Be a goddess from Tokyo

第1065章 第1景67章 走了1个,又来了1个

Chapter 1065 The first thousand scenes Chapter 67 One left, another came

"Oh, why can't you solve it?"

"You're tied too tight!"

"I don't remember using much force?"

"Nonsense, I saw your dead knot with my own eyes?"


The two prop masters were so anxious that they were sweating profusely, tearing hard at the knots tied to Luo Quan's hands and feet, but found that the harder they were, the more the knots would go in.

If it was an ordinary girl with thin skin and tender flesh, it would be terrifying to have deep blood marks from being tossed like this. Fortunately, Luo Quan's "rough skin and thick flesh" will not cause any harm to her body.

So she was not in a hurry, turned her head and said with a smile: "It's okay, if you really can't untie it, use scissors, or I will break it apart myself."

"No, the tie is too tight. It's easy to cut the meat with scissors."

The prop master girl shook her head and said, but quickly asked again: "Director Luo, can you break free?"

Breaking free from knots, handcuffs, iron chains and other operations, she usually only saw them in the performances of escape magic masters.

Although I don't know what the principle is, it is definitely not relying on skill or brute force, but leaving hands and feet when fastening in advance.

But Luo Dao's knot is not the same as the one in the escape magic. This is a dead knot tied by her own hands, and she uses a tendon rope, not to mention a human being, even a pig of several hundred catties can't break it!

But Luo Quan can do it, it's just that she didn't intend to use such shocking power at first.

"What's the situation, why are you still tying Director Luo? Hurry up and untie him!"

Deputy Director Wang also rushed over panting at this time, and asked anxiously.

In fact, when he saw two prop masters squatting on the ground and couldn't untie them for a long time, he knew something was wrong, so he wanted to come and have a look at the first time.

However, he also encountered a predicament similar to Luo Quan's, that is, his fat body was completely embedded in Luo Quan's ergonomic chair, and when he stood up, it was like a turtle shell on his back, and he also called a large group of talents. Pulled the chair from his ass.

The surrounding staff saw the funny looks of the two directors, they all covered their mouths and shrugged their shoulders, wanting to laugh but not daring.

"Anyway, I'm also the Olympic champion of women's indiscriminate fighting. Isn't breaking the rope a piece of cake for me?"

Seeing that the two prop masters were getting lost, Luo Quan signaled them to stand aside and decided to solve it by himself.

"Can it really collapse?"

The two sister prop masters expressed doubts about this, but obediently pushed them three meters away.

In less than two seconds, two crisp sounds of "Papa" sounded one after another. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Luo Quan had already stood up.

A group performer picked up a piece of rope that had bounced to his feet, pulled it, and found that it was not as strong as usual.

"Such a thick rope will collapse if it is said to collapse?" The eyes of the employees were full of astonishment.

"There is something particular about it, it's called Jiehuafa. If you can't explain a few words clearly, you can understand it as martial arts!"

Luo Quan borrowed the theory of a certain Tai Chi master and began to fool the employees.

It's not that she wants to lie, but this kind of thing really can't be explained by science.

A beef tendon rope as thick as a thumb might be able to break her if it was a two-meter strong man weighing several hundred catties.

But a woman with a body like Luo Quan has no possibility of breaking free.

So in order to make this matter seem reasonable, it can only be explained with kung fu.

Coupled with the status of the Olympic champion, it is quite convincing.

So the employees were not too suspicious after being surprised.

Of course, Wen Xia knew what was going on, and she could even do it herself, so when Luo Quan was tied to the ground and couldn't move, she just kept taking pictures without worrying about whether Luo Quan could break free.

After getting up from the ground, Luo Quan took off the transparent glass film pasted on his right eye, and then wiped off the dirt at the corner of his mouth with a wet towel.

After a brief treatment, the assistant brought a basin of mineral water and a dry towel, and Luo Quan began to wash his face.

Although most of his body was soaked in mud, his face was definitely the most important thing, and the rest would be adjusted slowly when he returned to the hotel.

Generally speaking, the fine gravel in the mud can easily scratch the skin, but Luo Quan has no such concerns. He splashed water on his face and then rubbed it.

Several makeup artists grinned their teeth, thinking that Director Luo didn't protect his face at all, how could he rub it like this?
As a result, after rubbing, Luo Quan's face was found to be as white as ever without a trace of blood.

