Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1109 Commercial Means

Chapter 1109 Commercial Means
"It has to be Luo Quan. With so many celebrities, you are the only one who dares to speak out."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you post it or not. Everyone boycotts BMW, so the company will naturally take it seriously."

"It's a pity that not everyone has such backbone. It's not that similar things have happened before, but many people should buy or buy."

"But I still choose to fight to the end, Luo Quan has set a good example!"

"If it's just yin and yang, it doesn't make much sense."


Netizens discussed heatedly in the comment area, and Luo Quan has been observing the trend of public opinion.

Although there are many people scolding, including many big v and up hosts who made videos to start scolding, but it is not yet known whether it will be useful after scolding.

As BMW's largest market outside of its home country, China's annual sales account for one-third of the total sales, which is a rather commendable quality.

As a luxury car highly recognized by the public, owning a BMW for a family is indeed a very face-saving thing, and many wealthy bosses are willing to buy it.

It is unknown whether these people will give up choosing BMW because of this incident.

What Luoquan can do is to provide an additional choice for all car buyers at this time.

So after the yin and yang were over, she posted another Weibo, an announcement in the name of the vice president of Nikola New Energy Vehicles:
"To celebrate the record high sales of Nikola cars in China, the Shanghai head office will hold a week-long free ice cream tasting event, and everyone can receive a piece of Haagen-Dazs ice cream when they come to the store.

At the same time, you can register as a member of Nikola Automobile Club by scanning the QR code, and participate in the lucky draw, and have the opportunity to get luxury car audio, one-year free maintenance, [-]% discount on car purchases, free receipt of the latest cars and many other great gifts!
We promise that everyone has the opportunity to participate, first come, first served, while supplies last! "

This event was organized by Luo Quan on his own initiative, and the general manager of Nikola Motor Greater China didn't even know about it.

But seeing that it was posted by Luo Quan, the general manager immediately reposted this Weibo, which was tantamount to acknowledging the event.

Just kidding, in the Nikola company, Luoquan's shares are only a little higher than the largest shareholder, and he is the real second-in-command.

Not to mention arranging a lottery, she can just ask the Shanghai main store to conduct a one-day zero-yuan purchase.

Of course, she needs to account for the losses afterwards to other shareholders. Anyway, it does not need to take any responsibility for a worker.

But there is one thing to say, the announcement of this event is indeed just right. It is just when the whole network is crusading against BMW cars, and the wave of public opinion is very intense.

Although Nikola is not BMW's most direct competitor in China, after all, it sells cars, so it must be taken advantage of.

Now is the best publicity opportunity, and it really doesn't make sense not to make things worse.

Moreover, the activities of Luo shareholders are also good. You can eat ice cream as you like, and there are various high-value rewards, which is very exciting to watch.

The most important thing is that those high-value rewards are all related to cars. If the winners have a car, that's all. If they don't have a car, doesn't that give them an opportunity to buy a car?

The rewards worth tens of thousands are just there, it would be a pity not to buy a car to match it.

Since Nikola became famous in civilian models, it didn't take long to develop a luxury model, which is no worse than other brands in terms of performance and appearance.

If you can really take this opportunity to gain popularity, it will definitely be great news.

Not long after, Nicholas, who was far away in Seattle, received a call from his subordinate and learned about the activities of the second shareholder Luoquan.

After understanding the ins and outs, he did not show any objection, but asked his subordinates to fully cooperate with Luo shareholders.

As the first boss, Nikolai actually has no interest in business activities. He is only interested in developing more powerful systems and engines to make his tram the number one in the world.

Now what he is developing is a powerful engine that can make new energy vehicles comparable to supercars, and it has reached the final stage.

If successful, Nikola would have an extremely capable supercar, which he decided to call Zeus.

With nothing to distract him now except Zeus, he hung up the phone as soon as he gave the order.

Soon, the official website of Nikola Motor Huaxia announced the upcoming activities of Ohshanghai Headquarters.

This time, there was no need to buy the trending search. Luo Quan made this news the second most searched with his own popularity.

