Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1094 1 Emperor and 1 Courtier

Chapter 1094
The subordinate in charge of the investigation was waiting for her order.

The evidence is basically conclusive, and with the clear instructions from the boss, the senior executives who stole the company's assets the most at β station were immediately notified of suspension for investigation.

The news quickly spread from inside, mainly because Luo Quan did not intend to cover up the news.

And this time she is not trying to scare the chickens and monkeys, but is preparing to carry out a wave of cleansing from top to bottom.

The problem from top to bottom is too serious, and it has reached the point where it is hard to return.

Replacing an employee in one position doesn't solve any problems, it takes changing from the beginning to the end to make the whole company look brand new.

Of course, Luo Quan's approach was quickly opposed by the suspended senior executives, and their confidantes also began to criticize Luo Quan's operating strategy through various channels.

Soon, the second shareholder of Station β also called: "Luo Quan, we agreed, you won't fire any old man from the company!"

Luo Quan replied indifferently: "Deputy general manager, these people's stealing issues are actually on my desk. You can pretend to be deaf and dumb, but I can't.

A group of moths who don't make any contribution but are still consuming a huge amount of the company's funds, why do you want to keep them? "

we agreed?Back then, Sima Yi's family swore against Luoshui, but in the end they didn't kill the entire Cao family in the street.

Of course, she didn't approve of this kind of back-and-forth behavior. The key is that these high-level officials quit doing things first.

Since they didn't fulfill their duties as an employee, she, the boss, naturally didn't have to keep any promises.

"There's no need to understand this kind of thing. We can talk about it. You can suspend them directly. The company has so many affairs, how can it run without the person in charge." The second shareholder of β station was a little anxious, obviously disapproving Luo Quan's approach.

"The company is running?" Luo Quan laughed. "These people spend half of the year on business trips. Without them, I don't think the β station has collapsed. It's not like they won't be able to operate without them."

"Then you are determined to get rid of them?" The second boss knew that no matter how much he persuaded Luo Quan at this moment, he couldn't persuade Luo Quan. He suddenly regretted selling the β station to Luo Quan. .

Facing the second boss's question, Luo Quan replied in a serious tone: "It's not that I am determined to eliminate them, it is their behavior that hinders the development of the company, without them is very important to the company."

The second boss suppressed his anger: "What about me, have I hindered the development of the company?"

"I can't comment on this. In short, everything I do is for the good of the β station, and your and my interests are also connected with the β station, so you should understand what to do." Luo Quan finished speaking , hung up the phone directly.

After saying this, the second boss knew that he had completely broken with Luo Quan.

In fact, someone said before that the β station has completely belonged to Luoquan, and his words will no longer have any effect.

It's just that as the second shareholder of Station β, he has been unwilling to face it.

Thinking about it carefully, Luo Quan didn't seem to respect him very much, it was just the attitude he should have towards a partner.

It's because he thought Luo Quan was too simple, thinking that she was a hard-talking girl who liked two-dimensional and soft-hearted.

I didn't expect her methods to be so sharp, and she didn't care about the unspoken rules of the workplace.

It is common for high-level companies to have dirty hands and feet. Penguin, Ali,, which company does not have such a problem, but they did not win all of them directly like her. This is too exaggerated.

As soon as he hung up the phone, the second shareholder of Station β found that he still had more than a dozen missed calls, all from those old subordinates who had been suspended.

When the company changed its chairman before, I promised them that Luo Quan would not take them under the knife, but now...

The second boss didn't know what to say to them, so he could only use his β station account to send seven words: "Everyone ask for blessings."

Then turn off the phone and dive into the new project.

As the former webmaster of β station, the account of the second shareholder of β station has more than 200 million followers. Although there may be a lot of water in it, the sudden new post from the former webmaster is quite eye-catching, especially now this sensitive situation.

Netizens who eat melons quickly gathered and began to analyze the short words of the former webmaster:
"A β station without a second shareholder of β station is a good β station?"

