance dramas full of traffic stars, who can fall in love with anything, and watching it is really tiring.

If excellent foreign drama series can be introduced, it will definitely have a considerable impact on the domestic market.

Just like how many Korean idols came to China to make money when there was no limit to Korea. At that time, there was almost no room for idols and idols in China to stand out.

Now that it is restricted to Korea, without the dimensionality reduction attacks of those professionals, domestic idol idols did not get better, but collectively failed because of the loss of competitors.

TV dramas are similar. There will be no foreigners grabbing jobs. You only need to be better than the worst TV dramas in China to be rewarded, and the statistics in all aspects can also be good.

The general environment is like this, and Luo Quan does not intend to change it.

But it doesn't intend to join forces with itself, and the introduction of "The Walking Dead" is just the beginning.

In addition to the TV series she filmed, the first foreign series she took aim at was "Game of Thrones".

This TV series can be said to be the most popular TV series in the past ten years. It is not one of them. It has a very high reputation in all countries in the world.

The fifth season has already been filmed, and the ratings are hitting new highs every time.

In the United States, "Game of Thrones" is also the main opponent of "The Walking Dead". Fans on both sides often quarrel with each other because of topics such as rankings and popularity.

Speaking of which, when the filming of the first season was released, the crew of "Game of Thrones" approached me and wanted her to play the role of Dragon Mama.

Originally, she was quite moved, but after reading the script, she directly refused.

As the heroine in the play, she almost misses the most times, which is definitely unacceptable.

And because of the consistent style of the producer HBO, "Game of Thrones" has been very pornographic and violent since the five seasons, so it is also dubbed the song of killing and fucking by netizens.

It must be difficult to introduce such a series.

The good news is that even if the missing shots are deleted, it will not have much impact on the overall plot.

As for the bloody picture, it can be modified as appropriate.

There are also quite a few ancient costume war films in China, blood should bleed or blood will bleed, necks should be wiped or necks should be wiped, so there is no need to overcorrect.

In short, the decision to introduce has been made, and the negotiator entrusted by Luoquan is Seifert.

She is not very familiar with HBO, but Seifert has a much wider network than her, so it is not difficult to talk about it.

On the domestic side, after getting the "green light pass for review" from Director He, Luo Quan immediately submitted the broadcasted content of the first and second seasons of "The Walking Dead" for review.

As for the review, it was as fast as lightning, and it was passed in just one night.

At 4:[-] noon the next day, the first and second seasons of "The Walking Dead" landed on Bilibili, supporting up to [-]k image quality.

Non-prime members can watch the first season, but the definition is up to 720p, while the big members can watch all episodes, the definition is up to 4k.

Speaking of which, the bit rate of station B is the most conscientious among all domestic video websites.

It is also 1080p, the amount of data to be downloaded by station B is three to five times that of other websites, and the definition is much higher.

Moreover, the highest image quality uploaded by users can also reach 4K, an advantage that other websites cannot even see.

However, conscience means low profits. Among several membership payment websites, the big members of station B should be the least profitable one, and the number is also decreasing.

After all, the videos on station B have no advertisements, no matter whether they are members or not.

Of course, although Luo Quan has become the new boss, she still does not plan to overthrow Cheng Rui's original promise to users.

Regardless of whether it is the past, the present or the future, there will be no advertisements at the beginning of the videos at Station B, and the main feature is a no-delay playback.

"Well, is this action fast enough?"

Facing the camera, Luo Quan said in a tone like asking for credit, as if he was about to praise me.

"It's really awesome. If you say import, you will introduce it."

"This big member is worth recharging, tears in my eyes."

"I'm not in a hurry to watch it now, I'll wait until there are more bullet screens. It's very interesting to watch the speeches of sand sculpture netizens."

"Speaking of what is today's gift, if it is agreed, there will be a gift for the next week."

"That's right, can you announce it in advance, don't keep it up."


Seeing the eagerness of the fans, Luo Quan said with a smile: "If I said today's gift is to watch my live broadcast for a day, would you be happy?"

"I'm happy when you wear a bikini."

"Hahaha, it would be great if that's the case."

"Shocked, in order to save the stock price, the president of Station B actually live-streamed wearing a bikini to please fans!"

"It's over. With your description, the figures of Luo Bao and Uncle overlapped in my mind."

"Please don't say it, I feel nauseous when I think of such a picture."

"Uncle has only done two good things in his life. He created Station B and then sold Station B to Luo Bao."

"I'm so heartbroken, I'm still a vice president, so save some face."


It can be seen that the fans' resentment towards Cheng Rui is quite deep, even if he retreats behind the scenes, it will hurt him.

But it also shows how outrageous his operations have been in recent years.

It's a group of old Two-dimensional using love to generate electricity, making station B bigger and stronger.

As a result, when you become developed, you start to eliminate your original food and clothing parents. Even if there are 1 reasons, it is unreasonable. It is normal to be scolded.

"Just kidding, how could there be only so few gifts."

