Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1249 It is impossible for the house to collapse

Chapter 1249 It is impossible for the house to collapse
Although it is a royal palace, everyone should not be formal. Just come back to your own home and come as you please.

Ye Zhining has been in a high position for many years, surrounded by ministers and maids. Everyone respects her and fears her.

Although she has become accustomed to such an identity, she is still a little lonely deep down and longs for some friends with whom she can interact as equals.

Here in Luoquan, Ye Zhining feels that she has made friends, and even feels like a family member. Everyone is a member of the big family of Quanshui Entertainment, and as the king of a country, she even Not yet a dominant position.

When Luo Quan became the leader of the group, others became bolder in getting along with her.

But the most daring one among them all, apart from Luo Quan, is probably Leon.

He had grown up in the Queen's favor since he was a child. He was very familiar with the royal family and had long since developed an immunity.

Ye Zhining is also a queen in a broad sense, so subconsciously, Leon doesn't find her difficult to get along with, and his attitude towards her is more relaxed than most others.

However, because there were only girls in the room, Leon seemed quite reserved overall. He was also very sensible and quickly filled his stomach before leaving the banquet.

After Leon left, the girls became bolder, and all kinds of bad words came out one after another.

Facts have proven that once girls get dirty, they are more violent than many boys.

Many topics made Luo Quan, an experienced driver, blush a little.

But what she didn't expect was that the filthiest among the girls was not Wen Xia or Xu Yanqing, but Fang Mo, who seemed quiet and conservative.

The speed of driving was really unmatched, and without paying attention, it went straight to the sky.

As the boss, Luo Quan himself has often become the target of their ridicule.

Wen Xia directly expressed that she envied Luo Quan for the fat he had gained after eating fat, and for being so obedient that he could go where he should go.

And they still need to borrow Huanyu's health food for secondary growth. They are both human beings, so why is the gap so big?
Luo Quan also expressed helplessness about this, saying that this thing just wants to grow, what can she do?
Of course, these Versailles speeches were unanimously ridiculed by the girls. Be careful of becoming like Sister Xu Yanqing in the future, and her underwear will have to be specially customized.

Sister Yanqing, with a figure like this, would definitely be a killer as a star, the only one in the entertainment industry.

But Luo Quan is the Holy Mother of Dawn Church. If he goes to preach to the believers in the future, I am afraid that none of the believers will have the intention to pray, and they will have to look straight.

Such vicious words certainly made Luo Quan furious, and then he cursed everyone to become flat-chested girls who could not be cured no matter how hard they were treated.

In view of Luo Quan's physique, which is favored by the goddess of luck as an illegitimate daughter, it is not a joke, but a real possibility.

So the girls suddenly became anxious, accusing Luo Quan of attacking them with the law of cause and effect weapon, and doing so viciously, which was simply inappropriate.

This argument lasted until the end of the banquet, and finally came to an end.

Many people were so drunk that Ye Zhining arranged for the maid to take care of them back to their rooms.

Because everyone knew that Luo Quan couldn't drink, no one persuaded her to drink wine during the whole process. She was only asked to use juice instead when toasting.

So after the banquet, Luo Quan's belly was very bloated, but he didn't feel drunk at all.

The girls who were not drunk took advantage of their drunkenness and dragged Luo Quan to take a bath.

Everyone said that taking a bath after drinking was not good, but their enthusiasm was not as high as usual. Luo Quan couldn't resist their hospitality, so he could only be pushed and dragged to the bath by them.

Perhaps bathing in hot springs accelerated the absorption of alcohol. Wen Xia saw Luo Quan's bulging belly in a trance. He stretched out his hand and patted it twice like a watermelon, making a crisp popping sound.

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan looked at her helplessly, "Did you use my belly as a basketball? You can shoot it whenever you want?"

"Luoluo, why do you think your belly is so big? It looks like you are pregnant." Wen Xia said with a smile, and then burped again.

Luo Quan sighed: "Here we go again. Does a big belly mean I'm pregnant? Can't it be because I ate too much?"

