Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1247 The Great Bai

Chapter 1247 The Great Bai ([-])

"I thought Our Lady would let me finish my opening remarks before taking action, but I didn't expect to be so impatient."

Greedo controlled the whirlwind under his feet and flashed in the air with a very leisurely expression.

"It's not too late to introduce yourself." Luo Quan walked in the air and kept punching Greedo.

After coming to Huanyu, the density of spiritual energy here improved her physical fitness in all aspects, and also allowed her to perform actions that defied the laws of physics.

Lord Niu's coffin will definitely not be opened, after all, this is not the earth.

However, even at this speed, he still couldn't keep up with Gredo's pace. In the end, his powerful and heavy punch could only be swung in the air, failing to pose any threat to Gredo.

As the first man in the universe to take the initiative to retreat when being chased by Luo Quan, Gredo actually introduced himself while strolling around to avoid the attack: "Dear Holy Mother, I am the patriarch of the Kevinster family. Son, studying at the National Academy of Magic, 17 years old, still single..."

To dare to do this kind of operation in a fierce face-to-face battle, Greedo is either extremely crazy or believes that he can control Luo Quan at will.

No matter how you look at it, Greedo doesn't look like the first type of fool, but Luo Quan doesn't believe in this evil.

"Eight Gate Dunjia, shocking the gate!"

In Luo Quan's body, the blood carrying a large amount of spiritual power began to flow extremely fast, instantly increasing her body's various values ​​more than ten times, and the side effect of this unconventional improvement was that her skin had a nice glow. pink.

"Is this the so-called Eight Gate Dunjia?"

Greedo has also watched a lot of Luo Quan's battle videos and knows that this is her regular move against the enemy. Along with Jingmen, there should be a skill called Day Tiger.

It was a white tiger with a head made purely of fist wind. Not only did it have an extremely powerful impact, but if it dared to use magic to intercept it, it would be swallowed by it to strengthen itself.

With his thoughts turning, Greedo directly used space magic - teleportation, and was out of Luo Quan's attack range in the blink of an eye.

Except for a very few gifted creatures, anyone who uses teleportation magic will be paralyzed for a period of time after using it.

This is stipulated by the law of the elements, because if there is no cooldown for teleportation, then in theory you can be everywhere within the casting range, but in reality this is simply impossible.

However, a powerful magician can minimize the paralysis effect by relying on his use of spells.

After dodging dozens of meters, Greedo's body only paused for about 0.5 seconds before regaining mobility, which was so short that it could be ignored.

In other words, if Luo Quan didn't have the ability to cross tens of meters in an instant, it would be a luxury to even meet Greedo.

Of course, if she directly opens the door to death, she can distort the space with just the wind of her fist, and Greedo will directly lose the ability to teleport.

However, considering the serious consequences of opening the door to death, she had no intention of giving it a try.

So she activated the Qi Explosion Technique without hesitation, causing her physical fitness to increase several times again.

And her hair stood up like a Super Saiyan, making her as powerful as a Valkyrie descending to earth.

However, her improved strength did not allow her to get close to Gredo. As soon as she used the Explosive Technique, Gredo had already released the Gravity Technique.

A gravity field a thousand times higher covered her head like a mountain. The coverage of this gravity field was so wide and the gravity coefficient was so huge that it far exceeded Luo Quan's imagination.

At this moment, she felt like she was walking on a white dwarf. It was so difficult to even lift her knees.

The body that was like a Super Saiyan just now was knocked back to a mortal in the blink of an eye, and the hair that stood on end drooped down, sticking tightly to her scalp.

It was obvious that the opponent had not only studied her fighting preferences, but also had prepared a response plan in advance after she used her moves, so he made the situation seem as if every step he made was under his control.

We are not afraid that the enemy is strong, but we are afraid that while the enemy is strong, he is also very clever.

Luo Quan originally hoped that Gredo would give her an opportunity because of his youth and frivolity, but now it seems that she is too naive.

How could a genius with so many resources make such a low-level mistake as underestimating the enemy?

Including Bai Xingwei, I had never seen her make such a mistake when I was competing with her.