"One emperor and one courtier, it seems that the second boss can't protect those old subordinates before him."

"I want Luo Bao to be the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, and to flay all these corrupt officials in station β to me!"

"Good guy, with such a strong anger, it looks like an old user of β station."

"It seems that Luobao's reform this time is really not just talk, it has already started to deal with the most serious problems at the top."

"It's better to take down all the problematic ones. I just want to see blood flow into rivers now."

"Hopefully it's not about driving off the old moths and finding a new batch."

"What are you thinking, such a thing can happen to Luo Quan's subordinates? I'm afraid you don't know Luo Quan's nickname."

"What nickname is Luo Quan? I only know the Abyss Overlord Flower."

"That's what Tokyo's fans do. Luo Quan's nickname on the nail is Chong Hachi."

"Anything to say?"

"Chongba is Zhu Yuanzhang. This emperor is merciless when dealing with corrupt officials, and he can't rub his eyes with sand!"

"Understood, then it seems that Station β is about to be turned upside down by her this time."


I have to say that this year's netizens were really cooperative and basically said everything Luo Quan wanted to say, so that she didn't have anything to add.

In short, the cleaning operation of the β station has already started. First, the tigers will be attacked, and then the flies will be caught. None of them will be able to escape.

As for the second shareholder of the β station, if he is wise enough, it is best not to meddle in other people's business, and develop the project in hand, so as not to screw up again in the end, then he will never be able to turn around in his life.

Although it is a bit heartless to do so, Luo Quan feels that if the β station wants to get better and better, this is the pain that must be experienced.

There will definitely be a lot of scolding from employees, but at least the users of β station will be happy to see such a situation.

If it doesn't work, get a new batch.

Now the entire Internet companies are cutting costs and expenditures, and are engaged in large-scale layoffs.

However, the β station is currently in a good momentum. Even if there is no need to increase the salary too much, it can still recruit many excellent employees with work experience. It is a good time to recruit.

Therefore, Luo Quan is not worried at all about the shutdown of the company due to the dismissal of too many employees.

Now the market lacks everything except people.

After closing the dynamic page of the second shareholder of Station β, Luo Quan clicked on his live broadcast homepage and started the live broadcast.

After many days, when I came back, the live broadcast room still had millions of views at any time. Even though it was pitch black, there were still many fans chatting in it, and it was almost becoming a public chat channel.

"I'm back." Amidst the cheers of fans, Luo Quan waved to the camera.

June is approaching, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. The way of wearing a coat with a sweater is unbearable here, so I took off the thick coat outside.

Seeing this, the fans immediately laughed and said:

"As soon as you come back, you will give everyone strength, right?"

"If you can't make it, you will be blocked."

"Luo Quan is the station master, who dares to seal her?"

"Indeed, unless Super Tube is born rebellious."

"The station master is here, who gave Luo Bao such a new nickname?"

"It feels quite domineering, and don't you think it's very appropriate?"

"I think it's more domineering to call Luo Dong."


Seeing the fans' teasing, Luo Quan smiled and said: "You can call them whatever you want, but don't come with Bawanghua and the like, these are all black names, I will seal one when I see one!"

Originally, the fans just wanted to make a living, but Luo Quan sent a warning directly, resulting in no new barrage for several seconds:
"Haha, are you all deleting the overlord flower that you have already made?"

"How do you know what I'm doing, peeping at my screen?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how could I give it to Luo Bao?"

"Luo Quan understands your pissing nature very well, it's true if you don't change after repeated admonition."

"By the way, is the station master planning to eliminate the veterans from the previous court this time?"

"The action was very quick and the determination was firm. Luo Bao probably has held back for a long time."


In the face of these two paid barrage inquiries, Luo Quan did not hide: "It is true that some employees have been investigated and are dealing with it.

However, the specifics are commercial secrets, and everyone can just wait for the results quietly. "

"I said it, but it seemed like I didn't say anything."