Luo Quan saw that the fans did not respond to Cheng Rui's complaints, but said: "Tomorrow's gift is a series of domestic classic film and television dramas including "Bright Sword" and "Wulin Biography".

In the future, everyone can watch the full version of the content at station B, and there is no need to search slice by slice. "


"Damn it, Luo Bao, you understand everyone."

"Hahaha, our old Li is finally back."

"Second Battalion Commander, where is your fucking Italian cannon, pull it up for me!"

"Yamamoto, I'll fuck you Immortal."


In an instant, the barrage of jokes flooded the entire screen.

There are very few TV dramas that allow so many people to play tricks together, but Bright Sword is one of the few TV dramas that can cause intense reactions even if only the characters in the drama appear.

There is no way, this drama is too classic, and there are too many famous scenes contributed.

For most users of station B, this gift is really a surprise.

Maybe they won't play it for the first time, but when they are bored later, they will definitely think of "Bright Sword", and eating it together with the barrage will make the experience more enjoyable.

"This is the gift preview for tomorrow. As for the third day, I can only say don't worry, just wait for my live broadcast tomorrow."

After the preview, Luo Quan became tight-lipped about tomorrow's surprise.

It may be cool for the fans to finish all the arrangements in one go, but the enthusiasm cannot be maintained for a long time.

Therefore, suspense needs to be retained, and a long flow of water is the right way.

"By the way, Luo Bao, will there be any changes in creator benefits after you take over Bilibili?"

At this time, a paid barrage hung on the top of the screen.

The person who posted the barrage was just a small up master with tens of thousands of fans, who was the most important group of victims in the previous weakening of creative incentives.

Originally tens of thousands of fans could earn a little money by making videos, but now it is a bit horrible.

And the question about creative incentives is basically the most concerned issue of most UPs, after all, it is related to their income.

"Don't worry everyone, the correction of creative incentives will begin soon, and I promise that the creative income of original UP owners will definitely return to the peak level.

As for those non-original up owners who carry out the transfer, the income will definitely not be lower than it is now.

The future of Bilibili will definitely encourage everyone to create originals, especially high-quality original videos, and the income will definitely satisfy everyone.

Of course, how this rule is implemented, I can't say a word or two.

But I am also a user of station B, and I know what the users are disgusted with.

Repetition of meaningless content, reposting of external sites regardless of good or bad, and piracy that turns reposting into originality are all greatly damaging the user experience.

After I took over station B, the first thing I had to deal with was this problem.

I dare not promise anything else, but if you are not interested in clicking a certain video in the future, then this type of video will never appear on your homepage again. "

"it is good!"

"It's what you've been waiting for."

"The algorithm of station B is really outrageous. If you click and are not interested, it is the same as if you don't click. It will push you again in a few days."

"Also, can you do something on the hot search list? You can get on anything."

"Especially the small fresh meat with traffic, I'm not saying that I won't let it come, but anyway, if you want to be on the hot search, you have to rely on my ability. How can you be on the hot search with tens of thousands of views?"

"It seems that Luobao's heart is towards our old users, and this series of measures is really critical."

"Luo Bao is here, Station B is peaceful, and when Luo Bao comes, there will be Qingtian——"

"So, the days without Cheng Rui are good days!"


Cheng Rui was flogged again, and Luo Quan couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

I don't know if he is watching his live broadcast now. If he did, he would probably feel very uncomfortable.

But there is no way, after all, he did it himself.

"By the way, I will also make adjustments to the operation of those games represented by station B, especially fgo."

Luo Quan remembered one more thing, and continued: "How can you say that the players of fgo are also great contributors, we can't kill the donkey.

In the future, the Two-dimensional atmosphere at Station B will become stronger and stronger, and more new and old fans will come to Station B, so stay tuned. "

Luo Quan's last words completely moved a group of old users who were hiding in the dark.

It's really lucky that there are still people who can remember their contributions. To be honest, if they hadn't heard that station B has changed its boss, they would not be able to come back.

After all, the series of operations in the game operation at the beginning really didn't treat them as human beings, and they were treated purely as krypton gold sows.

Endless deletions and revisions, understated explosion rate, forced krypton... It can be said that it is too difficult to write.

The good news is that now with a new boss, life can finally be better.

But the bad news is that their enthusiasm for the game never came back.

But no matter what, Luo Quan, the new boss, at least seemed to be more human than Cheng Rui.

As the saying goes, there are three fires for a new official to take office. The first fire is to introduce new film and television dramas, and the second fire is to rectify the environment and operation strategy of station B.

So far, it looks very good.

As for the third fire, if there is one, everyone is still very curious about what it will be.

Hope to bring enough surprises.

In the evening, Luo Quan received a call with the note as Viagra.

"Boss, the live video of the game has been recorded, when do you think you are going to prepare for the press conference?"

When Luo Quan heard this, he showed a joyful smile: "Very well, I will find a time to arrange it, and you will be the host when the time comes."

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