Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1071 Something went wrong

"I really want to be held in Luo Bao's arms."

In the live broadcast room, fans made envious voices when they saw Arthur being held in Luo Quan's arms.

However, apart from his younger sister Luo Xi, only his little nephew Arthur has enjoyed this kind of treatment. No matter how envious the fans are, they can only watch it.

The little thing has been very well-behaved these days, and the number of crying at night is much lower than when he was just born. Luo Quan knows that this is the effect of the super milk powder.

The only fly in the ointment is that this milk powder can only reduce the frequency, but can't completely solve this problem, but at least it doesn't need to be woken up every few hours like taking Luoxi before.

The newborn's drowsiness always comes very quickly. Just now, Arthur was still babbling and laughing with his eyes wide open, but he fell asleep in Luo Quan's arms after a while.

Gently put him in the crib, put earplugs on his ears as before, and look into the camera:
"Arthur has fallen asleep, but my voice can't be too loud, so as not to wake him up, so if everyone can't hear you, turn up the volume yourself."

Although there are high-tech sound-isolating earplugs, Luo Quan does not dare to fly himself, and still controls the volume.

Fortunately, fans also expressed their understanding:

"It's okay, the baby is the biggest now, and you can't take too much care of it."

"Luo Bao's proficiency in bringing a baby is outstanding now. Arthur can tell whether he is hungry or needs milk when he slaps his mouth."

"Indeed, Arthur doesn't seem to have been crying for some time."

"If you want to see him cry, it's easy, just squat on the buttocks and slap it?"

"Hahaha, you are a devil."

"If you dare to deal with Luo Bao's nephew like this, you already have a way to kill yourself!"


The fans were making wild jokes, and the live broadcast room was full of laughter and laughter. At this time, a paid bullet screen appeared, attracting everyone's attention:
"Speaking of which, Luo Bao has already completed the task with two films, so is the third film going to be filmed? It can't be omitted directly, right?"

This is actually a question that many fans are quite concerned about, but not many people directly say it.

Before Luo Bao said that the cost of [-] million was enough for her to make three movies, and the final facts proved that she was not bragging.

The cost of "Manslaughter" is less than 25 million, and the box office has reached [-] billion, which is already profitable.

The momentum of "Memories of Murder" is even stronger, with a cost of just over 30 million yuan, it has now earned more than [-] billion yuan at the box office, which can be called a textbook with a small and big picture.

More importantly, Luo Quan has disclosed the cost details of the two films on Weibo, and anyone can check them out.

The purpose of each payment on the list is very clear, and the price is not inflated, which is in line with market conditions.

In addition to the plot, the texture and persuasiveness of the film itself do not appear to be "low-cost" at all.

In the current environment, even a production with a cost of [-] million yuan cannot be called a big production, and a production costing [-] million yuan is about the same.

However, the final effect of the movie with a cost of two to three billion yuan gives people a sense of cheapness that almost reveals the screen.

And some masterpieces with an investment of [-] to [-] million yuan are even more shoddy and unreadable.

In the past, netizens didn't know how much a movie would cost to make, but now Luo Quan has set a model for everyone.

Leaving aside blockbuster special effects, ordinary feature films can still achieve top-level audio-visual effects even with an investment of around [-] million yuan.

As for why the previous people didn't do it, I don't know, maybe the money wasn't spent properly.

After the truth was revealed, netizens no longer scolded those regulars of bad movies, but asked the relevant departments to investigate them.

I used to think that these people just made bad movies and didn't care.

Now it seems that this group of people is probably not just perfunctory to the audience.

And Luo Quan, who single-handedly contributed to such a situation, was also attacked and complained by many sailors during this period, and was even questioned: Do you want to ruin Chinese movies.

What's funny is that this group of people didn't dare to scold too hard, because they were afraid that Luo Quan would be offended, and she would directly make things worse.

At that time, if the relevant departments are really attracted to investigate, then the problem will be big.

In short, this group of people is now caught in a contradiction.

He hated Luo Quan for cutting off their money, but he didn't dare to offend her too much.

