Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 126 In the Name of the Father

Chapter 126 In the Name of the Father
In order to make this song, Luo Quan put a lot of thought into it.

First of all, the prelude of this song is very long, and the elements are very characteristic, including the prayer of the priest, the singing of the opera actress, and the unique accompaniment timbre.

In order to gather these details, Luo Quan also made a special trip to St. John's Cathedral in New York, hoping to find professionals to record.

But all the priests in St. John's Cathedral can only speak English, and what Luo Quan wanted was to pray in Italian.

There was no other way, Luo Quan could only settle for the next best thing and find an Italian to recite the prayer.

Originally, Luo Quan wanted Leon to help him find it in Universal Records, but he happened to be overheard by his father who happened to be next to him, and he happened to be able to speak Italian.

Speaking of which, it would be quite appropriate for him, as a father, to recite this prayer.

So Luo Quan readily agreed. Originally, my mother was excited to participate when she saw this, and Luo Quan planned to let her sing the part of an opera actress.

However, my mother has no talent in music. She tried several times and finally gave up.

As for this part, Luo Quan didn't go to find other people, and went to battle himself.

Luo Quan didn't use any props for this relatively short aria. She had a little understanding of the characteristics of opera singing, and she imitated it pretty well.

She made this song for a whole day, and Leon, father, and mother all participated in the recording of the accompaniment. It can be said that this is a joint work of the whole family.

After it was finally released, Eric was probably the most emotional person.

He studied Chinese in Huaxia for a year or two in his early years, and he didn't let it go after he came to the United States. His level has been gradually improving, so he can understand the lyrics of this song.

From this song, he heard Luo Quan's loneliness and sadness, and also heard a little girl's longing for her father's love.

At the moment after listening to the song, Eric said to his three relatives with red eyes:
"I have achieved nothing in my life, and I have left countless love debts in my early years. Neither Luoquan nor Leon's birth was actually in my plan.

The irony is that I now have a beautiful wife and a pair of excellent children like you. This is the greatest gift from the Lord to me, and it is also a great torment for me.

Whenever I see your faces, the images of me hurting you will always flash back in my mind. The most sorry thing in my life is you and Alice (Lion's biological mother). I really appreciate you Can forgive my incompetent father and husband. "

After finishing speaking, Eric covered his face and wept like a child, Luo Ni hugged him, while Leon and Luo Quan stood side by side, their eye circles were a little red.

Although neither of them said it, they must have complained about Eric as his father in their hearts, and Eric knew this in his heart.

But in any case, Eric is the father of the siblings, and no matter how big a mistake there is, it can't change this fact.

Now Eric finally speaks out what is in his heart, and sincerely repents, hoping that his family can forgive him.

As his close relatives, besides forgiving, do Leon and Luo Quan have any other choice?
Luo Quan himself didn't expect that this song would bring the family of four closer together.

Before that, everyone was more or less estranged, but after the father cried bitterly, all the estrangements no longer existed, probably this is the power of the Divine Comedy.

At twelve noon on the 28th, China time, Luo Quan uploaded this highly anticipated song on station B.

The photo in the video is a family portrait of their family of four. Eric and Leon are holding their shoulders, Luo Quan and Luo Ni are holding hands. In the sunny sunshine after the snow in New York, everyone's smiles are so real.

The camera freezes this beautiful scene, and Luo Quan also shares this happiness on station B.

However, today's family portrait with outstanding looks is definitely not the point, the point is Luo Quan's song.

The title of the song is "In the Name of the Father", which is 6 minutes long and is Luoquan's longest song, and the accompaniment only lasts about 1 minute.

The Italian prayer at the beginning comes from the sixth section of the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible, which means in Chinese:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.Do not lead us into temptation, but save us from evil, because the kingdom, power, and glory are all yours forever, Amen.

Eric's pious and magnetic voice set the atmosphere into a mysterious and strange environment at the beginning of the song. There were even bursts of long singing in the distance, which was Luo Quan's singing in an operatic voice.

When the prayer was finished, the rhythm instantly became faster, and the sharp treble stimulated the eardrums and hearts of the audience, followed by a low and rhythmic rap.

This is the first time Luo Quan has rapped, but he has mastered all aspects very well. It is not as good as Lyon, who has sprayed all over New York, but he has definitely reached the passing line of a rapper.

