The entertainment industry is small, and the film industry is even smaller.

In a circle that looks up and down, in order to compete for limited high-quality resources, these stars have often fought overtly and secretly, and conflicts and grievances are more common.

Although face-to-face situations rarely happen, they usually tacitly choose not to communicate with each other forever, that is, not to act in the same play, not to stand on the same stage.

For example, some celebrity couples are divorced, and it is awkward to meet each other. Some organizers deliberately arrange them to be together again for the sake of traffic and popularity, even if they are scolded afterwards.

Luo Quan made some similar mistakes, so when several big-name stars knew that their opponents also participated in the movie, they immediately rejected Luo Quan's invitation.

In such a situation, it was indeed a little thoughtless, and she immediately apologized.

However, these celebrities who feel that they have been offended have a very firm attitude. After accepting the apology in a casual manner, there is no further comment.

When something like this happened, Luo Quan had no choice but to adjust his strategy. When hiring actors, he tried to choose second- and third-tier actors with good reputations.

These stars would not refuse to share the stage with so-and-so, after all, they have no right to choose, and the initiative rests with Luo Quan.

Although the initial fan effect may not be as good as those first-line big-name stars, but the effect may be even better in terms of popularity.

It took a whole day for Luo Quan to complete all the casting and sign the contract.

For a commercial film like this, it is natural to arrange the publicity and distribution in place.

So she held a press conference and invited all the creators.

Although the main creators had just received the script, and some of them hadn't started to read it yet, fortunately, this press conference was completely dominated by Luo Quan, and the reporters basically worked hard on Luo Quan alone.

Occasionally, a few people would ask Mr. Ni Xuejian and Wang Xiaoning what to expect from the first cooperation with Luoquan.

They are all old people in the entertainment industry. Of course, they are all kinds of beautiful words. In short, let everyone look forward to it and it's over.

For Luo Quan, the reporters mainly asked questions about film hardware, such as how much they planned to invest, how long the filming cycle was, and when it would be released.

Facing the camera, Luo Quan talked eloquently: "This time, Fu Huadao strives for excellence in the investment in "The Wilderness". The initial budget is around [-] million, but I guess it is probably not enough, so more will be added later. some budget.

How much it will cost can only be calculated after the movie is released.

In addition, more than half of the content of this movie will use special effects shots, so it will definitely be a visual feast for the audience. "

"What about you, what role will you play in the movie?" The reporter continued to ask.

"It seems that there is no suitable role for me in the first part of "The Wilderness." Luo Quan's tone was a little regretful, and then he raised his voice: "But I may play in later series, the main thing is to see the situation at the time .”

"So what's your box office expectation for this movie?"

"Because it's the first time to shoot a blockbuster with special effects, let's set a more conservative number, 35 already." Luo Quan expressed his expectations in a very conservative tone.

She really thinks that this "Mythology of the Wilderness" can have 35 billion, which is already very good.

As a result, I heard that the other people present were retreating tactically, saying that your goal is also Versailles.

How many blockbuster films can have a box office of more than 20 billion is already a hit. You only have 35 billion in one mouth, and you really don’t take money as money.

Luo Quan laughed twice, but did not refute.

But I still count in my heart, I think 35 is too little, not because I am afraid that you will think I am crazy, so I just said 45 billion.

However, the more this kind of unintentional pretentious behavior, the easier it is to cause topics.

Soon, a piece of news that "Luoquan's new movie aims at a box office of 35 billion" appeared on the trending searches.

Self-media marketing accounts are always much faster than these serious media.

The official article has not yet been written, and the self-media has already become a hot search.

"As expected of Luo Quan, so crazy!"

"The starting point is 35 billion, which means that if the word of mouth is good enough, then it will be 50 billion?"

"Is this bull blowing up a bit?"

"Luo Quan's old fan for many years said that her tone is really not pretending, she is even quite modest and cautious."

"Hahaha, this is because I really feel that my movie will be a big hit."