This made those sailors look like brats who had been slapped by their old father, gnashing their teeth with hatred, but they didn't dare to show their teeth. Luo Quan thought it was really funny, so he didn't pay much attention to them.

As for this paid question from fans, she was actually prepared:
"I did agree to shoot three films before, but the task has been completed with two films, and there is still [-] million left in the budget. What should I do?"

The fans immediately replied:

"It is recommended to spend more money and make a sci-fi masterpiece."

"It just so happened that "The Wandering Earth" reopened the door to Chinese sci-fi movies. Isn't Luo Bao here to take advantage of the victory?"

"However, even such an excellent film still cannot become the box office champion of the Spring Festival."

"Haha, those people know how tricky it is here."

"Speaking of which, Luo Bao can make a blockbuster sci-fi movie. I don't think I've seen her do it before."

"It's true that Luo Bao's films since his debut have all been small and big, the cost is generally not high, and he doesn't like to use special effects very much."

"Cold knowledge, the movie with the highest cost in Luoquan is "Frozen", which is a cartoon."

"So Luo Bao is not good at shooting big scenes?"

"I'm skeptical unless she takes a picture and I'll see it. (狗头·jpg)"


Facing this provocative method without any technical content, Luo Quan smiled bluntly: "You want to provoke me, right? But I won't be fooled."

Maybe because she felt that her answer was too unfeeling, she explained: "The main reason is that I haven't prepared to make a big production recently, and a big movie is not just shot, there are many things to consider, so even if I really With a slap of the head, I agreed, and it is impossible for you to see it in a short time."

What Luo Quan said was the truth, the fans actually knew it in their hearts.

For a real sci-fi blockbuster, the preparation time is based on years, and it is common to shoot for two or three years.

Although Luo Quan's films are famous for their "quick release", they are all low-cost, low-special effects, and plot-oriented. As long as the actors and directors are strong, they can be released quickly.

But the production of special effects is not good. The upper limit of the computer’s operating speed is there. The time-consuming production of special effects per unit of time is bound to be dead. The technology is the best and it is impossible for the computer to complete the work overnight.

Therefore, if Luo Quan really takes a month or two to finish a blockbuster sci-fi movie, fans will have to doubt the quality of the movie she makes.

So the fans still nodded to understand Luo Quan's explanation.

But seeing the fans' words softened, Luo Quan pulled it up again: "Speaking of which, weren't you very proud before that you said you would collectively boycott the second movie, so I can only shoot the third movie after I hit the streets.

It seems that the effect of your boycott is not very effective. It seems that I don't need to make the third film. "

Seeing this, the fans apologized at the speed of light:
"Luo Bao, I admit that my voice was a bit loud before, and I will admit my mistake to you."

"I knelt down and kowtowed to you, Luo Bao, boom boom!"

"Is it so abstract? The verbal apology comes with audio."

"Killing me."

"I suggest singing Conquer to show your sincerity."

"Can you sing the most dazzling national style?"

"Fuck, don't mention this song, I won't be able to sleep at night if you mention it!"

"I have never rejected Luo Quan's new song like this before, the most dazzling and famous family style has done it."

"Why, isn't it nice to hear?"

"It doesn't matter whether it sounds good or not. It's the kind of song that is very special and brainwashing. After listening to it, it will be all in your mind."

"I would like to call it China's No. [-] Divine Comedy, and now the BGM of the square dance has all been replaced by it."

"This is a sign of Luobao's transformation into a sinking market. I hope that there will be more similar works in the future, and strive to win all the hairdressing shops, square dances and mobile ringtones in China as soon as possible."

"Haha, I can already imagine what kind of grand occasion it was."


The thinking of netizens is quite jumpy. Originally chatting about movies, they turned to music again.

Of course, Luo Quan could still grasp the point: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore.

In fact, the third film has already been filmed. When I filmed "Memories of Murder", I didn't wait for a rainy day for a long time, but some scenes couldn't be filmed without rain.

So when I had nothing to do, I just shot the third part. "

This sudden surprise made the fans fry in an instant:

"Damn it, you're such a bad woman!"

"Poor fans are played by Luo Bao in the palm of his hand."

