Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1241 Don’t treat Luo Bao as a superstar

Chapter 1241 Don’t treat Luo Bao as a superstar
If you encounter a very difficult thing and you rack your brains to solve it, you finally find that the result is still unsatisfactory.

At this time you need to change the way you think about the problem.

Since this trouble cannot be solved, then intensify it as much as possible and let everyone get into this trouble.

Then everyone will be in big trouble, and no one will care about the minutiae.

Luo Quan is now using this method to solve the problem, and it seems to have achieved good results so far.

Foreign games have been persecuted by political correctness for a long time. It has been a long time since there has been a female character that shines in people's eyes. Basically, they are all in the dark.

But what does foreign political correctness have to do with China’s games, so correct people in foreign countries also know that there is nothing they can do against her.

Compared with these small rhythms abroad, the domestic rhythm is actually more disturbing.

In fact, the domestic buzz about her has never stopped. She usually likes to comment on hot topics during live broadcasts, so she offends too many people.

However, thanks to her many fans and popularity, she has not been criticized until now.

After all, she has never done anything that could be considered a black mark since her debut. Instead, she has participated in various positive public welfare activities.

So if the little guys want to attack her, they can only fabricate some false rumors.

And what they fabricated this time is:
Luo Quan's recent series of behaviors are actually all hype for her own decline in popularity. To put it simply, she is just trying to gain popularity for the sake of traffic, being shameless and a clown.

In order to demonstrate this point of view, they took out data collected from an external statistical website.

Because there have been no films of his own starring in the world for a long time, Luo Quan's popularity and status in the world have begun to decline significantly.

Although the sales volume of the trilingual album released this time has been good, it is far less popular than the old albums released two years ago.

It is an indisputable fact that Luo Quan's popularity has dropped. The irrefutable proof is that she has hardly attended various parties abroad in the past year or so.

Under such a bad situation, Luo Quan knew that the decline in popularity abroad could not be undone, so he put all his focus on China and began to enjoy the popularity and keep himself in the public eye.

As long as there is traffic, she will not be cool, but this kind of behavior is so disgusting that fair passers-by can't stand it anymore, so they started to criticize her verbally and writtenly.

In addition to "passers-by", some fans of celebrities who have been criticized by Luo Quanrui have also joined the army of adding insult to injury.

It was as if it had been discussed in advance, using some of her overseas data to say that she was cold outside, and then she could only ride on the heat.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that such a statement that could reveal the loopholes at a glance would be debunked and resisted by netizens, but she did not expect that some people actually believed such words and firmly believed that she could only live in China.

This really did not occur to Luo Quan, but it fits the definition of a mob. They are blind, follow the crowd, lack the rationality to think independently, and are easily swayed by the tide of public opinion.

The water army wrote a few more articles that she had half-discussed, and then those netizens really believed her.

One thing to say is that she really hasn't attended many parties these days, but isn't that because she is filming movies and releasing albums? In addition, she has to go back to Huanyu from time to time to do business, so she has no time to attend parties abroad.

As a result, in the mouths of these sailors, it was not possible to receive invitations and it was a shame.

The most interesting thing about this incident is that netizens said that Luo Quan had cooled down. This news became a hot search topic, which brought her popularity again.

So is she cold or not?
This is some knowledge related to quantum mechanics, that is, when you don’t look at the hot searches, Luoquan is already cool, but as soon as you turn on the news, it will immediately collapse into a state where it is still a little hot.

Faced with this situation, it is necessary to use classical mechanics to solve it, that is, to start a live broadcast to clarify.

There are some things that are not comprehensive enough to be posted on Weibo, and Luo Quan also wanted to take this opportunity to clarify her status, so as to avoid the clowns on the Internet from thinking that she is an Internet celebrity comedian.

However, as soon as she opened her live broadcast room, fans were already climaxing before she said a word:

"I knew Luo Bao would start broadcasting, and this time I'm going to beat her to the punch."