Then they realized in shock:
Sure enough, the physiques of people cannot be generalized. The most beautiful in the world is indeed different from ordinary people.

Even if ordinary people use N methods of maintenance, they are no match for other people's natural foundation.

"Everyone performs their own duties. It's not easy to meet a rainy day today, so we can shoot as much as we can."

Just as Luo Quan wiped his face clean, he turned his head and began to adjust the crew.

The employees who had been watching her woke up this time and returned to their respective posts to continue working.

The next shooting went very smoothly, everything was going according to the scheduled schedule, and nothing happened.

After the shooting in the afternoon, when Luo Quan returned to the hotel, he immediately took off the T-shirt that was covered with sand and had become hard, and then went into the bathroom to wash off the dirt on his body.

Speaking of which, it was also the first time for her to perform in the mud. Although she didn't have a cleanliness fetish, she still felt a little nervous.

Fortunately, this situation is not normal, and I don't need to roll in the mud every day.

After scrubbing himself clean, he let go of the hot water in the bath.

Luo Quan habitually tested the temperature of the water, then straddled in, his tall body immediately overflowed the water all over the floor.


With a towel on his shoulders, Luo Quan looked up at the sky and let out a moan of enjoyment.

After a day at work, soaking in such a hot bath is not to mention how decompressing it is.

But just as Luo Quan was enjoying the hot water massage on his skin, the consonant mirror on the dressing table suddenly lit up.

Then, a portal suddenly opened.

Luo Quan looked nervously at the portal, and was ready to cover his chest and pinch his legs.

The reason why she didn't get up to get the bath towel was because if someone came out of the portal when she got up, wouldn't she be wiped out by Brother Wang?

It's fine if it's Ye Zhining, but if it's someone else...

Just when Luo Quan was thinking about who would come this time, Bai Xingwei, who was dressed in a swordsman's outfit and was chivalrous, landed lightly.

Originally full of ambition, she saw Luo Quan sitting in the swimming pool with a bold attitude, and her eyes widened in surprise: " don't you wear clothes!"

"It's so fresh, who can wear clothes when taking a shower?" Luo Quan chuckled, "Also, why do you all like to suddenly appear in front of me while I'm taking a shower, or do you say that my bathroom is the exit of the teleportation array for Huanyu people?" ?”

"I came here through the teleportation entrance of the consonant mirror." Bai Xingwei pointed to the mirror that was still shining, "The empress used the consonant mirror to find you before, and when she left, the teleportation circle of the mirror was still there In your room, after I saw it, I wanted to see if I could come to your side, but I didn't expect it to happen."

"So, that's why you peeked at me taking a shower?" Luo Quan asked sullenly.

"They're all girls, what does it matter?"

Bai Xingwei took off her clothes while talking: "It just so happens that I haven't taken a bath for a while, so you move to the side to make room for me."

Without waiting for Luo Quan to refuse, Bai Xingwei jumped in one by one, and a big wave of water splashed up, drenching Luo Quan into a drenched chicken.

"You are really welcome." Luo Quan wiped the water with a towel speechlessly, and then moved a body to the left with a sound of "Zi".

The good news is that it's a two-person tub, so it's not too crowded and you can still stretch your legs.

"What's there to be polite about?" Bai Xingwei said with a nonchalant expression, "Didn't you eat mine and use mine in Huanyu? Now you're babbling after taking a bath?"

"Is this a question of taking a bath?" Luo Quan retorted, "You are soaking me."

"Why, your bath water also has the effect of prolonging life?" Bai Xingwei sarcastically said with a smile.

Luo Quan curled his lips: "That's not sure."

A pair of shoes that I have worn can be sold for millions of dollars. If it is my bath water, there may be a lot of people who are willing to pay a high price for it.

Of course, you can just think about such outrageous things in your head, and it would be too shameful for Shi Shiran to say it out loud.

"Speaking of which, have you forgotten something?"

Bai Xingwei asked while beating his shoulders, the ripples that swayed made Luo Quan notice that there were many red marks on Bai Xingwei's shoulders and arms, as if he had been beaten by someone.

"Forget what? You and my aunt are not these days." Luo Quan didn't react immediately.

"Today is the day of my Martial God Trial, but someone said that he would come to cheer for me." Bai Xingwei punched his shoulder and looked at Luo Quan with a half-smile.

