Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 120 Expectation

Chapter 120 Expectation
Although Luo Quan was broadcast, the rhythm caused by her did not stop there. Instead, it spread all over the Internet under the deliberate publicity of fans.

Weibo, Zhihu, Douban, and Hupu all have related topics.

There is only one thing that everyone is most concerned about, and that is whether Luoquan can release a Chinese album containing ten songs before the end of this year, and these songs must also meet: Tang poetry with lyrics, ancient style, dog licking, vigorous love songs, and Loud and soft and a series of conditions.

There is one thing to say, these conditions are simply trying to make things difficult for people, and it’s okay to meet one of the conditions, but it is simply impossible to make the songs in the album contain these elements, at least within half a month.

Therefore, most people felt that Luo Quan could not complete this task.

Some black fans on Weibo directly turned on the mocking mode:

"Is it bragging now?"

"See how you end up!"

"Is writing a song really a big sale?"

"Sit and wait for a slap in the face!"

And Zhihu, who has always been friendly to Luo Quan, is also looking down on her at this time:
"Although Luoquan is extremely talented, it is really impossible to complete this task in half a month. Throughout the ages, there are really not many geniuses of this level."

"Although I very much hope that a genius will appear in the Chinese music scene, I am not optimistic that it will be written in half a month. If the time is extended to two to three months, I will trust her unconditionally!"

"It's too difficult. If Luo Quan can really do it, it means that she has thoroughly mastered pop music. Although I admit that her previous performance was very good, can she really realize her talent so quickly? "

"If a genius can be understood by ordinary people, then he is not worthy of being called a genius. I think Luo Quan can do it!"

Among the many pessimistic voices, there is only such a comment that is optimistic about Luo Quan. There is no doubt that he is the number one in Zhihu, Luo Chui—and listen to the wind.

Wherever there is a topic related to Luo Quan, you can see him anywhere, and the way of blowing is also from various angles, without repetition, so that every time everyone enters such a topic, they always look for this buddy's answer first.

Although there is such an answer in support of Luo Quan, it does not affect the entire network's opinion of Luo Quan. Everyone agrees that Luo Quan cannot complete this task.

Everyone on Station B has already begun to study what kind of women's clothing Luo Quan should wear. Aren't Shikushui, bikinis, and maid outfits all women's clothing?

With Luo Quan's perfect body proportions, I don't know how beautiful I can look in these clothes.Thinking of this, all the otaku couldn't help but smile like idiots.

It seems that no one believes that Luo Quan can accomplish this...

December NO.16, there are still fifteen days before 2017.

Luo Quan, who had a good night's dream, just woke up, opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Luo Quan took a good bath in the winter sunshine of New York for a while.

There was a trace of warmth in the coldness, Luo Quan breathed out lightly, and a cloud of white mist immediately rose in front of him.

In previous years, New York would have been covered with snow at this time of year, but because of global warming, New York has not had its first snow until now, which makes many families who have already prepared for snowball fights wait very much impatient.

The festival is approaching, and the entire New York City has begun to decorate and prepare for the festival.

The biggest festival in China is the Spring Festival on the first day of the lunar calendar every year. It has long been a tradition to watch the Spring Festival Gala on New Year’s Eve, set off fireworks and have a reunion dinner.

In the western season, the biggest festival every year is Christmas on December 25th.

On Christmas Eve, many young people will invite them to hold a Christmas party, and no matter how difficult it is for ordinary families, they will try their best to get a Christmas tree for their home and hang it with colorful lights.

It is also a traditional program for adults to wear red hats and white beards, and secretly give gifts to their children at night, although most of the gifts are not stuffed into socks.

China also celebrates Christmas now, and there is quite a lot of trouble, but the content has nothing to do with Christmas, except that various online shopping sites will use Christmas as a reason for promotion, and hotel rooms will also be sold on Christmas Eve. full.

As for why, I won’t say more, everyone who understands understands.

In short, young people in the two countries celebrate Christmas happily, but the way of being happy is different.

Luo Quan's family is not in a hurry to prepare Christmas-related items, only the Christmas tree has already been ordered, and it is estimated to be delivered in a week.

The express delivery business in the United States has always been known for its slowness. Delivery in a week is considered fast, and the normal speed basically starts in half a month.

After letting the cold air dispel the remaining drowsiness, Luo Quan got up to take a shower.

Many Americans have the habit of running in the morning before exercising, and then taking a shower and eating breakfast, but Luo Quan is not so self-disciplined, and goes downstairs to have breakfast after washing.