"Luobao is such a character who doesn't want to suffer. When faced with this kind of slander, even if she was still going to the toilet at the time, she would immediately pull up her pants and sit in front of the computer to start a live broadcast to clarify."

"Haha, what a strange description this is."

"The words are not rude."


Luo Quan really didn't expect that these fans could figure out her heart so accurately, just like roundworms in her stomach, so he said with a smile: "It seems that you have clearly figured out what I like. Even I It's like I can guess what I'm going to do next.

In fact, I usually don’t have much time to do, so I went to a live broadcast to prove myself for such a trivial matter, but I happen to be free these days, and I have nothing to do, so I might as well respond properly.

First of all, there is the issue of popularity. I admit that I am indeed following the popularity, but you have already been on the trending search. Anyone who comments is actually trying to gain popularity, so why can’t I just follow the popularity?Am I not a human being?

Or did I forge any false content when I reviewed it? "

Luo Quan asked, but it would probably take a while for him to get an answer.

Then Luo Quan continued: "In addition, some people say that I committed crimes in China because I got cold abroad.

Now I will show you whether I am cool abroad, and then prove how ridiculous your remarks are. "

With that said, Luo Quan opened his work email.

Because her work email account is public, even if she adds a lot of restrictions to the sender, there are still many fans who send her white text messages through various channels.

Therefore, the work email address has been at 99+ for a long time. The good news is that this is much better than the situation of her private messages on Station B.

At least half of the ten items are related to work. As for B, he sent a private message first, which directly turned into a collection of Chinese love stories.

"You're not planning to show us how many confessions you have, are you?"

Suddenly, a somewhat dazzling text appeared in the barrage. It was obvious that he had seen so many confession emails, so he started to mock her.

Which idol doesn’t have a few fans who send emails to express their love?This situation is so common that it proves nothing.

"Do you think I'm such a boring person?" Luo Quan retorted immediately, and then the mouse wheel slid and moved the timeline of the mailbox to two years ago.

She had basically deleted the contents of the emails from two years ago, but she could still see the sender, title, and timestamp.

Luo Quan started flipping through the pages at the beginning of 18 and said while drawing a circle with the mouse: "Look carefully, these are all the emails from foreign countries since 18 that want me to cooperate, receive awards, attend banquets, attract investment, and participate in programs. .

The first is the Victoria's Secret show. I have been invited to perform since I debuted in 16. It is not the kind of show where I wear underwear, but I sing on the stage.

There were invitations for 17, 18, and 19, but not for 20 years because they were already cold. "

Just the first sender made the fans burst into laughter: "The reason why I haven't sent it in 20 years is too crude."

"I didn't expect that Luo Bao would receive a performance in the Victoria's Secret Angel Show. In 17 or 18, this show was very popular. Many big names had performed there, but Luo Bao actually didn't agree to perform."

"It's such a pity. It would be great to see Luo Bao's underwear on the catwalk."

"You have a beautiful idea, kid, but I really want to see it."

"Now I'm afraid I won't have this opportunity again. It makes me feel uncomfortable just thinking about it."

"It's just the first one and it's such a big deal. To what extent are the other invitations that we don't know about?"


Facing the fans' curiosity, Luo Quan remained silent, but her rolling pulley was the best answer.

"Okay, I found another one." Luo Quan's mouse was fixed on the center of the screen. The string of letters there was familiar to domestic American comic fans. It was Marvel.

"These were sent by Marvel. They first invited me to star in Captain Marvel and Avengers [-] and [-], and then there were scripts for the second phase. I could pick and shoot whichever one I liked, or I could direct or act in it myself.

Marvel is also sending out invitations this year, but am I interested in participating in the plot of Kang the Conqueror? "

After speaking, Luo Quan hugged his arms and asked fans to identify the authenticity by themselves.

"Oh my god, it's really Marvel."

"Although Marvel's second phase of movies is a bit stretched, it is definitely the best resource in Hollywood."

"To be honest, if the movies that hit the streets before were directed by Luo Baolai, they might not necessarily hit the streets."