"Then you are really a little bitch, your belly is as big as a basketball." Wen Xia said with a big tongue, making the other girls laugh.

Luo Quan himself was a little dumbfounded, wondering why he hadn't noticed Wen Xia was so good at metaphors before.

"You'd better rub your belly. Don't wait until your stomach feels uncomfortable and vomit out everything you ate today." Luo Quan said, putting Wen Xia's hand back.

In fact, by this time, most of what should be said and talked about had been done at the banquet. As soon as they entered the bath, everyone was so comfortable that they didn't bother to say anything, and just watched Luo Quan and Wen Xia there quietly. slapstick.

Ye Zhining put her hands on the edge of the bathtub, sitting boldly and looking at everything in front of her, feeling that the atmosphere was so comfortable.

When I was taking a bath, there were dozens of maids standing next to me and I felt deserted because they were all like wood and didn't say a word the whole time.

But now there are only five or six people, but it seems so lively.

This kind of life is much more interesting than the boring life of the emperor.

Unfortunately, Luo Quan will go back soon after tonight, and he doesn't know when he will have such a gathering next time.

It's a pity, but Ye Zhining did not fall into emo because the good time was too short. Instead, she thought about what kind of activities to do at the next party to make the scene more lively and have more fun...

After everyone took a bath in an extremely comfortable atmosphere, they got up and walked directly to the bedroom.

The bathhouse is directly connected to the bedroom, and there are no men in Ye Zhining's harem, so the big guys don't care much about it and don't worry about being exposed at all.

In comparison, Luo Quan, who had not drank, could not be so bold and unrestrained. When he got up, he still wrapped a bath towel around his body.

Although I didn't drink alcohol, taking a bath for a long time and relaxing the body will still make people feel sleepy.

If you have just finished eating and your stomach is as bloated as a watermelon, it will be difficult to fall asleep.

Unless you are extremely sleepy, you cannot fall asleep with a full stomach.

But after such a period of digestion, Luo Quan's belly had gradually shrunk, and after lying down, he fell asleep not long after.

The next day, Luo Quan had finished lunch, and the girls gradually woke up.

I can’t remember the last time I drank like this. Anyway, everyone had a great time drinking last night.

But for them, the vacation has just begun.

The two episodes of Huanyu's program have been recorded, and it's another month's rest time to return to Earth.

Working for two days and taking a month off, I still don’t earn that much. I’m afraid there is no easier job in the world than this.

Of course, at their current level, more money and less money no longer mean anything. Anyway, their savings have reached the point where they can't spend them all, and money is just a number to them.

However, Luo Quan is still very interested in making money. On the one hand, it is for the mission, and on the other hand, it is to get more money to do more things she wants to do.

After returning to Earth, after a four-day long vacation, she just opened the live broadcast room and was warmly greeted by fans:
"Woman, do you still know how to come back?"

"Four days, do you know what it's like to be without Luo Bao for four whole days? I can't even think about food and food, and I can't sleep at night!"

"Did you know that the box office of "Prehistoric" exceeded 45 billion? Didn't the director even come out to say thank you?" "The 45 billion promised will come with benefits, what about the benefits?"


"I just came back and everyone is putting pressure on me?" Life is not easy, Luo Quan sighed, "I thought everyone would tell me that I haven't seen each other for a long time and miss me."

Seeing this tone, fans were shocked:

"A strong woman like you can be moody and changeable sometimes. Luo Bao, your character is ruined."

"To be honest, have you done anything to be sorry for everyone?"

"Hahaha, it's like catching someone raping."

"Maybe it's because our tone is so harsh, but I also think we should be gentler to Luo Bao. Sometimes we are a bit too fierce."

"Indeed, look at how other fans treat their idols like dogs, and then bully them as if they should destroy the house. Fans can see that Luo Bao has been trying to catch fish for so many years, but in fact he has been conscientious and productive. The most important thing is I've never done anything wrong."

"It seems like this is true. Sometimes we have to think about whether we are too harsh on Luo Bao?"