She was the only one in the huge living room, and it was only nine o'clock, so she was probably still sleeping.

There are bread, milk, eggs, and ham sausage in the refrigerator, and you can make a hearty breakfast with a little effort.

But Luo Quan was lazy and just took bread and milk.

After heating it in the microwave, Luo Quan drank all the dry bread in a bottle of milk.

Then, she didn't know what to do.

I came to the United States from an unfamiliar place and didn’t have a single acquaintance, and I didn’t know what to play.

"Forget it, let's use Lyon's studio to record songs. I boasted before and released an album in half a month. Wouldn't it be ridiculous if I broke my promise?"

Unexpectedly, Leon was already in the studio.

"Did you stay up all night?" Luo Quan said in surprise when he saw Leon.

"I just woke up and slept in the studio last night." Leon yawned and said, "I worked overtime last night and recorded both songs. I'm just waiting for you to do post-production."

"It's quite fast." Luo Quan said and sat next to Leon, who hurriedly handed over the right to use the computer to Luo Quan.

Half an hour later, Luo Quan dragged the two produced songs into the same folder, stood up and clapped his hands: "It's done!"

Leon looked dazed, just now he only saw Luo Quan clicking on the computer screen, as fast as clicking on the music.

"It's the first time I've seen someone who can do this in the late stage!" Leon was convinced by this cheap big sister.

After sending the folder to his agent's mailbox, Leon breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally the task is completed, this guy Lester is urging me every day, and his ears are almost callused."

"By the way, can I borrow your equipment for a while?" Luo Quan said quickly when he saw that Leon was done.

"Of course." Leon said without hesitation, "You want to record songs too?"

"I promised my fans before that I will record a Chinese album for them before the end of the year. Isn't this year almost over? If I don't record it, it will be too late." Luo Quan said as he turned on the computer software and started making the accompaniment for the first song.

Leon was curious: "A minimum of ten songs is needed for an album. How many songs have you written now?"


"..." Leon couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Can you make it in time?"

"If there are no accidents, it should be enough. I write songs very quickly."

"That's true." Leon sighed and nodded, seeing Luo Quan staring at the computer seriously, Leon didn't bother him too much, so he quietly left the studio.

At the same time, after receiving the song from him, Lyon's manager listened to it first, and then excitedly reported it to a higher level of management, that is, the French person in charge who had a good talk with Luo Quan before. people.

"Plinka, I think these two songs have the potential to become a big hit!" Lyon's manager added such a sentence after sending the song to him.

Five minutes later, the mailbox replied: "Let Lyon prepare to participate in the publicity event!"

There is no doubt that Plinka agrees with Lyon's agent's point of view.

In the afternoon of the same day, Universal Music released a promotional advertisement for Lyon's new album.

The cover of the album is a photo taken by Leon before. In the photo, he is walking by a sparkling river, which looks like the Hudson River in New York.

The scenery is beautiful, the people are even more beautiful, the name of the album is "Young"

Also released at the same time is the first part of the title song of this album. Although it is less than 1 minute long and only has accompaniment, it has attracted the attention of various media and forums in a short time.

The accompaniment instrument for the title song is a very ethereal country guitar. The overall rhythm is bright and cheerful, and the melody catches the ears.

Lyon fans are simply celebrating at this time:
"Thank God and Leon's sister, his song finally got me as much as his person."

"The melody of this song is very nice, and the style is different from all Lyon's previous songs. I am really looking forward to it."

"Does anyone know when Lyon's new album will be released? I can't wait."

"Official news, Christmas Eve!"

"This is the best Christmas present I've ever received in my life!"

"Seriously? Leon is so thoughtful, he gave us a surprise on Christmas Eve!"

Although Universal Music did not announce the list of creators of this song, Leon's fans agreed that this was the work of Leon's sister, without him, because he has been out of the mainstream for so long and cannot write songs of this style.

Moreover, since his debut, all the songs have been arranged by himself, and it is difficult for outsiders to intervene, so this song can only be written by Leon's sister.

No wonder everyone called her a genius singer on the Internet. As soon as the accompaniment of this song came out, everyone felt that she was under the fame and deserved the name.

The song has not been officially released yet, but it has caused a sensation in the American entertainment circle just by doing a promotion, which shows how popular Lyon is.

With such a high degree of attention, Lyon fans feel that their little Lyon has a chance to become an international superstar, and this title song is the stepping stone for him to become popular all over the world!

But they didn't expect that what really made Lyon famous all over the world was another song in the album, and it was the rap song they couldn't appreciate the most!
(End of this chapter)

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