Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 117 Values

Chapter 117 Values
At noon that day, Luo Quan uploaded another video on station B, titled "Why kneel and lick."

In the video, Luoquan is sitting on the side of a 2.4×2.4 big bed, using the front camera of his mobile phone to take pictures of the environment in the bedroom: “I just got off the plane, and I am in New York, USA. I went to bed too early last night, and I didn’t see it until now. News for Bilibili fans.

I've watched that video, and although I don't pay much attention to this aspect, I think this should be a complete and complete speech by Mu Yang.

The United States is the most developed country in the world. There are many prosperous cities here. The air in some rural areas may also be very good, but it is absolutely impossible to have a sweet smell.

Even in a city with a very large population density like New York, the air quality is definitely not that high. Think about it, in a metropolis where millions of cars emit exhaust every day, you say that the air is sweet. Do you believe it yourself?

Anyway, the air I breathe in your New York is not much different from the air I breathe in Tokyo and the capital.

The reason why the girl Yuan in the video said this is actually very understandable, because she wants to show goodwill to the Americans, and hopes to gain the favor of the Americans and even a green card by kneeling and licking the United States to belittle the mother country.

Of course there is nothing wrong with liking the United States. Fighting teams have the right to make choices. Which country you want to be a member of is your own business. No matter how you do it, others can’t make irresponsible remarks, but the conditions for your liking cannot be based on belittling Above your own country, the United States is just the place you yearn for, while China is the place where you were born and raised.

I don't ask you to be grateful, but at least don't discredit her.

On the other hand, even if you want to get a green card or become an American, it is impossible to succeed by kneeling and licking.In ancient and modern China and abroad, which country would people like this kind of person who can't even straighten his knees?

If you have the ability, you can get along wherever you go, but if you don't have the ability, you will just kneel and lick, and you will be unwelcome wherever you go. "

The video is not long, but Luo Quan has already expressed his views very completely, and at the end of the video, he specially added the prompt "The above remarks are all my personal views".

Originally, she thought that this view was rational, neutral and objective, and she didn't try to belittle either party to gain the favor and support of the other party, but after the video was released, it was still sprayed.

Most of the people who spray her are concentrated on Weibo, but Zhihu users who claim to be all US green card holders basically praise her.

On Weibo, many users left comments under related videos:

"How many times has she been to the United States? Has she seen the scenery of Yellowstone Park? Has she felt the softness of the Mississippi River? Has she witnessed the magnificence of the Niagara Falls? She doesn't know anything about the United States, but she speaks nonsense here, thinking I’ve seen all of America once I’ve been to New York.”

"You all say that she and you are objective, but I only see partiality, and I also use my own limited sunlight to look at the great country of the United States."

"This sense of superiority is almost overflowing from the screen. I earned some bad money to live in a luxurious suite, and boasted to us. What I hate most in my life is this kind of self-righteous face."

"I suggest you go to other places. The good places in the United States are beyond what you, a frog in a well, can imagine."

If Luo Quan can see these comments, it is estimated that the three views will be broken.

But there is no way, after all, Weibo is the largest gathering place of China's exquisite, and it is inevitable for her to be attacked there. Fortunately, she has uninstalled Weibo a long time ago, and she will not see these things that can make her angry Comment.

In comparison, Bilibili and Zhihu's comments on her are normal. This incident has actually happened for many days, and fans only recently asked Luo Quan to comment.

Public opinion has long been certain about this matter. Sooner or later, that girl will be nailed to the pillar of shame on the Internet. Compared with the netizens at station B, they prefer to discuss Luoquan's family.

When Luo Quan uploaded the video yesterday, the final scene was fixed on the faces of her parents who came to pick her up at the airport. Although it was only a second or two, it still shocked many fans.

In private messages, many fans are begging Luo Quan to make more "Mom and Dad" videos, and it's fine if I don't show up.

There were quite a few similar comments, and Luo Quan couldn't say a word for a long time after seeing these fake fans.

Are these my fans?It's funny enough.

I worked so hard to make a video for you, and in the blink of an eye, my parents became fans of me, and even let me be a tool, what a thing!
Luo Quan was so angry that he turned off his cell phone, washed up and went downstairs for lunch.

Dad is watching TV while Mom is studying with a menu.

"Chris Restaurant... Do we want takeaway at noon?"

"Your father said to change the flavor so that you can have a good meal." Luo Ni's tone sounded angry.

"A wise move." Luo Quan turned his head and gave his father a thumbs up who was secretly looking this way.