The style of the whole song is rather sad, and there is even a series of gunshots suddenly appearing in the middle of the song, which is the most tingling part.

As Luo Quan said, the style of this song will be darker, not everyone can accept it.

But the lyrics are not as negative as its accompaniment, but quite in-depth, deeply analyzing crime and punishment, confession and regret, gain and loss, which is the essence of the song "In the Name of the Father" one.

The song came out for three hours, and it exploded, in every sense.

No one could have expected that the quality of this song produced by Luo Quan could be so high, even if you look at the entire Chinese pop music scene, it is rare!

Station B, Weibo, and Zhihu Qiqi topped the hot search list, with more than 5000 million hits on Zhihu hot list, and Baidu's hot search word "In the Name of the Father" is also among them. What's interesting is that Baidu has no There is no relevant entry, and the search is blank.

Among all the answers from Zhihu, everyone is trying their best to praise this unprecedented Divine Comedy with beautiful words. This is also the only song that no matter how you play it, no one has any different opinions!
Li Zhang, a well-known domestic music critic, wrote:

"The pinnacle of Chinese pop music has never been seen before, and it will be difficult to appear in the future!
I never thought that a song could be so rich. I used to say that the biggest difference between Chinese songs and European and American songs is the richness of song elements. Luo Quan used her talent to tell us that Chinese songs can also be as rich as European and American songs. Musical!
The arrangement of this song really astonished me. The prayers of the Italian priest, the singing of female opera singers, the accompaniment of strange timbres, the low shouts of unknown meaning, and the deafening gunshots, Luo Quan used magical techniques These elements are combined to create a song full of dark style.

This kind of arrangement technology can't make up the number of two slaps in China. What's even more commendable is that she was able to make up so many such unique timbres and use them flexibly.

As we all know, the musicality of a song is determined by the changeable melody and the unique richness of the timbre, and the song "In the Name of the Father" basically interprets all these factors to the extreme. It is the first time I have seen Such a variety of songs.

And its lyrics also contain a considerable degree of deep meaning, but I can only see a little clue for the time being due to the limited time. At least as far as the information I have learned so far, this song should pay tribute to the movie "The Godfather" , and others need me to read for a while. "

In addition to Li Zhang, there are other music practitioners who have expressed their views:

"There is no doubt that Luo Quan's "In the Name of the Father" has helped her establish her place in the Chinese music scene. It is no exaggeration to say that this song is a work that many musicians in China would not be able to write in their lifetime.

Its depth, height of thought, and richness of music have all surpassed the latitude of peers. I agree with Li Zhang's words, this song is the pinnacle of Chinese pop music!

Few songs can have such a three-dimensional story and such a strong sense of imagery like "In the Name of the Father". Many lyrics are also very philosophical. My favorite is this sentence: behind the glory is engraved a lonely !
No one knows how painstaking Luo Quan was when she wrote this song. Maybe she was only thirteen or fourteen years old at that time, or maybe it was just her sudden inspiration and a wonderful work?
But in any case, this is a work that is enough to be remembered forever by the history of Chinese music, and it deserves a separate chapter in the textbook.

As she said, this is her best work so far, and she may not be able to write a better song in the future.

At the moment when "In the Name of the Father" was written, Luo Quan probably understood how much energy it contained, so great that she might not be able to surpass it in her entire life with her extraordinary talent.

But I think, she is only this year, and she still has a long time to grow and create, maybe a better work than "In the Name of the Father" will appear in her next inspiration!

At this time, I can hardly conceal the joy in my heart. After so many years, I have finally looked forward to the moment when the Chinese music scene will regain its glory, and Luo Quan is the one who brought it back to glory with his own efforts.

Luoquan deserves to be the leader of the new generation of creation! "

The two professional musicians spared no effort to praise Luo Quan, which made the crowd full of admiration for Luo Quan.

Due to the limitations of their own music knowledge, many people don't know where "In the Name of the Father" is so awesome, but most people can still intuitively feel the difference between it and other Chinese songs.

And professionals who know the power of this song are also doing their best to analyze the power of "In the Name of the Father" for the public.

This is not an embarrassing bragging of fans, but a real and well-founded statement!

(End of this chapter)

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