"Damn, I forgot." Luo Quan's face quickly turned red.

When she left Huanyu before, Bai Xingwei said that in a few months she was going to fight the Martial God Trial, and the opponent was quite strong.

I also promised that I would go to the scene to cheer for her, but who knew that Ye Zhining was so disturbed, and with so many things from the New Year to now, I forgot all of them at once.

No wonder there are so many scars on his body, and no wonder he came to find himself.

"It seems that someone doesn't care about my affairs at all." Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan with a smile, "It's a pity that I kept looking at the auditorium during today's game, but I didn't look at it from the beginning to the end. Seeing someone really blinded my expectations."


Luo Quan leaned over with a playful smile, and hugged Bai Xingwei affectionately: "I actually kept this matter in my heart before, but because the empress arrived suddenly, I have been busy entertaining the empress these days, and I am so busy that I am dizzy." , I forgot all of a sudden."

Anyway, the empress had already left, so Luo Quan directly blamed the empress.

However, it wasn't all thrown away.

"Of course, I must be at fault." Luo Quan looked at Bai Xingwei sincerely, "Empress Lai is also wrong for not remembering the day of your competition. I must bear most of the responsibility."

"Oh, it's good to know." Bai Xingwei snorted softly, quite satisfied with Luo Quan's attitude of admitting his mistakes.

In this world, many people like to be stubborn, blame the blame, or even beat them up after discovering that it was their mistake. The result is to make the problem worse and worse.

But Luo Quan did not make such mistakes, because the old saying is good, you have to admit your mistakes, and you have to stand up to attention when you are beaten.

On the other hand, Luo Quan's hug also made Bai Xingwei unable to think about other things for a while.

Under the surface of the water, there seemed to be an undercurrent colliding with his body.

She didn't realize before that Luo Quan's figure was so exaggerated.

Just now he was still taunting her about the issue of bath water, but now that he thinks about it carefully, maybe Luo Quan's outrageous idea might not be outrageous?

"Speaking of which, did you win this trial?" After Luo Quan told Bai Xingwei to stabilize his mood, he also let go of his hug and asked about business.

"Do you think I will lose?" Bai Xingwei seemed to have heard a joke, "Don't look at how many red marks I have on my body, it seems that I have been punched hard, but that person has more sword wounds than me. few.

Of course, this trial was successfully won, it's just a pity that someone didn't come to the scene to see it with his own eyes. "

"Oh, haven't I already apologized to you?" Luo Quan said aggrievedly, "Next time, I promise to come to the scene next time!"

Bai Xingwei asked faintly: "Next time it will be several months later, do you still remember?"

Luo Quan patted her on the shoulder: "Don't worry, this time I will tattoo Xingwei's game on my stomach, so that I can see it every time I take a shower, and I promise I won't forget it."

"It's weird." Bai Xingwei was surprised, "It doesn't need to be like this, you can tattoo other things, such as a flower or something."

"You don't really think I'll do this, do you?" Luo Quan was directly stunned, "I'm just joking, who would have such a thing tattooed on their body?"

"There are a lot of people like this." Bai Xingwei was puzzled, "And I think it looks pretty good, I really suggest you try it."

"Tattoos on the stomach?" The corners of Luo Quan's mouth twitched.

Generally speaking, this kind of tattoos appear in this part, and they are usually concentrated in the domestic special area.

What decent woman would do such a thing?
Anyway, she can't do that.

"Okay, just use your phone to make a memo, don't forget it next time." Bai Xingwei waved her hand, and did not continue to joke with Luo Quan.

Luo Quan didn't come to watch the match this time, and Bai Xingwei was quite blocked at first, so that she couldn't be happy at all after winning against a strong enemy, it was even more uncomfortable than losing.

Then he tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep, so he boldly went through the portal to ask Luo Quan for an explanation.

Luckily, Luo Quan's explanation made sense. After all, when the empress came, even if there was something big, it had to be put aside, and it was understandable that she forgot to watch the battle in a hurry.

But if you forget it next time, it will be unreasonable, after all, it will be repeated again and again.

If two, two, three, four really happened again, she would have to punish Luo Quan severely, and maybe she would get something tattooed on her stomach by then, so that she would never forget it for the rest of her life!

(End of this chapter)

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