Of course, the number one hot search is still the BMW PR copy that has been scolded bloody by the whole network, and the next one is "Look at Nikolai!".

Netizens who don’t know why clicked in and found out that a car brand called Nikola actually launched an event, giving away Haagen-Dazs ice cream for free, just go there.

There is no harm without comparison, so the heat came all of a sudden.

"Look at the pattern of others."

"No matter what age you are still driving traditional cars, let's all take a look at new energy vehicles."

"Who is better, this car or a Tesla?"

"At present, the sales of new energy vehicles, Tesla is the first, it is second, and there has not been an electronic accident yet."

"The only shortcoming of killing Tesla in all directions is that the company has only been established for a few years and is still relatively young."

"Haha, this can't be regarded as a shortcoming. Young companies only pay more attention to customers. Unlike a certain company, the store bullies customers."

"It's you, BMW."

"I'll take a look at it tomorrow. I just want to buy a car recently."

"Add one, I heard that you can also draw a lottery, if you are lucky, you can directly pick up the new car and go home."

"Haha, I'm afraid this kind of good thing won't happen to you and me."


It seems that the publicity effect is still good, at least it makes netizens have a certain interest in Nikola cars.

If you continue to take advantage of others, the popularity of Nikola Motors will definitely rise to a higher level in China.

As his current biggest earning project, Luoquan still attaches great importance to his own car brand, so he specially made a cross-border call to the general manager of the Greater China region to tell him the importance of this event.

"The employees in charge of the auto show this time must conduct service training every day.

I don't care what they are like in normal times, during working hours, they will always give me makeup according to the makeup of those celebrities on Weibo night, and I will reject those whose appearance is not up to standard.

The other thing is the service attitude. I need you to arrange for someone to monitor in real time at the auto show. If any employee is found to be negligent, contemptuous or even treated differently when receiving guests, she will be dismissed immediately in front of all the guests! "

When Luo Quan said these words, his tone was very severe, and he was afraid that the general manager would not understand, so he typed it and sent it again.

"If something goes wrong this time, I won't care about anyone, and I will hold you accountable first.

If it’s done well, you’ll get promoted and raise your salary, but if it’s not done well, you should weigh it yourself. "

Luo Quan usually does not have much communication with the general manager, and there is no friendship, so he can only remind him with the simplest benefits.

Rewards and punishments are the secret of her getting along with her subordinates.

She was a worker but she came here just to make money and seek a development prospect.

As long as you do a good job, I will give you everything you deserve, and there are even extra rewards.

But if she didn't do it well, she wouldn't care about face and just let him go.

Although the general manager has never gotten along with Luo Quan, he has often seen some executives at station B on Momo complaining about his boss being mean and cruel.

The news that a large number of executives at station B were fired a while ago also made him clear how "ruthless" the world's most beautiful person is, so he is not soft-hearted at all.

So for this auto show event, he did not dare to neglect at all, directly booked a ticket to Shanghai, and planned to go to the scene to guide the work in person.

As for how many meetings and how much discipline the employees of the Nikola Shanghai head office will hold in the future, it is unknown.

But when they heard about the wage increase, the employees were very excited.

In the workplace, there is no news that makes people happier than a salary increase.

Putting down the phone, Luo Quan felt that he had made the right decision.

Although I can't see the effect yet, I should be able to see it soon in the next few days.

Listening to the sound of the pattering rain, Luo Quan fell asleep quite sleepy this time, because he didn't have to worry about waking up and finding himself in Ye Zhining's arms.

After waking up, Luo Quan saw that it was still raining lightly outside!I don't know if it was the last night or the second crop.

After breakfast, Ye Zhining excitedly told Luo Quan to change quickly, and then started filming.

"This drizzle is so artistic, come here quickly, it will be boring if it stops."

Ye Zhining came back at some point, knocking on the door outside.

Luo Quan had just finished drinking the milk for breakfast and hadn't had time to digest it yet. Hearing Ye Zhining's urgent call, he could only put it in first, and then began to change his clothes.