"Anyway, if Captain Marvel were Luo Quan, his reputation would definitely not be as bad as it is now."

"Why didn't Luo Bao accept it? This is Marvel. How many people have made it famous?"

"Haha, that's right. Is Luo Bao still not popular now? What she needs is more and more heavyweight awards to strengthen her resume. Making money and popularity are of little significance anymore."



Before the fan chat was finished, Luo Quan continued to scroll down: "Look, this is an invitation from "Game of Thrones" to play Daenerys, the Mother of Dragons, but I thought there were too many nudity scenes, so I refused.

Then Warner asked me to shoot a lot of DC scripts, especially "Joker 2", but I told them that they were not available for the time being, but Warner said that they can wait for me and shoot again when I am free, and I am willing to wait for as long as I want.

Universal and MonsterVerse have been waiting for me for a long time.

Sony, wants me to release more albums.

Netflix said it would tailor a script for me.

Hua Hua... This playboy is the most annoying. He keeps asking me to take large-scale photos. I told him N times that I don’t want to take them, but he sent them to me again! "

After saying that, Luo Quan directly blocked the magazine company Playboy.

In the live broadcast room at this time, in addition to the fans who had arrived from the beginning, there was also a large group of people outside the station.

The reason for coming is because of a hot-searched video about her on Weibo, with the title "Luoquan Dianmao".

This video comes from a marketing account that often carries slices of her live broadcasts. The title style has always been like this, concise and a little funny at the same time.

The inspiration for these four words should come from the meme of "The King of Hell Dian Mao", which means that the King of Hell will call someone by name, and whoever he calls will die.

It does have something to do with what Luo Quan is doing now.

After watching the slices, curious netizens realized that Luo Quan was cleaning up his "glory book" at the moment. How could he miss this opportunity to broaden his horizons and increase his conversation topics?
So a large number of melon-eating people came in, and then they saw Luo Quan announcing the names of internationally renowned large companies like the names of dishes.

So far, the companies Luo Quan has found are all companies that let him film and sing. There are already more than a dozen companies.

Next is the person who invited her to film and sing.

"Do you remember this Carnason? I asked him to shoot a video before, the one for "Titanic"."

After Luo Quan explained, he continued to name the dishes to the fans in a calm tone: "And Director Ford, the director of "The Lord of the Rings", said that a sequel to "The Lord of the Rings" will be filmed soon, and asked me if I was free.

A family man, he wants to drive a sports car with me and form a family.

Transformers, the investors are planning to change the movie to a beautiful female protagonist.

There are also a lot of celebrities, actors and singers, you can count them yourself, I am too lazy to read them. "

Luo Quan slowly slid the mouse, trying to let every fan see clearly these famous celebrities in China.

Once the cooperation emails have gone through, the next thing is the evening parties, such as Oscars, Grammys, Golden Globes, Mategala, and the four major fashion weeks.

These other domestic celebrities attend a party that is worthy of hot searches and bragging. They have been sent to Luoquan every year since 16. Except for the most important ones, they have basically never been to Luoquan.

As for the brands that want her to endorse, the number is even more terrifying. Almost all luxury brands under LVMH have sent invitations to Luo Quan, and even want her to be promoted to the spokesperson of the entire group.

However, the final result is obvious. Luo Quan still only endorses Chanel and not other brands.

Just kidding, it’s tiring enough for a Chanel to shoot blockbusters for her, and she also has to compose a few songs for them from time to time.

This is because after taking down all these brands, she still has to be exhausted?
But even so, these big names will still send her greetings and gifts during holidays, either gemstones or high-end dresses.

Other stars are so shameless that they can't even borrow one. Luo Quan is giving it away for free, and there's still room for all the artists in the company to use it!

The whole session of Luo Quan's tapping lasted for nearly an hour. Luo Quan was shocked at first glance.

When I cleaned up emails before, I always deleted them in one go.

Now when I take a closer look, I realize that there are so many job invitation emails every year.

If you take all of this, I'm afraid the reward will be tens of billions of dollars.

(End of this chapter)

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