"Where's brother, has he gone out?" Luo Quan looked around, but didn't see Leon.

"He's in the room, go call him, let him come down in a while, ready to eat." Luo Ni said, wrote the name of the dish on the paper, and then gave it to this restaurant that specially provides delivery to community residents The restaurant where I had eaten called.

Luo Quan returned to the second floor, bumped around like headless chickens, and finally came to Leon's room.

Knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Isn't it in the room?Luo Quan looked suspiciously at the surrounding rooms. There were two doors outside Leon's bedroom. Luo Quan walked to one of them and knocked.

"Who?" Leon's voice sounded from inside.


"Come in." Leon replied hastily.

Luo Quan opened the door and walked in, only to find that the room was as spacious as the classroom she taught at the University of Tokyo. It is a larger number of paper balls.

Leon, with bloodshot eyes, was sitting busy at the computer desk, staring at the screen intently, as if he was in post-processing, and Luo Quan had used similar software before.

"Are you doing post-processing for the song?" Luo Quan leaned forward curiously.

"Do you know what this is?" Leon was a little surprised. When Aunt Luo Ni and his father saw him doing this for the first time, they thought he was playing a game.

"I made my debut as a singer in Tokyo, so I've made some achievements." Luo Quan said modestly, "By the way, are you in any trouble? You look so bad."

Leon said disdainfully: "A while ago, the company asked me to release a new album, which was originally written, but the company said that it didn't meet the market's preferences, and it would lose money if it was released, so I asked me to replace a few songs in it with mouth-watering songs."

Can't tell, this brother is young, quite ambitious, and doesn't like to write saliva songs, which reminds her of Cao Mufeng who had a little relationship before.

That is also a non-mainstream singer who doesn't like writing to cater to the preferences of the public, and likes to sing songs that ordinary people can't understand.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I'm quite good at writing saliva songs. Would you like me to do you a favor?"

"You?" Leon's bushy eyebrows were slightly frowned, it seemed that he wanted to hesitate, but due to Luo Quan's body skills, it was difficult for him to say these words directly.

Luo Quan knew his concerns, so he asked, "Have you heard any songs from the Love music band?"

Leon nodded: "Yes, it's a newly formed band with very good songs, and it's still in the same company as me."

"I wrote all their songs, and I played bass in the band."

"Holy shit!" Leon was so surprised that he didn't pay attention and swears violently.

"Sorry, that's not what I meant, I'm just very surprised that you really wrote the Love music song, and you wrote "We will rock you"?!"

"Yes." Luo Quan said without blushing and heart beating.

Leon said excitedly: "This is really crazy. The author of this song is actually my sister. Did you know that Jushi magazine has rated this song as the best song of the year!"

"I heard Yun Jingxiao mention it, but I didn't pay much attention to it." This time Luo Quan was telling the truth.

As long as she is willing, she can come up with better songs, but songs of this level may not always meet the current public's aesthetics.

"So you want me to write songs for you?" Luo Quan asked again.

Leon expressed his gratitude: "If it's possible, I'd be really grateful. I haven't slept well for several nights because of this matter. It's really a torture to my spirit to write that kind of love song that jumps to the point of getting tired. "

"What are you two talking about, so happy?" Luo Ni walked in without knowing when.

Luo Quan slapped his head at this moment: "Oops, I forgot all the business!"

"Why is it so troublesome to ask you to do something? You really have no hair on your mouth, and you don't have to work hard!" After finally catching up, Luo Ni of course wants to arrange her daughter well and show the majesty of her mother.

"Go downstairs quickly, lunch is ready." Luo Ni said to Leon, then glared at Luo Quan: "Hurry up and wash your hands and eat."

This pretentious...

Luo Quan resisted the idea of ​​complaining, washed his hands and went downstairs to prepare for dinner.

The dining table is full of food, including not only western food, but also many Chinese food, including Luo Quan's favorite fish-flavored shredded pork.

It’s just a family of four, wouldn’t it be a waste to set up such a big table?

"So many dishes, can you finish them all?" Luo Quan sighed.

Eric said with a smile: "If you can't finish eating, heat it up at night, and continue to eat. You don't think of us as nobles who only eat one meal, do you?"

Luo Quan smiled embarrassedly: "I thought these would be thrown away if I couldn't finish them."

"No matter where it is, waste is a shameful act." Eric said, pouring a glass of juice for his son and daughter, while he and Luo Ni both poured red wine.

Eric raised his glass and said, "This is the first meal our family of four has eaten together. I hope we can get along in harmony in the future. Cheers."


The family's glasses touched each other, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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