Today she was wearing a blue swimsuit with a pleated skirt on the bottom. It looked like a pleated skirt, but it was much shorter than the pleated skirt, so it couldn't cover anything.

"Let's go, let's shoot this set today." Luo Quan stretched his waist and said refreshedly.

"This one can be worn on the body, it looks better." Ye Zhining searched for a while on the bed covered with clothes, and then chose a white windbreaker as thin as cicada's wings.

"Why do you need this for a swimsuit photoshoot?" Luo Quan asked puzzled.

"There is a windbreaker outside to reflect the element of wetness. Otherwise, how can everyone tell if you have been exposed to rain?"

Ye Zhining put the windbreaker on Luo Quan while speaking: "Believe me, this will make you more sexy."

"You are a photographer and stylist, you have the final say." Luo Quan rubbed his face, tied his hair with a bow, and strode out of the house.

There are a lot of green plants outside the hotel. In addition to the common coconut trees, there are many shrubs and flowers that cannot be named at all.

There were no people on the tree-shaded path under drizzling rain, so Ye Zhining found a relatively remote location and began to think about composition.

At this time, Luo Quan finally understood why Ye Zhining let her go out in such a thin windbreaker.

The thin coat is slapped by thin raindrops to create hazy "film spots" one after another. As more and more film spots are added, they gradually become one piece.

The content under the coat is looming, and the blue bikini has become ready to be seen.

This feeling of wanting to hide and reveal is indeed completely different from the effect of direct exposure, giving people a sense of excitement of voyeurism.

No wonder so many people like wet body temptation, a considerable part of the reason is this.

And Ye Zhining seemed to have found inspiration, raised the camera and started shooting.

Luo Quan faced the camera like this, with his hands behind his back in her gestures, and walked along the path.

Although there was no makeup on his face, even though the light was not so good, Luo Quan's face still looked radiant.

Her snow-white skin is the best canvas, such as the eyebrows and eyes outlined by ink lines, and bright red lips, which can become amazing paintings without any modification.

Not to mention her bumpy body wetted by rain, matched with the surrounding exotic green plants, making the whole picture look more wild.

"I originally planned to go to the beach to take a group of sunny landscape photos, but unfortunately the weather was not good, and it rained on the first day.

However, I suddenly remembered that the scene of walking in the rain had never been photographed before, so I gave it a try, and I don’t know how the effect will be. "

Because it was a video, Luo Quan became the commentator of the video while walking.

First, I introduced the subject of the video, and then started to introduce the plants I saw along the way like a botanist.

And Ye Zhining has not spoken, just firmly controls the camera, and changes the angle all the time.

When she saw a pair of seabirds playing in the rain, Ye Zhining immediately entered the secret through sound transmission, and asked Luo Quan to unbutton the windbreaker.

Although Luo Quan didn't know why, he did as he did.

As soon as the windbreaker was unbuttoned, a gust of wind came from nowhere and passed by her, mischievously flipping up her golden hair, the hem of the windbreaker, and the skirt of her swimming trunks.

At this moment, Ye Zhining quickly pressed the shutter with the ultra-high-definition camera brought from Huanyu.

Since this is the artistic conception of beauty she is looking for.

If it's just for swimwear, where is the need for such trouble.

Lie directly on the bed, any shape can be placed.

But that would be too clichéd, she didn't want her beloved concubine to become an ordinary person, so she asked her to come outside to gather.

As for the wind, of course she set it up, the natural wind doesn't have the right strength to let Luo Quan's hair and clothes fly up to the effect she wanted.

After the wind blows, Luo Quan continues to dictate the content about Hawaii.

If you just shoot video, the content is still not rich enough.

If everyone can hear her voice, the effect will definitely be better, and she will even add a BGM later as an embellishment.

Walking and chatting like this for nearly half an hour, Luo Quan walked from the hotel to the beach, and talked about half of the history of Hawaii's development.

It wasn't until the sky cleared that Ye Zhining's filming finally came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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