"I really lost to you little fairy, but I'm still wondering if I should be more sincere."

"So you want to see us humbly on purpose?"

"It seems that Luo Bao has the potential to be Queen S."

"I want to be severely beaten by Luo Bao with a whip."


"Then what is the name of this movie? The plot of the movie that I took the time to shoot should be very simple."


Automatically omitting the restricted-rated speeches of some fans, Luo Quan replied:

"The name of the movie is "Buried Alive", and the plot, scenes and characters are very simple.

The main story is that the protagonist was kidnapped by a terrorist when he was on a business trip in Central Asia. When he woke up, he found that he was buried in a coffin, and then he asked for help from the outside world through a mobile phone.

I shot this movie for a total of three days, and there was only one scene, which was inside the coffin. As for the characters that appeared, there were less than ten people in total, and the cost was more than 1000 million, which is also a low-cost movie. "

"In the early 1000 million? I heard correctly, right?"

"There is only one coffin in the scene and it costs more than 1000 million yuan. Where did the money go?"

"Unless you count your salary, you can't understand it."

"If you count Luo Bao's salary, I'm afraid ten million won't be enough."


"Can I tell you guys?"


Facing fans' questions, Luo Quan said with a smile: "You don't think you can save a lot of cost by shooting in an extremely narrow space, do you?

On the contrary, the smaller the space, the harder it is to shoot, and the higher the cost.

The layout of the camera seats and how to light them are all technical tasks, and the support for these technologies is all white money.

So most of the cost of this movie was spent on shooting, and Fu Huadao was no big deal. "

Because he is not a film major, fans don't have a particularly clear concept of Luo Quan's explanation, but they just don't understand it.

"I couldn't understand it, but it was a shock."

"Can you tell me about it?"

"Brother Tang said, I, Luo Quan, are right. The more extreme the shooting location, the more technology and money will be required. It is indeed quite rare to shoot in a coffin."

"I don't even know that the inside of the coffin is so narrow, what the actors have to do to make up for this hour and a half."

"Other actors are not good, but don't forget, Luo Bao is a two-time Oscar queen."

"It's a pity that she didn't have a new movie last year. If there were, she might have three consecutive movies."

"It's hard to say, this year's new Chinese actress is also quite ruthless."

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that the Oscars were presented again."


Luo Quan didn't pay special attention to the Oscars ceremony that fans talked about.

After all, she didn't have a new work last year, so she doesn't have a share in this year's award.

It must be a good thing for a Chinese woman to win a movie queen, but unfortunately she is not of Chinese nationality, so there is no need to get too excited.

"In short, everyone will know what the movie "Buried Alive" is like after watching it.

In addition, I also tell you a good news, that is, in order to give back to the fans of station B for their support as always, the movie "Buried Alive" will not be shown in theaters, but will be watched exclusively online at station B.

The viewing threshold is also very low. Registered users of station B can watch it for free, and big members can enjoy 4K picture quality.

It just so happened that the big members of station B are doing activities recently, and the continuous monthly subscription only costs 12 yuan, which is only 144 a year.

You can't buy it for 12 yuan, you can't buy it at a loss and you can't be fooled. The event lasts for five days. If you miss this village, you won't have this store. "

Luo Quan gestured three fingers in front of him, and transformed himself into an anchor with goods.

However, other anchors either sell cosmetics or wine, while Luo Quan sells big members of station B.

This seems to be the first video site owner to personally sell his members to everyone.

After receiving these two benefits, the fans also acted quite cooperatively:

"Don't say it, don't say it, can't I buy it?"

"My big membership has been recharged until 2030, but seeing how hard you sell, what does it matter if you charge again for you?"

"Ah, why does it sound so strange?"

"Count me in, I'm going to charge hard!"

"After Luo Bao took over, I feel that the appearance of Station B has indeed changed for the better."

"Let Luo Bao be the boss earlier, and Station B will not be what it is now."

"Fortunately, it's not too late. Station B still has a bright future."


"Actually, I have some good news to tell you." Luo Quan smiled contentedly when he saw fans' recognition of his work.

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