"Normal, has any of his movies exploded so far?"

"No! Even Resident Evil, which was released for the second time, earned more than one billion yuan at the box office in China. When it was released, the gun version was already available all over the Internet. There are still so many people willing to pay for movie tickets."

"Look at the cast this time. Ni Xuejian, Cheng Daoning, Wang Xiaoning, Cheng Kun, Gu Jun, my brother, they are all big names!"

"I heard that Luo Quan will also participate, but it doesn't seem to be in this one."

"Haha, I won't be playing Daji, then King Zhou will be blessed."

"If Luo Quan is playing Daji, then King Zhou is really not to blame."

"It's not just that I don't blame King Zhou, I even want to be King Zhou!"

"I feel that if Luo Quan guessed it, we would guess that she will play Daji, and then stop acting instead."

"Then what will you play in the end? Apart from Daji, there seems to be no other suitable candidate. You can't play Nuwa, right?"

"Nu Wa is not bad either, she is justifiably calling her mother."



I have to say that the ten-year-old fan really grasped Luo Quan's character, knew her true inner thoughts, and even predicted her predictions.

At the beginning, she really planned to play Daji, but thinking that Daji's role seems to be a little small, there will be no filming once the Conferred God is over.

For the sake of the box office, she plans to play a little more than one role, and she can appear in roles from time to time.

After Daji and Nuwa couldn't be chosen, Luo Quan quickly set his sights on another character.

Strictly speaking, this role cannot be regarded as a complete woman, but in most people's impressions, she appears in front of everyone as a woman, so she will not feel too disobedient to act as a woman .

And because of the setting, even if she came to play the role, she wouldn't attract too much criticism because of her appearance. At worst, she should put on a little more make-up, and it would be fine to be a little more oriental.

Looking at the fans on the Internet who thought they had guessed what she was thinking, Luo Quan couldn't help but smile.

It is not that simple to predict her prediction.

After all, she has not officially announced the role she will play until now, and she can change her mind at any time.

"Sister, what role can I get?" Leon walked over to the living room with a very excited tone.

When Luo Quan made movies before, he didn't get a single role.

But at that time, I didn’t have time because I was filming my childhood, so that’s fine.

But these days he is quite free, until the end of the year.

Now that my sister has such a good project, she has to make a guest appearance in it no matter what.

Besides, he is still very interested in this setting of the prehistoric world. For this reason, he even translated the video of the old sister's "live sermon" into English, and then posted it on Youtube, which has already received millions of views.

Many people on the Internet said that this mythical story from the East is comparable to the Cthulhu mythology in terms of splendor.

If the details of the plot and the characterization of the characters are supplemented completely, it will definitely become a hit, and it may even become a subculture like Japanese animation.

Luo Quan didn't realize this himself, but Leon saw the opportunity for development, so he only posted half an hour of the video that lasted more than three hours.

He plans to edit it into eight levels and post one level every day to keep the popularity going.

Of course, he hasn't told Luo Quan about these things for the time being, and plans to announce the good news to her after he has made achievements.

The most urgent task is to complete a character in this "Prehistoric" movie.

It doesn't matter if the protagonist or the supporting role, as long as you can show up a few more times, that's fine.

"Of course I have arranged the role for you." Luo Quan pushed the script to Leon, "Kong Xuan, how about this role?"

"Kong Xuan..." Li Ang recalled it for a moment, and then his eyes flashed brightly: "It's that big peacock who is known as No.1 under the saint? This is fine, I like to play such a macho man."

"It's just that there aren't too many scenes. I didn't have you before the conferment of the gods, and I can't see much after the conferment of the gods." Luo Quan greeted Leon in advance, "If you want to show your face a few more times, I can change it for you." a role."

"No need to change." Leon waved his hand and said excitedly: "That's it, I like Kong Xuan so much, do you need me to practice a few sets of handsome martial arts moves?"