"In this environment where everyone is trashing their houses, Luo Bao is already a saint."


Looking at these "Long Live Understanding" barrages, Luo Quan thought the sun was rising in the west today.

Usually, these fans are fierce towards me, calling her lazy without saying a word and asking her to be more diligent.

Today he actually started saying soft things and even lined up to apologize to him, which is simply unbelievable.

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Quan showed a curious expression, "You were not like this in the past, but you have become so easy to talk to today. What made you become like this?"

Fans responded one after another:

"It's you, the lotus that emerges from the mud and remains unstained."

"If the lotus flower is not white, then it is a good thing."

"It's better to have Fenluobao. You never have to worry about house collapse. It's so reassuring."

"It's hard to say. The way Luo Bao plays basketball reminds me of an old friend. This is something I have always been worried about."

"Ha ha."

"Can this also be connected?"

"Forcibly demolishing a house is not advisable. Luo Quan is the star with the most impeccable reputation now and will not accept any doubts."


Long-term live broadcast experience tells Luo Quan that when fans suddenly say something that she doesn’t understand, she can most likely get the answer by searching on Weibo’s hot searches.

So Luo Quan took advantage of everyone's compliments to her and opened a hot search on Weibo.

What caught my eye was the news that a certain popular actress had lost her house due to tax issues.

Luo Quan clicked in and took a look and found that she was not even the only female artist whose career had been ruined by this incident in the past few days. There was another female star who had made a mistake before her.

However, the experiences of her colleagues did not make her alert, and she even refused to change despite repeated admonitions, so both of them were sealed, that is to say, it was a matter of front and rear.

Regarding this situation, netizens expressed that it was well sealed.

To be honest, Chinese celebrities already earn enough money, but their business skills are not very good, and their salary levels are among the best in the world. However, they still find ways to evade taxes.

It used to be more than [-] billion or [-] million, but now it has developed to the point where you have to rely on just a few million. It is simply inconvenient.

Of course, netizens are in favor of banning these bad artists, and they only hate that the ban is too small and the punishment is too small.

Many people even called for a direct search of the entire entertainment industry, and we would definitely be able to screen out a lot of big fish.

In fact, the entertainment industry has already carried out a clearing operation some time ago.

There are indeed results, and the atmosphere has improved for a while.

But in the end, this approach only treats the symptoms, not the root cause, because there are always new people entering the entertainment industry, and there are always some [-]-tier transparent people who become the first-tier or top-tier celebrities.

If a person's house collapses, four or five people will immediately help him.

As for whether these people can do it cleanly, only the ghosts probably know.

Because of this, extreme netizens even said that in the entertainment industry, more than [-]% of celebrities are in the process of housing collapse, but some of them have not yet been exposed. It is only a matter of time.

But someone soon retorted, saying that there are still good artists full of positive energy in the entertainment industry, and then they started to give everyone their own giegie or sister.

This kind of behavior of fishing in troubled waters for personal gain was immediately attacked by netizens.

In this day and age, what information can’t be mined?

Especially the dark history of celebrities. As long as you are willing, you can find out even the things you were punished for fighting in elementary school.

Therefore, netizens completely sneered at these traffic idols that fans praised, and even directly slapped them in the face by the negative revelations related to them.

However, under such an environment, Luo Quan turned out to be the star that everyone could believe in:
"Among all the artists, I believe that Luo Quan and the people in her company are clean. I don't believe in anyone else."

"Actually, the company is a bit bigger, but if it's just her, I don't think there's a problem."

"There is no one better than her in the entertainment industry. The others have either been banned or are on the way to be banned."

Of course, some people expressed different views on this:

"Luoquan Company is so big and has so many industries, it's hard to say that she hasn't tampered with taxes."

"This is the routine operation of the rich. Luo Quan may be very good as an artist, but as a capital, I don't believe she is that clean."

"I really don't believe she can be so honest, it's just that the news hasn't been revealed yet."

"So will Luo Quan's house collapse?"


(End of this chapter)

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