"It's almost done. How can the decision-making in the company be said directly? The identities are different."

"Yes, there is already a pathetically thick barrier between us and Luo Quan."

"It's a very serious sentence, why does it sound like you're driving?"

"Those who want to drive will drive no matter what they encounter."

"Damn, I didn't understand at first glance, you are really talented."


To be honest, the skills of these netizens are really endless, and famous quotes can also be used to drive.

Last time, someone used Shakespeare's works to drive. At first glance, I didn't feel anything, but after a closer look, I couldn't hold back.

This time, I used the sentence written by Brother Xun to open it again. It really can open everything.

Seeing this situation, Luo Quan could only say helplessly: "Everyone, please restrain yourself a little, even if I am the station master, if it goes too far, Super Management still has the right to block the live broadcast room.

So in order to have a live broadcast, you'd better not go too far. "

But fans seem to be still in the excitement:

"I'm a superman, can everyone speak freely?"

"Super management: As an employee of Luoquan, I'm sorry for her neglect of duty, and I'm sorry for her performance of duties. It's really difficult."

"The world is safe and secure, and you will not fail the Tathagata or your Qing."

"Haha, everyone in the barrage is really talented."

"You are all paying attention to these irrelevant things, am I the only one who finds that Luo Bao seems to have changed again?"


"Damn, there is such a thing?"

"You don't say that I haven't noticed it yet, it seems to be a little bit."

"No, you read it wrong, the sweater just shows off your figure."

"That's right, how can there be more than [-] still growing, this does not conform to the laws of science."


"Has it really been discovered?" Luo Quan sighed with a smile.

Now that it was noticed, Luo Quan admitted generously: "That's right, because of my weight loss recently, my figure seems to have gotten better again."

Originally thought that there would be exclamations from fans, but the result was ridicule:
"Haha, just brag about it, why is the old woman in her twenties acting like a little girl so resentfully?"

"That's right, the average girl stops around twenty, you are special, right? Although in terms of your appearance, it is indeed quite special."

"If you are fat, you will be fat. You don't need to hide it. Big guys won't laugh at you."

"Luo Bao used to be in good shape, but now that he has become fat, will there be two more swimming rings?"

"It is very possible that the most beautiful in the world may not be kept."

"There is no need to be so pessimistic. In terms of appearance, Luo Bao still has no rivals."

"One fat ruins everything."

"I think Luo Bao is not fat now."

"That's right, you guys are too sensitive."

"It's okay to be fat, but it's not good-looking to be as thin as a bamboo."


Seeing the fans talk to each other, Luo Quan didn't know what to say for a while.

These guys didn't believe it, and thought she was joking. Is this an unintentional trick?

Originally, she had already planned to be on the trending searches, but when the time comes, a bunch of black fans will definitely say that she is flirtatious or something because of this matter.

As a result, the fans didn't react at all, and they were still laughing at her, making excuses for getting fat.

Well... Since everyone thinks so, let's take her as an excuse.

Although with the arrival of summer, she will be discovered sooner or later, but it is good news for her to be able to get away with it now.

"It seems that your insight is very keen. After all, I still can't hide from my little thoughts."

So Luo Quan sighed pretentiously, and the fans laughed because they knew Luo Quan's "conspiracy":
"Don't think you can hide it from us, children who lie will be beaten."

"I think next time you can just omit the process and start playing."

"It's your turn to have such a good thing? Go and make your spring and autumn dream!"

"Pay attention to the scale, everyone, be careful about super-controlling big kills."

"It's over, the brother who wants to beat Luo Quan has been banned."

"Hahaha, you deserve it."


Other people's misfortune is just a joke in my own eyes. Although this man said what everyone wanted to do in his heart, some words are destined to be dealt with.

Even if Luo Quan didn't speak, Chao Guan knew what to do.

However, the punishment is generally not too severe, and it will be over after a day or two of sealing.

But the news of a ban appeared behind the bullet screen, which still filled the live broadcast room with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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