I have to admit that Greedo is indeed a very powerful enemy, far more difficult to deal with than any opponent he has encountered before, and he may be in for a tough fight now.

Before Luo Quan could adapt to the gravity field, Greedo had already taken out his staff and started bombarding her indiscriminately.

The staff in Greedo's hand is a high-end product specially given to top students by the National Academy of Magic. Its main material is ten thousand-year-old phoenix feathers, which can fully double the user's spell strength!
Greedo was only one step away from the divine refinement. The appearance of this staff allowed his spell power to reach the actual divine refinement level, that is, the magister.

Without this gravity field, Luo Quan could still use her flexible body skills to evade, but now she was no different from a living target. Facing the spell released by Gredo, she could only helplessly raise her arms to resist.

Show no mercy and show no mercy. This is what the teachers at the academy often teach them.

Therefore, Gredo did not show pity to Luo Quan because of his identity or appearance.

After the beating is over, you can kneel down and apologize and beg for forgiveness, but now you must strike hard at the Holy Mother and take her down first!
So Greedo kept chanting the spells of the four magics of wind, fire, water and earth loudly. After being amplified by the Phoenix Feather Staff, Luo Quan on the ground withstood a full 5 minutes of saturated magic attacks.

It is worth mentioning that when different types of magic are mixed, a violent physical explosion will occur because the elements cannot be fused, causing the target to suffer physical attacks when it suffers elemental damage.

Even a warrior in the Divine Refining Realm cannot withstand a double blow of this intensity. Greedo didn't think that the Virgin's delicate little body could withstand it.

The surrounding audience basically thought the same way:

"It's gone, it's gone, the strength gap between Luo Quan and Greedo is too big, and there is no way to fight back."

"You're so cruel, I'll be in trouble after I finish beating Greedo."

"Damn, when I was being interviewed by reporters just now, this guy said he was a fan of Luo Quan for ten years. He was so heavy-handed after meeting him."

"After the identification, this is a pure ten-year-old black fan. I suggest Luo Bao torture him severely later."

"Haha, it seems that Luo Bao is being tortured now. She has not been seen for 5 minutes."

"It's so tragic. It's the most heart-wrenching episode. She is also a Holy Mother after all. How can she be treated like this?"

"Magicians are like this, they are all old-fashioned academics who don't understand the style."

"Don't fire the map cannon, not all magicians are like this."


When the audience starts talking nonsense, it proves that the suspense has been lost.

As predicted by most people before the start of the game, Luo Quan had no chance of winning, and it was very difficult to even meet Gredo.The position where she stands is now completely covered by the glow and smoke of various elements. When everything calms down, the result of the game should be announced.

"Sister Xia, can the boss still make a comeback?" Li Xiaomiao asked Wen Xia worriedly with a grimace on her face.

"I'm a rookie too, so I can't tell." Wen Xia replied with a frown, but she was calmer than Li Xiaomiao, because in her heart, Luo Quan would never be a person lacking in miracles.

No one's misfortune will be hers, because God doesn't allow it.

Over the years, there has never been an exception, and it is more accurate than the weather forecast.

"Look carefully, this battle has just begun to be exciting." Ye Zhining is the one who understands the situation best, and his expression is very relaxed from beginning to end. The same goes for masters such as Bai Xingwei and Xu Yanqing.

As for Lyon, because there were differences between men and women, he was arranged to sit in another room and watch the game alone.

Although he was isolated, he was happy to be pure.

After all, the room over there is full of girls, and it's hard for him, a grown man, to join in the fun.

As for the fact that his sister was beaten until now, Leon felt quite strange in his heart.

He had never seen such a battle before, and he never imagined that his arrogant sister would also suffer from hunger. When he thought of this, he happily stuffed a lot of French fries into his mouth.

In this way, after bombarding Luo Quan with spells for 5 minutes, Greedo finally stopped.

On the one hand, he felt that this level was enough, and on the other hand, he also needed to replenish the consumed magic power.

However, as the dust on the ground gradually fell to the ground, Luo Quan stood there without any injuries!
To be precise, it wasn't that no damage was done, at least Luo Quan's clothes were beaten to dust.