"In a novel about cultivating immortals, there are not many places where martial arts should be used. The key is that the poss should be handsome. For you, this is not a difficult task."

Luo Quan laughed, and said to Leon: "You should have no pictures in the first part, and the second part should start shooting in a few months. Domineering gesture."

"This trivial matter still needs special consideration?" Leon was very confident in his acting skills, and didn't think it was difficult to get this done.

"By the way, old lady, I have something to tell you." Leon said, turning on the screen of his mobile phone in front of Luo Quan: "I translated the video of you telling fairy tales and posted it on the Internet, and now the click rate is very high. High, it's already on the YouTube hot list,"

"This is a good thing!" Luo Quan showed surprise in his eyes, "Your boy is quite thoughtful, I never thought of posting this outside at first."

This is a true statement. After all, this is an adaptation of a traditional Chinese myth. The characters and allusions in it have been familiar to Chinese people since childhood. With this knowledge base, they can understand it and there will be no problem in understanding it.

But for foreigners, this is a completely new thing, and most of the characters in it are unfamiliar, so it stands to reason that it will not interest them.

However, according to Leon, the myths and legends he adapted seem to be quite popular abroad, which Luo Quan did not expect at all.

"In fact, our side actually likes this kind of mythology or world view with concave settings. The most typical one is the Cthulhu mythology. It is said to be a myth, but it is actually a novel created by a modern American writer.

Because the setting is too brilliant, even if no one has read the original book, it still attracts countless fans all over the world.

Leon explained to Luo Quan in a deep voice, and once again showed her the popularity of the video of the Great Desolation Myth on the Internet.

Now not only Youtube, but also people on Twitter and Reddit have carried out the content of this video.

The status of these two apps in foreign countries is basically equivalent to that of Weibo and Tieba in China, and both have a large number of users.

Twitter is a little better. Reddit's acceptance of the prehistoric myth is really high. The number of comments on related posts directly surpassed the sky, and it became popular in the blink of an eye.

Because Leon has only released two episodes so far, and now the bottom is full of reminders.

Netizens in the American Post Bar are asking Leon, the younger brother, to give Luo Quan a hard shove and tell her to post the rest of the content quickly, otherwise she will not be allowed to eat fried chicken or watermelon.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being an American post bar, and the user quality of China's post bar is equally low.

Here is yin and yang weirdness and greetings to the genealogy, and there is just making fun of political correctness directly, without any bottom line.

"Didn't you send out the three-hour collection?" Luo Quan looked at Leon in surprise after reading Hongdi's update reminder.

And he whipped her hard, did he really think of her as a cotton picker?

Leon chuckled: "After I translated the big collection, I divided it into eight episodes, and now only two episodes are released.

Take a look, old lady, it has reached this level of popularity in just two episodes. If it comes to the two big climaxes of Fengshen and Journey to the West, how explosive the popularity will be.

One is the fight between two dynasties, and the other is the fantasy adventure of a small team, both of which are popular topics abroad.

So my evaluation is, you can use this time to release some concept art of characters, the weirder the better, gringo will eat this set! "

"Now I know why the Cthulhu mythology is so popular abroad." Luo Quan shook his head and smiled, "If I translate the Shan Hai Jing and send it out, won't it become a masterpiece directly?"

"Shan Hai Jing, what is that?" Leon asked suspiciously.

Luo Quan said sternly: "China's first collection of written myths, many allusions and characters of prehistoric myths are all inspired by the Shan Hai Jing, or simply adapted from the content of the Shan Hai Jing.

If you want to understand the myths of China, the Book of Mountains and Seas is a must-read, and the importance is also ranked first. "

Leon nodded excitedly: "Okay, I'll take a look later, then translate it and send it to the external network, so that fans outside can use it as a reference."

Luo Quan rubbed his hands and said, "Then let me get out the pictures of the characters here. If the monsters and ghosts in the Book of Mountains and Seas are restored, they will definitely be more evil than Cthulhu."

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