Fortunately, she had the foresight to appear on stage wearing Joan of Arc's armor. At the critical moment, Joan of Arc's armor changed into a T-shirt and shorts, which prevented her from performing a streaking drama in full view of the public.

" effect?" Greedo could hardly believe his eyes. After these 5 minutes of spell attack, even a master in the Divine Refining Realm would have a headache. How could Luo Quan, a Soul Awakening Realm, not have any trouble? !

This does not comply with the laws of elements at all!
Gredo, whose world view was greatly impacted, fell into a daze.

And Luo Quan was quite proud of his expression.

Just kidding, with the Wujin Glazed Body Protector, my defense power has already reached an extremely abnormal level.

The reason why he was unsure was because he had experienced too little actual combat, but after withstanding Greedo's first few attacks, Luo Quan confirmed that his spells were not that threatening, and his mentality gradually relaxed.

In these five minutes, she also adapted to the thousand-fold gravity field under her feet.

While Greedo was stunned, she spread her wings with a sudden sound and entered the angel form, and her entire body was covered with a layer of holy white light.

"Here he is, the angel is coming!"

"Luo Quan looks like this, no matter how many times I see him, he is still so stunningly beautiful."

"Very few people can balance becoming stronger and more beautiful. Luo Quan has done it. This angel form is really a model of having both your cake and eat it too!"

"Is this a counterattack? Luo Quan won't really be able to make a comeback, right?"

"Haha, I knew the Holy Mother's abilities were not that simple."

"Damn, you were the loudest badmouther just now. You are so shameless."

"There are more flexible positioning options. Among the fence-sitters, they are the thick-skinned ones."

"You guys don't know what I'm saying. I just turned my back on the darkness and turned to the light. Look how bright Luo Bao is now!"

"I can't argue with that."


As the audience said, Luo Quan's body is now flashing with white light, which is indeed as bright as a lighthouse.

Like most of the audience, Gredo had his eyes wide open at this moment, resisting the discomfort and trying to take a good look at Luo Quan's appearance at this moment.

"It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful." Gredo sighed with a trembling voice, "Your Highness, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that a human being could be as beautiful as this song.

In front of you, even my favorite elemental magic has to be a little lower than yours. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, I really want to express my love to you loudly. "

"Then you'd better save it. For a person from the God Blessed Federation, his behavior towards my confession is extremely disrespectful." Luo Quan replied with a dark face, wondering why this person is so tough, and he is not afraid of the religion of the Dawn Church. The Inquisition gave him trouble.

"It's just because it's taboo, so I can only express my feelings in this way. After all, I still can't say it out loud."

Greedo shook his head, sighed and then said: "However, although I can't say the words, I will use the magic I am best at to express to you the ardent love that is not accepted by the world. I hope that with this magic, you can I’ll leave a lasting impression on you!”

"Second opinions don't actually matter. The key is that I don't want to accept you." Luo Quan said with a somewhat speechless expression.

Sure enough, a brat is a brat. Although he is very strong, his mind is still in the second grade. What he said is like the declaration of the hero of a neon hot-blooded comic. It is really goosebumps to listen to.

But as long as he is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

"Your Highness the Holy Mother, please watch carefully, this is one of the unique tricks I leave to the masters of the Divine Refining Realm!"

Greedo raised his hands to the sky, and a majestic and loud spell burst out from his mouth, causing the elemental fluctuations in the entire arena to shake like waves.

This is a terrifying magic that has caused huge elemental fluctuations before it is formed, and judging from the posture, it is obviously not the movement that wind, fire, water, earth and space magic should have.

"It's summoning magic!"

Someone in the audience saw it and immediately shouted loudly.

No one expected that Greedo had mastered another magic without saying a word, and had practiced it to such an extent. It was indeed one of the best tricks in the world.

In an instant, Greedo's magic took shape.

"Zelda Breath of the Wild!"

As Greedo roared, a huge wormhole appeared above his head, and a jet-black energy pillar spurted out from the hole, hitting Luo Quan's body from top to bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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